Are you asking what things you need to include in the script? Like asking if you need to write the camera placement somewhere in the script?
guess it doesnt make sense. No, my machinima is a parody of machinima (it isnt a parody at all, but that's the best way of putting it. It is commenting on machinima, by being a machinima. I'm asking for specific things machinimas generally incorporate that are unnecessary or done badly. Headbobbing is an example
Ah, now I remember you talking about that. I don't think you really made that clear in the OP, but people were taking a pretty big leap assuming you were asking how to even make a machinima. If I remember correctly you're having characters comment on things actually happening in the machinima, like the camera and subtitles appearing on screen? Use slow motion and maybe some grayscale shots.
That would work. Pretty well. And it would be awesome. My friend's in hospital for some reason. I think he's getting his appendix removed...
You could comment on the fact that they all use overly-dramatic music and camera shots, like super close-ups.
not quite, still only halfway through the piece. need to refine the bit on the camera, just introduced the Narrator, which is Black pretty much playing himself. Still have quite a bit more to go.
Black Theorem is the narrator. Yavi is one of the protagonists, I'm the other. Though I might drop out as the second VA if I don't find I can act well.
OMG I just ran into Tom Cruise and I was all like OMG that's that crazy scientology guy. And he was all like OMG it's that kid from the internet. And then I was like OMG and he was all like OMG. OMG