I'm sure a lot of you out there have heard of the "Duck Hunt" game varient. Well, a couple friends and myself played one where there were mongeese (or mongooses, however you want to say it) and we fell in love with it. My question is, do you all know of any maps for the Duck Hunt varient that have mongeese to try to get away in? Thanks in advance.
I think you may be looking for "Halo" maps. Its basically duck hunt with mongeese like you are asking. These maps have obstacles in them for the ducks though, not sure if you wanted that. Joe is outside's Halo My Personal Favorite by Shroomz uggghhh there use to be a lot more but I can't seem to find them. These 2 should be what you are looking for. Hope I helped!
Yeah it's somewhat what I'm talking about, I don't really mind the obstacles we're just having a blast trying to snipe each other on mongeese EDIT: Just checked them out, they're awesome. Really, thank you so much for those Any more that you guys have is GREATLY appreciated, we love playing these
Here ya' go. Hope this helps, Rage: The original "Halo" map! Some random "Halo" map. Another random "Halo" map. Please notice that these are all directly from Bungie.net, and that I have no idea what the quality of each map is. I would suggest you download all of them, and delete the ones that you don't like.