I recently started building a new symmetrical map with a stronger focus on lines of sight and different height variations. The map is turning out great and the aesthetics are simple and pleasing. However, the part that I planned out is only the middle part of the map. So, I still need to make both bases. However, I'm not actually asking for an actual design; Instead I wanted to know what you think makes a good "base". Any ideas?
Your base serves basically two functions. First, it serves as a spawn hive and should offer more than one cluster to spawn in. Second, it needs to create interesting objective gameplay. Look at what your favorite objective maps do with their objectives, and ask yourself what makes those maps fun to play. You'll be looking at the difficulty getting in versus getting out, access routes, and line of sight.
different height levels is the best. also, never too big, just mellowed in with the geometry on the outside. also, color coordination. good traffic flow throughout the base. i like valhallas accesibility, with different height levels that are unlike any default base. i love how fast you can go in and out of valhallas bases, how you can pop in from the front and jump out of the mancannon. i dont like constrictive bases, or formidable bases that are hard to get into.
Better yet, don't make a base like what your thinking of, but just use a part of your map as the base. Like Blackout, or Cold Storage, or Sandtrap, or Contruct, or even Epitaph. Symmetrical 'bases' are done way to much any more.
That really depends on what you want the map to look like. Even thought this should be done for almost everywhere on your map, make sure there are multiple routes in and out of your bases. Because bases are where people spawn a lot and objectives are commonly held, players will need multiple paths to take so the enemy can't easily trap him.
Alright, thanks for the feedback. I had a basic design in mind before but it only had two height levels (and the second level was only at the main entrance). There were three entrances but it seems like it wouldv'e been pretty easy to spawn-trap. Should the majority of spawns be in the base or should half be in the base and the other half elsewhere on that teams side of the map?
Take a look at Valhalla or The Pit or MLG Onslaught. You definitely want spawns in the base, but you also absolutely need spawns outside of it as well. Also, don't lock yourself in to building a "base" like Valhalla has, you can just build an interesting side of the map and let most of one team's side serve as the base like Narrows and The Pit.
Yeah, I wasn't going take the Valhalla technique as far as the base goes, but Even the pit has a base of sorts in between the shotty and sniper spawn. Anyway, I'll try to get some pictures up soon (of the middle portion) so everyone can get a general sense of what kind of map I'm going for.