Okay, I didnt think you would release this. I just can't stand this map. Not to be a turd in the punch-bowl, Spawn Killing is very easy. I remember playing this map with 5 Players. CTF was really ignorant and Team Slayer was easy to spawn kill because of the same area you respawn in. I just don't like this map period. Sorry dude. It doesn't say anything about upgrades. I give her a download and see if theres anything that you fixed or changed.
I've changed the spawns and I can proudly say that they now work the majority of the time. I did have one game where they went all funky, but for every other game since I changed them, no one has complained. I also don't understand you comment about CTF/Team Slayer. What does it mean for CTF to be ignorant? And on Team Slayer, I don't remember anyone spawning in the same area, because there aren't spawn areas (if thats what you mean). Spawns were pretty crappy at first, but its pretty good now.
It's ignorant to say, "CTF is ignorant." Just forget what devil said because I honestly don't believe he knows what he's saying. I felt the map was good but I'm just unsure if I like that the entire map is based on CQB. I'd like to see more medium range combat in this map but it's enjoyable and different (considering the BR is almost useless) as is and that's enough to say this is a fine map.
lolwut? People overuse that word so much they don't know what it means anymore. Anyways this got my attention rather well, a Foundry map from Bartoge in this day and age. I can't really tell all that much from the thread but looks like it's a lot of CQC. Guess I'll hafta DL and see. Looks good though dude.
By Ctf is Ignorant. I mean that Where the flags spawned, Where teams spawn, How the attacking team got a Rocket Launcher and the other didn't, How the map was like a maze and how the Grenade spamming down the hallway was very easy, Also the fact that CTF sucks now because of Flag Juggling.
Ok Devil, please define the word, ignorant. Your arguements are only from the loser's point of view and considering the only games I played with you on this map were consisting of team gametypes with an odd number of people, it's obvious that things would be unfair. Honestly, I think you're just complaining in general but don't know what to complain about or how to make your complaints sound intelligent. Complaining about the map being like a maze tells me that you didn't know the map's design. While it's understandable to be frustrated in that situation, you would be in anger playing any map with a complex design you've never seen. Nade spamming is not what happened, you would be naded if you were taking the flag, camping, or just rushing to the where a team was defending. Your inability to counter a tactic is not the fault of the creator. To complain about flag juggling on one map means to complain about flag juggling on any map that plays CTF.
What's your definition of ignorant bro? Lol it makes no sense when you use it like that. The map itself though looks quite fun, I really enjoy maps of these size as well as foundry maps in general due to their neatness. I'll dl for ya breax
Actually it makes perfect sense, he meant ignorant as in the creator of the map was ignorant to how CTF is played, making an unbalanced map for one team in a team based game blows for CTF. Now i havn't played it but judging on what Devil said if red team has an easier access point to rockets over blue then the map is unbalanced and for a balanced game such as CTF or Bomb the map is ignorant to the rules of CTF or Bomb. As from what i can see, corridor maps don't do CTF justice, especially if there are not many intersections or at least 1 or 2 major choke points, if the map is just tons of hallways then CTF would get really really dull. I do agree with alot of what Urban said, i didn't play said game or map with Devil so most of it could be unjust interpretations of someone who had a bad experience on said map. Just my interpretation on what was said and what i can see, i'm dl'ing and going to run some games in like ten min's and see how it pans out. Then i'll come back and edit this post on my opinions of how the map plays, looks, feels etc. Okay so this is what iv come up with, the flag placement is decent, i mean its not the best but based on how the map is built it works. Rockets, they are an equal distance from each starting team, so no problem there. Honestly i think it was a, well idk why devil didn't like it, its a decent map. Though i wish you could make a larger version with two open areas like the one above rockets and perhaps two actual bases. Still a good map. Oh i see thank you for pointing that out Urban, then yeah it works perfectly, defending team has an actual base where as the offensive team doesn't. Yeah okay idk why he didn't like it then. I like it i played 1 game of CTF and it was really fun. Really hectic i was so lost lol but iv already managed to figure the layout out.
Keep in mind that we are talking about One Flag CTF, an assymetric gametype built for assymetric maps. His arguement would make more sense if we were talking about a symmetric gametype. By the way, I understood what he meant when he said, "CTF was ignorant," but it's ignorant of him to use the word ignorant ignorantly (ignorant ignorant ignorant haha. Enough of this word).
better watch out. Wanna-be forgehub cops are lurking around in these forums making idiotic accusations of people spamming, in which i am about to get idiotically accused. OT: I usually love small maps like this, but like what urban first said, I'd wanna see some more medium sized areas so battles can take place from a distance as well, other than the straight line of sight down the hallways. However I think ninjas would love playing on CQB maps like this, at least i would
lol, new meme. Despite one flag being ignorant (when I say this I mean I just really disliked it) slayer played well, as did KotH. Weapons worked with the map and it definitely felt like I used every part of the map. As for spawn killing, I really don't really know what Devil means by it. This map is meant for 2v2ish games, not 10 person FFA.
[Devil, I'm sorry to add to your torture, but I couldn't resist.] As I know Devil did not look at a dictionary before typing (or after), I would like to give the definition of "Ignorant." (I'm sorry Urban, but I have to say the word a couple more times just to kill it) Ignorant - (adj.) lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. Devil probably thought ignorant meant "dumb." Which means he shouldn't use words he doesn't understand. About the map - I thought the map was well-forged and that it played very well. I do agree with Urban's want for a "mid-ranged update," but I feel that if that presents itself the overuse of BRs would occur (and we all know that the BR is totally over-liked), so I would suggest the mid-range update with the addition of only two BRs and maybe one sniper, both of which with limited ammo. Great post BTW.