Just read it. Very nice. I will probably play around with it a bit, maybe give some more different examples just for some more depth and some other options and then I'll post them here.
Holy long ass post.. i read about half of this thread.. to lazy I did skip to important facts that have been stated like about how if you take the weapons away from Halo 3.. that was a very good point... Im sure this thread will help future map makers.. It certainly helped me.. IMO.. sticky this sh*t
Could there also be clip size? I don't know how this would help with forging but it might help when deciding the weapons' extra clips.
Above are just a couple of things that I want to ask about from your post. 1)How did you measure range using meters? 2)Shouldn't 'handiness' be how handy something is? Even though different weapons are handy at different times. 3)Ok, so after I've got this number from the equation you've given, what do I do with it (how does this tell me where to place a weapon)? 4) Aren't all weapons skill weapons? I mean, every weapon takes some amount of skill to be used perfectly, you could argue for example, that rockets don't because they can kill with one hit, but to use a rocket launcher properly (and most efficiently) you've got to use it in the right place at the right time, which brings me on to my next point, different weapons have different uses on different maps, take the brute shot; on The Pit, it is placed on top of the sniper tower as a way to kill people who are going below the sniper tower, however, on say; Avalanche, the brute shot spawns near the camo and is useful for flipping vehicles as they go around the corner from Lower Keyhole. Please keep in mind that weapons are also placed (on the default maps) where they will be useful. There are quite a few other problems with your post but these are the things that are bugging me. I don't want to sound like a **** but your post isn't too close to perfection. But I can tell that you spent alot of time on this write up, and it would be unfair for me to go and write my own version (which would probably still be far from perfect).
Yeah last night i spent five hours making this really pretty section with all of the different Item Properties for the weapons..... and forgot to save it. So once i redo it it should be good. It probably will be less frustrating this time around because i dont even think i even needed the pictures for that one because they were almost meaningless. <3 Thanks RST! Ill adress the last paragraph first- HELL yes its far from perfect. Thats how i know that almost two thirds of the people who post here didnt read the whole thing; if they just say "yay its good sticky it/forging 201" then they obviously didnt. My goal is to get it perfect and thanks to people like you im getting much closer than i was. 1) I said meters because a meter is a little bit less than one step for me, and Master Chief is supposed to be seven feet tall so i though it would be close. It is actually more like steps. I think i might go back and change that one. 2)Handiness is used on my drivers lisence, and my birth certificate, to label if i am left or right handed, as well as on drumsets to label if its for lefties or righties, so i assumed that it would be okay to use it here. 3) Nothing. Thats just to explain how i rated each weapon. I beleive that you must know and understand everything about what you are using before you can use it. By knowing how a certain weapon works, you can better guess situations where it might be needed and therefore be located within a map. The equation was so that i dont have to spend an hour explaining to somebody how i calculated RvR, lol but obviously it didnt help 4) Technically, you can define skill weapons and all of that however you want, but skill weapons in my use have a 2 point k/d differentiation between skilled and unskilled players. That is HUGE. The second part of this is something i was going to cover, but i couldnt think of a way to do it properly. I am still working on that right now, and it will probably involve moving a lot of things around between the Basic and Advanced Placement Stratagies. Anyway, im working on that as well as several other things but ive been sorta neglecting this one. Once i manage to fix the two things in relation to this im working on, ill start on making a better section for advanced weapon uses, or something. All in all, goddamn microsoft word put me way behind on the Item Properties crap, so it might be a while before i can adress this stuff properly. Thank you for the help and suggestions, and please offer any other advice you have. Edit: @xWooden leafx: YES!!!!!
I think when you are talking about moderation of weapons you have to take into account what is your starting weapon: BR or AR? Sandbox, and every other Big Team map does not need many BR at all, because it is a big team map and thus any game you play would most likely have BR starts. When I play Guardian, maybe about half of the time I play with BR starts so one BR is fine. I think you should add a little section about that, because BRs are kind of a controversial issue and whether or not you want your map to be played with BR starts will affect how many BRs you actually place on the map. (This is kind of why not many people put ARs on a small/medium map, because most of the time you are spawning with an AR). I also don't really understand what you mean by a main weapon and what you mean by the middle of a map. Would you consider the rockets on The Pit to be in the middle of the map? And would the rockets be the main weapon of The Pit? (I think so). Finally I think you should add something about how this is just a theory that you find to work much of the time. And then say like if the reader did put two rockets on the map, or put it in the middle and the map worked fine when tested, then you shouldn't change it because of this. (This is more just to make the post more formal I think, and to stop the whinners that go around and say someone did something wrong because it doesn't abide by this theory, even if it worked)
Hot damn, YoYo, this is awesome. Especially since I'm kinda new to competitive maps, thanks for the huge help. Damn good info in this, I can't wait to put it to use. And BTW, its as pretty as it needs to be, don't listen to anyone else
1)I tried to take that into account with the Competetive/HardCore section of this, im seeing that i didnt do a good enough job obviously. Ill see what i can do to edit the moderation section of this to adress that better. 2)The rockets ARE the main weapon on the pit, or the focul weapon. And i dont always mean in the middle of the map, i meant in the middle of the largest area of gameflow. Where most of the action occours. The Rockets are balanced out by the Sword, Camo, and Shotguns. 3)xWooden leafx brought this up too, or something similar. Im working on finding several custom maps that are great examples of how to place your weapons and utilize the different tips, and hopefully all of them break at least one rule so that i may properly prove that point. As a general announcement, i completely forgot to add equipment to this list As soon as we beleive that we have the current content as close to perfect as possible, i am going to have to add equipment stuff and that will effect almost everything.
I finally just added a MASSIVE 2000+ word section. Now i dont have to do that again =D I have a feeling the word count will be closing 10,000 by the end of its life. Easily the most ive EVER typed, even the giant ghost merging tut thread i wrote up was only 2000 words. Anyways, my next two tasks are finding custom map examples that have excellent use of weapon systems (all suggestions eagerly welcomed,) and adding a section about how each weapon can have specialized uses depending on its location, and they are up to the interpretation of the forger. Yeah...... as soo as my hands start hurting from all of this typing i am going to take a bit of a break. Jesus its so many words!!!! lol by now ive actually memorized the entire Halo 3 weapons list and can recite it in alphabetical order
this is a great tutorial, but I must say I disagree with the grenades part. I go out of my way to get grenades and I normaly have about twice as many sticky kills as I have with a normal weapon.
we are talking about frags a lot here, and most people use guns. and the fact that you can move around the map to get nades is what he is saying, but when getting nades you should never have to move into an area which you wouldnt naturally flow through. @ death- im not going to be able to get many bios, i have a weird school calendar and i have some EOCs and stuff coming up. i should be studying right now actually. i understand you have a lot to get to, and i will help out when im done with my tests.
Not something you should be bragging about........ For the first part, thats exactly what i was gonna say. You should never have to go out of your way to find any grenade ever, they should just be in commonly accessed areas. @Wooden leaf: its totally fine. Im just glad that i am getting any help at all Just added a section on Item properties last night, also added a short little section on Weapon Use, which is what IDave the Rave was talking about. imo, NEEDZ MOAR PICTURZ. Im going to try to make some kind of banner that i can use to replace the headings for the five major topics, the ones that i have used as anchor points. Just for prettyness. If anyones got any suggestions im open.
Yeah, ill bow down to somebody who knows this stuff way better than i do lol, im going with the second one. I like the space theme quite a bit honestly Thanks again RST!! I actually mean to get one for the title too, but ill make that one special, unless you got that too already.