Very helpful resource right here: Learn lucid dreaming quickly, easily, and best - Home - Lucidipedia I'm working on the skill myself, I had my first lucid dream about a week ago.
I tried doing this a couple nights ago due to this thread. I laid there for 45 minutes until my arms and legs were completely numb and felt paralyzed like it mentioned. Then I imagined as if I were being sucked into a deep dark void, deeper and darker. I figured that would help put me to sleep. It worked by me imagining going deeper and darker into a void. Then retreating/holding a bit. Then going deeper darker and repeating till asleep/dreaming. Instead of going into a lucid dream though, my eyes starting fluttering uncontrollably and I felt like I was having a seizure. ****ing weird ****. Then I couldn't fall asleep for like 3 hours. I was so ****ing tired the next day. Once summer starts I'm going to lucid dream. Right now, I need my sleep.
I don't really know if what I'm about to say is connected but anyway. A lot of times I feel like my mind wakes up before my body. I try extremely hard to move, but I can't. I can usually finally force my eyes open, and then I wake up fully. I'm going to try to have a lucid dream tonight. Also, what if you could have a lucid dream forever?
Dude, i totally know this feeling. Its trippy, and i really like it because i am awake but still dreaming. Cept when i didnt get enough sleep, becaue then i just feel more tired -_- Anyway, ive seen this thread several times but never paid any attention to it until just now; guess what happened? I had one such experience. I was asleep having a strange dream that i think was inspired by the art from tool (best band ever, craziest album art ever. Check my avatar <.<) And then i think IT happened. Coolest moment ever, IMO. .....trippy.......................
I dunno if it's lucid dreaming or what, but here's an issue I've always had regarding my dreams. I sometimes get really confused whether I'm recalling a real memory or a dream. There have been times when I'll dream something, forget I've dreamt it, then some point later on (weeks usually) I'll recall the dream but I'll think it's a real memory. I've gotten better at separating dream from reality but when I was younger it caused me real trouble. I honestly believed I could fly once because I thought I'd recalled myself doing it, remembering how it felt, what allowed me to do it, everything. I went to show my parents and jumped off the couch...needless to say it didn't go too well! Thankfully now-a-days I have a firm grasp on what's possible in reality so I can easily dismiss those "fake memories". I still have the odd problem now and then when I'll dream an event that actually occurred but then have the dream go off on a tangent. Say, for instance, I dreamt I had a birthday party where I went to Alton Towers, but that actually happened. The difference might be that in my dream I went on different rides or some such, so later on when I talk about it in the real world my friends will be like "what on earth are you talking about? We never went on that ride!" and I'll be like "Oh...crap". Those are the hardest dreams for me to separate because they're intertwined with real memories. I dunno if it's tied to Lucid Dreams or what, but there you go!
I still have that problem today. I'd always dream about boring things like doing my homework or talking to someone so I get reality mixed way too much with dreams. It's not lucid dreaming it's just a sort of rare memory problem according to my doctor. And What's A Scope, that's called sleep paralysis. Just be thankful it isn't the hypnagogic kind.
I tried it again a couple of nights back, but it didn't really happen. You know when you get that falling sensation in your sleep, and it sorta ****s up with your stomach for a split second before you wake up? Yeah, I had that, but for like five solid minutes, it's the scariest thing I've ever experienced.