Sandbox Kings On Castles

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sparky09, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    Kings on Castles
    By R34P3R 0F D34TH and ianian 58

    Map: Sandbox

    Story- That is it. We will no longer hear the opposing Castle. We are done with this endless war. There is no other way to end this rain of hell. We have to kill him. We have to kill their King. Grab your swords, this War ends today.

    Gameplay Description- Ah the game of Kings. Two teams put to the test of better swordsmen, to fight to the death, in the hope of killing the opposing King. Each Castle gets a King, King dies, round ends. Simple isn't it. Two castle, and one long bridge separating between them. Both of the Castles are hovering over the endless waist-land of skeleton's, brave soldiers who have fallen off in a hope of victory. Collisions of players will burst into each other, using your teams sheer amount of numbers, and brute force to push through the enemy castle. That is your chance to Kill the King.

    So how does it work?
    Well let's see, these are your Castles. Hovering over the trails of despare.

    The Red Castle-
    Both Castles, consist of a "ground" level room. This is the room that your Kings soldiers will run out of, into the bloody battlefield awaiting their deaths.

    The Blue Castle-
    The rooftop, has two large staircases leading upwards toward them. Simply put, you walk strait up onto the rooftops, where the King usually perches. But watch your head, the Kings guards might be waiting for their chance to strike.

    The Castle Interior-
    Ah this is the Interior. You'll see the rooftop staircases right in the entrance of the Castles. On both sides of each Castle, there are two spawn rooms, equaling four a Castle. With all of these different Spawn rooms, you'll notice Knights will have a rather difficult time killing each other at spawns.

    The Rooftop and Staircase-
    The Staircase starts directly in front of the Castles entrance, leading strait up into the rooftop. From the rooftop, your King and Knights have a birds eye view of the battlefield.

    Types of Soldiers-
    The game of Kings consist of several different types of soldiers, plenty of which all play a particular role. Each one has there own traits.
    The King-
    The King is, the most important aspect of the game. There are two Kings, a King a team. One slice from a sword will kill a King, but that doesn't leave him defenseless. He is equipped with a sword in case of emergency's.
    King Traits-
    Shields and Health- No shields
    Damage- 100% Damage
    Movement- 90% speed
    Radar- Enhanced Radar, 25 meters
    Forced Color- Gold
    Waypoint- Visible to everyone

    The Knight-

    Ah the Knight. You have two goals as a Knight. Kill the enemy king, and Defend your teams King. Knights travel in groups, or alone, and kill enemy Knights in order to get towards the opposing Castle.
    Knight Traits-
    Shields and Health- No shields
    Damage- 100% Damage
    Movement- 100% speed
    Radar- No Radar
    Forced Color- none
    Waypoint- No Waypoint

    Armored Knight-
    The Armored Knight is a Knight given his Black Armor from a Custom Power-up. The Armored Knight is given a greater strength over his fellow Knights, and can take an extra punch from enemy's.
    Shields and Health- 3x Overshields
    Damage- 100% Damage
    Movement- 110% speed
    Radar- Enhanced Radar, 25 meters
    Forced Color- Black
    Waypoint- No Waypoint
    Custom Powerup-
    The Custom Powerup bears the ability to give a Knight a Black, Armored Armor.
    Spawn- Inbetween Staircase
    Spawn at Start- No
    Respawn time- 90 seconds

    The Game-

    -VIP Gametype
    -6 Minute rounds
    -6 Rounds
    -1 VIP
    -VIP dies, Round ends
    - 5 Second Spawn Times
    -Recommended Players- 8-16

    The Beginning of the game, all players spawn on rooftops, and jump down onto the bridge. The begging is important, and shows which team will prove victorious. The beginning of the bloodshed, two large teams, swordueling it out.

    -Whenever a Knight dies, he respawns on the first floor, in the spawn points on each side of the Castle.
    -After a minute and a half into the game (4:30) a Custom powerup spawns, and will continue spawning throughout the game.

    Other Gametypes-

    While Kings is the main gametype, 3 other gametypes support the Castles map variant.

    Capture The Flag-
    -10 Second spawns
    -All other traits are the same
    -Custom Powerups apply
    -Recommended Players 8-10
    -10 Minute Time Limit
    -3 Scores to win

    Flag Carrier Traits-
    Shields and Health- No Shields
    Damage- Instant Kill
    Radar- Enhanced Radar
    Movement- 50% speed
    Waypoint- Visible to everyone
    Forced Color- Gold
    Assualt--Neutral Bomb
    -10 Second spawns
    -All other traits are the same
    -Custom Powerups apply
    -Recommended Players- 8-12
    -10 Minute time Limit
    -3 Scores to win

    Bomb Carrier Traits-
    Shields and Health- No Shields
    Damage- Instant Kill
    Radar- Enhanced Radar
    Movement- 75% speed
    Waypoint- Visible to everyone
    Forced Color- Gold
    -7 Territories
    -All Territories are unlocked
    -5 Second spawns
    -All other traits are the same
    -Custom Powerups apply
    -Recommended Players- 8-16
    -3 Minute time Limit
    -3 Rounds

    *Downloads Coming Soon!*
    Action Shots!

    We've got this

    Should we launch the Catapults sir?

    I've got this

    Fight To the Death-

    March Onwards!
    The Game of Kings is a wild, big team game that simply begs to be experienced. All Downloads are below, and thanks for your downloads.
    Special Thanks-
    -ianian 58- Sort of helping forge, and inspiring me to forge this. A good friend.
    -Pipo Slayer- Really took a liking to the game, and has shared it to everyone that he get's the chance to. A great friend, and helped make this map a reality!
    Downloads- (thank god I don't have to do any more)

    Gametype - : Halo 3 File Details

    Map - : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Sparky09, Jun 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This looks like a great map, and it looks like you put plenty of time into building it, but try this to dramatically improve the possiblities of your map, and since you used such a small number of objects why dont you just take the time to make the castles and the paths between them super-omg-epic aesthetically??
    #2 Jex Yoyo, Jun 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2010
  3. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really medieval and cool. with lots of people you could have a lot of fun. my one recommendation would be making the paths between the castles have some more cover

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude its an all swords game so why on earth would you need cover? all the cover would do is get in your way. sparky the game you have created here is clever. Battle man is wrong about having cove. so don't worry about anything that relates to adding more of something that you really don't need. Great job to the guys who made this map and the cool idea of making a map suit a sword game type. props to you guys!
  5. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. As a matter of fact, since we made the map supporting all other 3 other gametypes, I really didn't have much more items to work with. Hope everyones enjoying the map. Ill work on getting the links for the other gametypes up later on today.
  6. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Concept looks good, forging not so much; in the first two pictures, there are numerous places in which the map could easily be fixed up for a smoother build to compliment the cool concept. Specifically, the wooden bridges don't make a smooth, even path, nor is the construction of the spawn hives particularly tidy. Moreover, making a landing instead of a dead end at the top of the ramps inside the castles could be a nice addition to prevent people from blindly walking off. I'm not trying to be a pain, but whenever making a map|game-type combo, you don't want to make a fabulous game-type which won't be equally fabulous when implemented on the supplied map.

    Food for thought.

    #6 Moxus, Jun 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2010
  7. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

    Likes Received:
    I can easily understand that. The map may be rebuilt, but I found that this map was fun enough, and people came back again and again. I might recreate it, but I think I'm done forging in Halo 3.
  8. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    I'm working on getting the other links up, I completely forgot about them.
  9. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please do- they are important. It is cruel to provide a description for a game, and not give DL links.

    Ah, the review. The game sounds simple, which usually are the best. I agree with Moxus though^ you need to fix up the map. The most essentials are the landing after the second staircase. Each one leads off of the map. Also, the tube spawns are poorly put together and a dead-end for anyone who goes the wrong way.

    Finally, I would make the wooden bridge either wider, or I would put angled edges of thin wood strips on the sides, so that people are less likely to fall off. As for aesthetics, Im not going to go there. I think if you look around this site or other forging sites, you will see how visually stimulating people want their maps to be.

    One last tip- you mentioned running out of objects due to spawns and objectives. Of note: If you delete them from the original Sandbox, you do not get them back for free- it costs an object. But if you delete them, you do not get an additional object. The best way to do spawns and objective points is to move them, without deleting them, from the original Sandbox onto your map, and only delete the ones you do not need.
  10. sum1youdontknow

    sum1youdontknow Forerunner

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    Do you mind if i take this idea and use it, but make a different layout of the map? I think i have some good ideas XD
  11. bob4010

    bob4010 Ancient

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    in my opinion this map would be cooler if yo widened the walk way and gay it a "stable" filled with "horses"(mogoose)

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