Do what the title says. Either find some lyrics that are really meaningful to you and analyze them and explain why, or just comment on somebody elses lyrics that you like. Please, no spam. Only post if it is well informed and thought out. No "Oh i like that and i agree" posts either. If you say something, you must bring up something new that we havnt discussed yet and explain why you brought it up. Here is my meaningful song of the moment, 'discus' Lateralus-toolBlack and white are all i see in my infancy. Red & yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, Lets me see. As below, so above & beyond, i imagine. Drawn beyond the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend. Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind. Withering my intuition, missing opportunities & i must Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines. Black then white are all i see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, Lets me see there is so much more & Beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities. As below, so above and beyond, i imagine. Drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend. Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind. Withering my intuition leaving opportunities behind. Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line. Reaching out to embrace the random. Reaching out to embrace whatever may come. I embrace my desire to, I embrace my desire to, Feel the rhythm, to feel connected enough to step aside & weep like a widow to Feel inspired, to Fathom the power, to Witness the beauty, to Bathe in the fountain, to Swing on the spiral, to Swing on the spiral, to Swing on the spiral of Our divinity & Still be a human. With my feet upon the ground i lose myself between the sounds & open wide to suck it in. I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up & reaching out. I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me. What ever will bewilder me. And following our will & wind we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end & may just go where no one's been. Spiral out. keep going. Spiral out. keep going. Spiral out. keep going. Spiral out. keep going. This is a song i was just listening to. Its pretty epic, and by the best band ever. Anyway, look at the first two verses; they are both based on the fibannoci sequance, or the equation where you always add the two previous numbers that goes like this: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13... Anyway, the theme of this song is to spiral out, grow, and always get larger and more outward becaue the random is what makes life worthwhile. Spiral out, spiral in. Look at the pattern of the sylabbles in the second verse. Black(1)then(1) white are(2) all i see(3) in my infancy.(5) Red and yellow then came to be,(8) Reaching out to me,(5) Lets me see(3) there is(2) so(1) much(1) more &(2) Beckons me(3) to look through to these(5) infinite possibilities.(8) As below, so above and beyond, i imagine.(13) Drawn outside the lines of reason.(8) Push the envelope.(5) Watch it bend.(3) It goes 1,1,2,3,5,8,5,3,2,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,8,5,3. If one were to graph the fibanacci sequence, it looks like a spiral. So this would spiral out, spiral in, spiral out a little bigger, spiral in a little less. And the theory behind this is that you should continue doing this forever, to live life fully. There are so many more examples of this within the song, but it also sounds so badass. I really love this song because of what it says about how we should live, and because i really like the theme of "Spiral out, keep growing, and embrace the random." It significantly influenced how i live my life.
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" Only words from The End, the (technically) last song from The Beatles. Pretty self explanatory, though it has often been taken as a sexual reference instead of what it should be, what love is about, and not necessarily in relationships either - love in general is far more reaching than just that limited idea of it. There are other great parts of this song, a fairly symbolic 3-way guitar in "battle" form, very simple piano chords at the end, nice orchestra ending with perfect closing tones. Here's an idea I had a while ago which uses the words from The End with an empty picture of a piano in Abbey Road (The Beatles' recording studio, also used for legends like Pink Floyd and such). Hari really managed to perfect it though, so there's that. YouTube- The End- The Beatles (Abbey Road) And here's the song, though it's very low quality.
We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down, Never gonna run around and desert you, Never gonna make you cry, Never gonna say goodbye, Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see (Ooh give you up) (Ooh give you up) (Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up) (Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up) We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand I don't think I really need to explain why this song is so meaningful.
Welcome Home (Sanitarium) by Metallica "Welcome to where time stands still no one leaves and no one will Moon is full, never seems to change just labeled mentally deranged Dream the same thing every night I see our freedom in my sight No locked doors, No windows barred No things to make my brain seem scarred Sleep my friend and you will see that dream is my reality They keep me locked up in this cage can't they see it's why my brain says Rage Sanitarium, leave me be Sanitarium, just leave me alone Build my fear of what's out there and cannot breathe the open air Whisper things into my brain assuring me that I'm insane They think our heads are in their hands but violent use brings violent plans Keep him tied, it makes him well he's getting better, can't you tell? No more can they keep us in Listen,we will win They see it right, they see it well but they think this saves us from our well! Sanitarium, leave me be Sanitarium, just leave me alone Sanitarium, just leave me alone Fear of living on natives getting restless now Mutiny in the air got some death to do Mirror stares back hard Kill it's such a friendly word seems the only way for reaching out again." I love the lyrics in this song because I can sort of relate to it in a way. The song is probably about a person who is locked away in an asylum because people think he is crazy. However, the "insane" person is annoyed at how stupid some people are to think that people who think differently must be locked up. However, the "insane" person is much more sane and logical than the people who threw him in his cell. Towards the end of the song, his annoyance turns to extreme anger takes revenge on the others for what they have done to him. I hate it when others criticize me just for not doing something they way they do it. One day, I feel like my ideas will get me somewhere in life while they will be bored working in places no one wants to work in. That is why these lyrics mean something to me.
@ Insane54= Yeah i totally agree with you on that. I have heard this song many times, and had people tell me its about dirty things and that i must be bad because i listen to it, but i dont think it is at all. I love this song, because the instruments are just as important as the song, and they add so much to it that most people dont really appreciate. MOUSSE!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO thats spam (((( Please stop...
You mean The End? It's fairly obvious that wasn't the intention, in fact once John misquoted the lyrics "That's Paul again ... He had a line in it, 'And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give,' which is a very cosmic, philosophical line. Which again proves that if he wants to, he can think."
Ive never heard/seen that quote before o.0 I find that some people take that the wrong way easily, and i find it a little peeve of mine. But, music is an art that is open to everbodies interpretations so who knows, they may be right... I certainly doubt it but the only person who can tell us for sure is the guy who wrote it. And im not on a first name basis with him unfortunatly. However, i really do enjoy the song.
Invincible - Muse First two verses: Follow through Make your dreams come true Don't give up the fight You will be alright 'Cause there's no one like you in the universe Don't be afraid What your mind conceives You should make a stand Stand up for what you believe And tonight We can truly say Together we're invincible Gives me a fuzzy warm feeling every time lol Seriously though, I love this song. Really makes you feel like so long as you have someone you care about in life, you can endure whatever life throws at you.
Sometimes by James Probably the only love song that has actually really spoken to me, and the cynic in me hasn't found cheesy or lame in some capacity. The metaphor and the imagery is all very clever and powerful, and the music behind the song is so simple yet works so well. And a marvellous vocal from Tim Booth as well. Noone's ever heard of James but they're a great little band, and their songs all have wonderful lyrics as well. I have listened to this song time after time and will continue to do so for a long time. Really for me, a timeless classic. I have one more from them, which is on another, more serious topic. The lyrics for this one are just beautiful, yet tragic. Lullaby by James It's a little difficult to decipher at first, but he wrote it about his friend who was abused as a child. I think he sings it from the point of view of his friend as an adult, looking back on his childhood, speaking to his childchild self, whilst standing outside his old home, which is now "in ruins". Hence the constant switching between, "your", "I" and "we". He's sort of comforting himself, and I just think the lyrics are astonishingly beautiful and powerful. And the way he sings it also sends shivers down my spine sometimes. Well I hope you liked my two James masterpieces .
Ahhh! Fine, I'll edit. Anyways, I do like your choice, Yoyo. I love when artists put little hidden messages like that in their songs. Those are pretty sweet lyrics too. To me it seems like he is saying that he felt this experience of growth when he was born and now he will do whatever to expand more, to understand more, to feel more, and to be more.
^^^^^^^^ Third most played song on my ipod. I love it because technically it is a politicial song against insane asylums in general, and how they just imprison totally sane people for no reason. But, as music is open to interpretation James Hetfield also allowed for the feeling of being hated for being different, and the sadness that goes with it (listen to the guitars) and then how that depression turns to pure rage and animosity, until you have to do something to prove how you are special too, no matter how bad it is. Great song
Somewhere Over The Rainbow By Israel Kamakawiwo'ole A truly beautiful song. It holds personal meaning to myself as it was the music played at my dad's funeral (he passed away about a month ago). He showed us this song a few years back and loved it, it was one of his favorites. Vid: YouTube - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole'- Somewhere over the rainbow lyrics