Ok, so I made this earlier: However; I dislike the text, so I'm wondering what you guys think I should do with the text. Please, suggest some fonts, text locations, anything to do with text I will try out! Here's the version without text in case you want to see it:
I think it might be cool to place the text along the object's neck. and bend it using the arch transformation thingy in Photoshop. (I use that all the time and I still forget its name) and match that bend with the bend of the neck. =)
Ahh yes, I never thought of that, I'll edit this post in a few minutes when I've done it. EDIT: Ok, I tried placing the text along Lugias neck, and I don't really like the result.
Do you think it should be curved on his stomach, or should i have the text like in the original? EDIT: Curved text on the chest would be way too small, so I tried this:
Sorry for not clarifying, but what you have is what I meant...I like it better than the two you've made personally.
hmm, im not sure what it is that I don't like about that one, i think its the best so far, but im not sure if i like the text being... closed in? I just think it looks wierd.
Move the text up about three pixels or w/e it takes to not be touching the border with some space in between... I don't really get it, on my screen it just shows a pixelated lugia with a border (I'm in oldschool?) so yes, can't really cnc...
I feel like you should move the image to the right, and have a larger sized font (styled like your first one) in the remaining space on the left hand side.
Ok, I think this did improve my signature a bit, even though I only moved the text slightly. Ok, I tried using the font 'nevis', but I still prefer the Arial version to be honest, any good font suggestions you think would work? I also tried moving it to the right a bit and increasing the font size by 2, I don't think it really did much for the signature. Is this better? I know I didn't add anything, that's because I can't think of anything to add. So I cropped it instead. However; I really don't like the cropped version, any suggestions on what I should add?
Ack! No! C4Ds are bleh in most cases! The sig is great as it is, it's clean, it's exciting, and it's got an okay sense of motion. Lighting need not apply. I'd suggest making the text sharper, it looks too muted.
Dave. Whatever you are doing with that Lugia. Stop. It looks really badly pixelated, and I can't get over it. I quite like the white background. Perhaps use an overlayed larger version of Lugia in the BG. Text-wise, I liked the chest-text quite a lot.
Ok, the lugia looks really pixelated because of the effect i used on it, im considering blurring it a bit, also an overlayed version of lugia sounds like a good thing to try! EDIT: I tried to overlayed Lugia idea, and I quite like it, I did two versions, one using the same render, and once using another (still of Lugia), anyway, tell me which you think is best.
No one's gonna say it, so I'll just take the fall for this. Dude, no disrespect, but before you can give out some advice to people, you should improve on your own skills first. Once you've proved yourself to be a good sig artist, then your advice will be taken more seriously. Two things may happen in reply to my post: One, someone will defend you and say that I'm being mean. Two, someone will agree with me and probably follow-up on my statement. BTW, I agree with luckiesnipes, but just tone down the opacity of the big Lugia a bit more. After that, we'll see if it improved.
I'll do both? Defence: You are being slightly douche because everyones opinions matter. Even if he is just starting out he may have noticed something or thought of something to do. Offense: You're right because he is still in the beginner/novice/learning stage and can't quite pull off a good sig yet he shouldn't really try to judge others. He should continue to practice and then give his advice. More skill = better cnc.