I am <3ing the feeling. Great flow. The scan lines kill it a little though. I understand it was kind of for effects though. nice job
Yeah, see how I blurred the crap out of 'em? That was an attempt to get rid of them without undoing later layers...Didn't work... Glad you like it
Uhm.. On the left side of her face, what's up with the black stuff covering her mouth(?).. It seems kinda strange the way the scan lines go in front of the person and disappear behind the cloud/ground shape thing on the left. Some parts of the hair look really pixelated and the far left part of it is extremely blurred, but this is intentional? Overall I actually do like it. The colors are very soothing and it's got a good feel at a quick glance. I kinda wish I could see more of the girl.
the "black stuff" is shadow I think, if I'm looking at the same thing as you. And yeah I know about the scan lines...Must I mention the massive blurring attempt? Yeah, kinda over sharpened the hair, and I didn't mean to blur it that much...And sorry bout the girl, but that was the stocks fault.