I first started playing it when I was 13, back in the very original forms of runescape, it was called... DeviousMUD, or something along the lines of that... (not my image, I googled it) But then when they upgraded to the "original" that most people know, I kept playing it with my buddies in typing class, would go home, turn on my dialup internet, and play it there too. Played it all the way up to the rs2 beta, played it for about a year in rs2 (which then adopted the name Runescape, making the old 3D environment, 2D item/player based game Runescape Classic) I believe this was.... 2005 or 2006. Haven't played it since, but it was very fun, and I enjoyed most of my time on there. Actually, I loaded it up once, maybe 6 months ago, and played for about a half an hour just to see what its like now.
It was better when there wasn't so much of this "anti-scam" BS. No more drop trading, a really stupid trade limit and it takes too long to get anything worth while. On the other hand, Its a good thing to have as a fall back when you 'Box breaks.
omg, i started runescape when it was stlill classic, and i thought it was the best thing besides golden eye on the n64
I might actually try to play this game again, though I'll have to see if I like it still. It's really only good if you're a paid member.
Runescape is epic! It's the game I play when I don't want to play Halo 3. I've been playing it for at least 4 years. It only rocks if your a member but that's really cheap (cheaper than xbox live gold) and there are loads of people to hit with a giant carrot whilst wearing a chicken suit (yes, you can do that). I like the sence of humour that Jagex puts into the converstaions. And to all those people that say 'Jagex ruin game!' I agree with them to a certain extenct but I would say 'Bungie ruin game!' more...(OMG don't hurt me!)
uhh... isn't the membership 6$ a month? so that adds up to.. 72$ a year... thats quite a bit more than xbox live.
I hate everything about runscape. The people don't even get pissed off when you troll them WoW is tank, or at least it was. I've played pretty much since it came out and they just killed it in wotlk. EvE online is where it's at. -Cheaper than WoW but more than runescape. -Just about fully player run. -Everyone on the same server. -Many many different things to do. -The mother of all sandboxs. -you can haz raid boss. Then get swarmed by 200 guys and say "get the hell off me, get the hell off me!" So... EvE online = pure win. Get a free trial and you'll see just how mean it is. Although it's pretty hard to get used to when you first start since the games so dam huge... (Anything's possable = huge interface) It's still good as hell and when you know everything you can do on EvE... you go on worms and use the HHG!!! Just strange how little people know about EvE.... PS: Runescape sucks!!!
If you hate runescape, why post in this? Just to advertise EVE online? Each person has different preferences for games. Some guy might like WoW, and some other guy might like EVE.
I LIKE RUNESCAPE!!!! And to be on topic. Orange is trying to get stuff for some reason, so what's a good weapon lvl 70- atk and armor that's lvl 66-?
Got guthans spear.It's great but not sell-all-your-****-to-get-1.3mil great. still gonna keep it. Suggestions for weapons? i want the greataxe, i dont have 70 strength tho Does it matter what you train on?
I might buy a 1 month of membership for nostalgia purposes. Also Orange, train on the "Experiments" in Frankenstein's cave in the Mort Myre area (I cant remember if all of the names are correct, but its the swamp). They do 0 damage for 99% of their attacks, but their HP is incredibly high. You don't need to carry many items, just bring Strength weapons and train on them. Maybe bring a tiny bit of food for when dangerous random events attack you. Also, Im pissed. I worked my ass off (scamming and such) for all of my Dragon armor (bought chainmail when 25mil, legs at 12mil, boots, gloves, helm at 1mil, etc...) and all of the Barrows sets (for around 20mil or something) and now it is all worth a HUGE fraction of the original prices. Yes I remember the things I bought a really long time ago because it took me so long.
If your not going to buy the whole set of Barrows armour then the weapons aren't usually very good. So if you don't have the armour I suggest the Abby Whip cause that was pretty boss when I played
The greataxe is ****ing amazing regardless. The whip is the best but 4mil My Problem: I'm doing underground pass and i'm at the VERY end but i cant do the agility jumps to get to iban, i can do like one then fall. Wat do??!?!?? --- FINALLY ****ING BEAT IT!!!!!!!!!!! Should i do regicide now?
You guys are making me want to play runescape again. Orange, add carlin444, I'll skype you when I'm getting on. Also add me glascow.