I did. JUST GOT THE ****ING SCROLL FOR REGICIDE. **** YEAH. i need to have 53 agility tho, thats 170k exp. wat do!?!?!?
Brimhaven it the **** up. Regicide is fun. NOT its just full of getting poisoned. I need like 60 something agility to do the Inferno Adze, but pure cba.
Will do. got antipoison, i suspected that. epic name tho. Got a cannon, gonna go test it out in the wildy --- Ive already made 500k
I find it frustrating that I can't go kill someone and get their things in a PvP world, and that it's "randomly generated" drops replace their items.
Yeah, you know, I think I might give it a shot again. I'll be on in 7 days or so, since I forgot my passcode for my bank account, so I can't access anything in my bank, and it said that it will reset within 7 days. If I really decide that I'd like to play, I'll get my membership back and go pwn some noobs.
I think I might buy a month of membership because I AM SOOO BORED of Xbox LIVE right now. No games to play and no work to do...
Obvious and already said fact is obvious and already said. --- My cannon broke! :C Oh, well, it made me 1mil
You're not the first one to say that, you're probably up there in the hundred millions, but it's still fun, what have they ruined? PvP?
Cursing being the most important part. They only censor words that have to do with sex and jacking off, but there are still ways around it. i.e. "fuc" is not blocked when "****" is. You can say ass, damn, etc.. Pking yeh, agreed, they shouldn't have messed with it. Autoing...I'm lost.
you can still say things like "F this" or "BS" or "go to hell" and so on. On another note. Im going to start recreating Castle Wars on Halo 3 as a mini game. Im thinking of finding a good co-forger. It will have a loadout system to choose between using melee (swords, hammers), range (guns- need a good bow and arrow weapon- so sniper...) and magic (plasma weapons) It is pretty difficult though because there isn't that much of a variety in combat styles that mimic Runescape's (like there are only 2 melee weapons and they are all exactly the same) and Runescape's combat is about stats while Halo 3 is about skill.
EDIT: my post got duplicated for some weird reason. Delete this post if you are a moderator reading this.
I'm definitely with you there, I'm for sandbox, and teleports to the underground tunnels instead of ladders.
SCAR is pretty much useless now though. It was the best autoing client. And yes, you can merchant and PK, but it's not nearly as fun as it used to be.
With all due respect, I think if you're paying five bucks a month for this game's membership you might as well add another ten and try out World of Warcraft, which is actually a quality game with legitimate mechanics. If you're playing this as a nonmember its understandable though.
I actually already did this . Nothing I want to play on xbox and leveling in Runescape is ****ing boring and takes forever. I recommend the free trial. Played it two days and I'm hooked lol. If any of you guys join up, join pvp realm medivah.