Sandbox Multicog

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Noxiw, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
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    That was a really fun game of Gift Giver we played on this last night! 4 hogs exploding in the center = AMAZING.

    Excerpt of game conversation:
    Noxi- "Steve, do you have any idea what happened in there?."
    Nondual- "I have no idea, but it was AWESOME!."

    YouTube- Gift Giver on Multicog

    Nuff said.
    edit: (four warthog on special "Gift Giver" variant only.)
    #21 Nondual, Mar 10, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh wow... so THAT'S what happened in there... To let everyone know, that video was a seperate version of the map for a specific gametype with four warthogs. Just so there's no confusion.

    And to Scobra, thanks for your support man, it means alot. Just like you mensioned, you've helped me understand gameplay mechanics like I never had before. I would have quit forging a LONNNG time ago if we hadn't worked on those few maps together, I just couldn't get the hang of spawns and whatnot. Basically what I'm saying, you've directly helped on this map, even though you haven't. :)

    Oh, and I also reformatted the OP. It'll work with other forum skins now.
    #22 Noxiw, Mar 11, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  3. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Forerunner
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    epic map dude , i smell feature.
  4. Raakuth

    Raakuth Forerunner
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    This is the greatest map i have ever seen! This should get a feature, This should get on Bungie Favorites, This should be put as a matchmaking map. I have downloaded and at first i thought where am i then we started playing and i have to say all of this map amazed me (especially the the slightly smaller cog). Now you've just made me give up on the map i was making because this is going to beat it in every possible way!

  5. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    I Love You! Nice map DL from me and my friends!
  6. I ZSpidermanZ I

    I ZSpidermanZ I Forerunner
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    I don't know or just understand where you are finding this imagination .. or just how you developped it.. But i'm turning mad at this.. I love Forging.. I very patient.. I'm constructive.. But i'm just not able to create Those kind of crazy map :O

    Anyway .. i Liked the way you made your Middle.. I Love the fact that you can Flank the ennemy from Above.. I'm Excited to try your Man Cannon Jumps !!And you should put your Rocket at 120 Second.. instead of 90 sec ^^
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    This map has squeaky clean forging, a nice and balanced implementation of vehicles, and lots of circles. I think this map plays very nicely, and it also looks pretty for the splitsecond in midair from the mancannon. Although I do think that there are not enough ramps on this map, it's sort of geared towards jumping from cog to cog. Overall, I'd probably have to say that this map is 89% awesome.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Official Review Hub review


    In all the games of Multicog I’ve played (which is quite a few), I’ve not had one game I didn’t particularly enjoy. In the review games played: Team Slayer, Multi Bomb, and King of the Hill, all were a ton of fun, though King eventually got a little frustrating from somewhat unbalanced teams (as it should, in my opinion). All other gametypes seem like they would play pretty well by looking at it in Forge. Multicog is definitely a keeper for your hard drive, one of those maps that are great with a party and play all manner of gametype. The one problem I had were some questionable spawns at various points that weren’t gamebreaking, but worth noting.



    Multicog’s balance and design is fairly well done. Weapons are smartly placed, with the Sword up top, snipers on each end and able to get into a quick sniper battle, and other weapons well done. The only exception is the placement of the rocket lawn chair on each side that is extremely close to the flag spawns. This results in some accidental grabbing the rockets, or the flag carrier also holding a rocket launcher, and that often results in an easy capture. Overall, the routes seen balanced and fair, and being up on the top offers enough risk that it’s not overpowering, though I suspect it’s the cause of the sometimes iffy spawns. Flanking and other maneuvers are generally doable, and some interesting sight lines compliment a good mix of mid and long range battles. While I felt like I could make a gameplay-educated decision as for where to go, it was often tough to form a strategy for moving forward and taking control of an area, and sometimes resulted in some slightly frustrating times, particularly in King.



    As far as durability in breaking out of the map comes, by design Multicog is unbreakable….there’s really nowhere you can escape to. The only exception to this that I could find was that a warthog or a sniper can drive or walk around the outside of the map…this kind of thing is nearly impossible to fix on a main-level Sandbox map, but it’s there. They can go behind the base and often do very well watching the enemy spawns. However, I factor this more into spawns by itself (in Balance), and give this a perfect score for Durability.



    Multicog has an interesting aesthetic theme, one that feels as it’s part of the map and not just tacked on. Vertical ramps and an industrial “cog” look permeate the feel and environment. Interlocks and geomerges all look clean and there are no bumps or anything in particularly that seemed out of place. It can be difficult to recognize which area of the map you’re on, though, and I felt like some pieces could have been added to make the map easier to identify and thus use to communicate with your team. In addition, some of the trick jumps were tough to do at all, and even more so in the middle of battle. However, they are meant to be trick jumps anyhow, so that’s not a major deal.



    Multicog doesn’t open any particular new ideas, and while it’s not just a boring mid-level Sandbox map, there’s nothing amazingly original to it. The cog structures are really cool, and offer some interesting jumps between and nice balance of fighting on the ground level and fight for controlling the height advantage. While it’s not just a map with structures thrown about, Multicog doesn’t excel in originality and receives a high, but not remarkable, score.


    Overall, Multicog is a great map and is a keeper for any custom game enthusiasts who like their big team games. It’s quite enjoyable and fun, and while I can’t play it at an super-competitive level, it’s great for those half-competitive, half-casual parties, where you’re singing “Be A Man” from Mulan with a certain Insane54 character (this actually happened o_O).

    Enjoyment: 10/10
    Balance: 8/10
    Durability: 10/10
    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Originality: 8/10


  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Highest review yet? It is out of the ones I've seen. Multicog is really an impressive map, as I believe I already said somewhere in this thread. Once again, Great job Noxy, do more like this!
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Yeah, I believe that is our highest score yet. I'm always happy to play Multicog, it's really a whole lot of fun to play, should be a staple of any BTB competitive-casual custom games party.
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I completely agree. I got a quick look at this recently and it blew my mind. I have never seen a map that is based on what are basically giant GEARS. And i have never in my life played a game of BTB that felt cramped. IMO, this is an incredibly original map. However, I think your score reflects that accuratly enough though even if it may be a little low.
    #31 Jex Yoyo, Jun 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    How is this scores low? We just take the numbers:
    Enjoyment: 10/10
    Balance: 8/10
    Durability: 10/10
    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Originality: 8/10

    Add em up:

    Divide that, and multiply by 10:

    If anything, I'd think this score may be one or two points generous, I debated the 10/10s, but I think it warrants it, especially when you put the slight spawning issues into Balance.
  13. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I helped test yesterday and I had a pretty enjoyable experience. I felt there was no true flow from structure to structure, every game we played on it I felt lost and didn't know of the fast routes of weapon placement. The structure designs were spectacular though, I loved them, especially the center colosseum looking one. It played relatively well, but it's not a map I would ask to play again. A magnificent map, but not in my taste.
  14. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Great map man.

    I usually forge on the Sky Bubble or the Crypt because it offers creative ways to make maps.

    Forging on the main section is the hardest, but you seemed to pull it off very nicely. Everything is forged nicely and the walls are smooth and straight.

    Definite download for me. If you want, I could put it on my YouTube channel, H3Forge, to show off for you!
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Thanks for the review Insane! I'm glad you have enjoyed your games on here, and I hope you enjoy any that may pop up in the future. It's never even crossed my mind that having the rockets where they are would be a bad thing (in CTF at least) if I ever get around to doing another version of this I'll be sure to change that up. One other thing I'll be sure to address is some better call outs and other means for getting your orientation.

    Just a quick question, when you say: "being up on the top offers enough risk that it’s not overpowering, though I suspect it’s the cause of the sometimes iffy spawns" do you mean iffy spawns in terms of where I have placed them? Or in terms of the way halo 3's spawn system works with vertical differentiation? I know my spawns are not perfect (one of my weaker areas) but for the most part I hope they serve their purpose well enough. Overall, I'm very enthused about the review you've given it. :)

    Thanks man. I wasn't aware that this was the highest review yet, good to know! :)

    Thanks man, it's always nice to hear. :)

    I was also thinking it was a bit generous, but by no means would I argue against it. :)

    Yes, I remember seeing you in the party, thanks for helping. :) It's cool that it's not your style, we all have our own tastes, regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed your game on here. :)

    The difficulty of forging on the tiers of sandbox is all relative to the author, I personally feel that the main level is the easiest and the skybubble is the most difficult. It really all depends on the particular styles of the forger.

    As for youtube, do it at your own will. I'll never ask someone to promote any of my maps for me, if they happen to get featured on youtube, or forums, or whatnot, so be it, but I'm not going to go out of my way to promote them. To be honest, I design my maps around the group of friends that I play with, submitting them to forums is a secondary task.

    Thanks for the download and compliments. :)
  16. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Crowd Favorite

    I have been playing this map since you first posted it and havent had a chance to comment. Simply put 10/10. We have probably played it 30-40 times in various gametypes. Usually slayer/swat or hill games. Spectacular balance and aesthetic. I usually find a good map and make my own tweaks to it, but I could'nt find a thing I would change. Probably showed/played this map with a couple 100 players and always rave reviews.


  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I mean that the spawn system sometimes has you seeing people spawn, or in one case, while I ran at the flag, people spawned around the corner. As far as I know though, the top control may have been the cause of that...I haven't looked at your spawn areas yet, but I doubt there's much you could do.
  18. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Thanks man. :) Good to know that other players in your parties like the map as well. One thing many people don't realize about my maps, I don't even bother releasing the original version of the map. Literally, we'll play test it for a good month and a half until I get enough knowledge of what I need to address, and while I don't get them all, (Like the rocket launcher and some iffy spawns like Insane mentioned) I can generally get to most of the things I need to fix before the map is even downloadable. Like just last night, I started on a v3, even though most people would think that it's v2.

    Hmmm... Well, if you're ever on halo, I'd love to go into forge with you and see if theres anything we can figure out in that department.
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I was only talking about the originality aspect of this. I dont play many BTB maps, so that might be part of the issue, but as far as i know the majority of what i saw here was incredibly original. And i didnt know there was a way to get 10/10 on enjoyment?? imo if theres even one thing that isnt perfect i enjoy the game less, but thats just me.
    I tend to agree with the rest of the scores though, and i dont need to see your math! ;)
  20. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Judging by the video, it looks pretty sweet. I also dont play too much BTB and I have been somewhat absent from the maps forum but this is really pleasing to see. OT/ you may not be the best Halo player, but that drop from the bridge landing the assassination on the Warthog gunner was beautiful, lol. Anyway, it looks pretty sweet, and it seems to play well. I really like the layout and the name actually mathes the theme. As for the spawns, they can be very tough to get down on such a multiple leveled map so its excusable to an extent. I see you got a high review so good job on such a big map. You got a dl from me. Excellent work.

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