I have 2 Ideas that might help you 1. Go into a store and buy a 3 month 2. Wait 2 weeks, go outside in the meantime, the sun is shining
well not sure if wat i typed didnt make it clear or anythn, but i cant go to the store to get a 3 month right now. which ill get in 2 weeks. and actuly i just started playing xbox again, 2 weeks is a long time, i can go outside and play xbox in the same day. and the sun is maken it 2 hot to spend a longg time outside unless u go swimming. which doesnt happen too much in nyc. (but i am goin on sunday xD )
It's not, really. It's sad that you are so depressed about not beeing able to play online for 14 days that you come on a online forum and beg 3 months of people you don't even know. Within those 2 weeks you would be able to go swimming 14 times, not once, meet a girl, party with your friends, do anything, but when you can't afford XBL (or whatever your reasons are), just don't use it until you are able to. Don't get into depts because of something that stupid.
lol do u live in nyc? going swimming is a trip unless u wana go to a public pool which is dirty. Im not depressed over not having live, i just would rather have it instead of not having it, so i came onto a gaming community to ask some1. Forgehub is a gaming community, whats wrong with asking another member for some help? As for being in debt? how am i guna be in debt if im getting it for sure in 2 weeks? As for being able to do other stuff instead of xbox. Each day is 24 hours i wake up at 7:30, i spend 5 hours at school and then do that other stuff till arround 9. Having xbox live for an hour or 2 before i go to sleep just makes the day better. Im not asking for reasons why i shouldnt be asking for some help, im asking for help. ur not going to just dont post. I have a map i want to upload and i cant till i get live, i also wanna play a little. Thats not stupid thats knowing that i might not have to wait 2 weeks if some1s kind enough to help, so why wait? Hence the reason i said i would be happy with a trial card. (enough time to upload a map and films to my fileshare)
Make a new gamertag and you get a free month of live. When it asks if you want to buy gold say no, then it will offer a free month. I did this while banned for 2 weeks.
thx for the tip i allready used it up tho. 1 for my main acc when i made it, 1 for my hiding acc and 1 for my booster lol. wish i didnt use it at the time now --- o hi addison lol
This, only because no one with 5 brain cells would even THINK about giving you their XBL Tag. Your offers are stupid, since someone could get an ACTUAL signature maker to make them one, for FREE. Also, anyone who actually cares about getting levels 40 - 50 in Halo 3 are complete nerds and they have no lives whatsoever. Your montage making skills are very below average (from what I've seen on your channel, you're still using Windows Movie Maker) and you only have 10 subscribers, which are probably all your friends! You could probably find all the jumps you'll teach them on a simple Google or Youtube search. Your spelling and grammar are terrible. I know it's the internet, but you could've at least put SOME effort into having a decent deal. That's all I have to say.. for now, at least. EDIT : I've used the 1Month Gold XBL at LEAST 5 times, try it.
For one Gr4phix, why would I care about grammer on the internet. Like you said, it is the internet. 2. For using windows live moviemaker, the editing is decent. 3. I dont pay attention to how many subscribers I have. I upload stuff because its fun. 4. I guess alot of people are nerds for caring about levels then. Though I agree rank means nothing, I make the point that someone who has not passed a rank of nineteen would be speaking more from anger of not being able to get a high rank, rather then from knowlage of playing the game. 5. If they are all my friends, then why does it show different friends then subscribers? Lets think a minute... 6. Nowhere in my messages am I asking for someone to give me their xbox live gametag. (Thats stupid. No one would and I wouldn't either.) I was asking that if someone still has a free account left on their xbox, if they could make it and let me use it for two weeks. (A new one) 7. I learned how to make signatures from a signature maker. (I am not talking about Forgehub signatures, I am talking about Halo 3 Screenshot signatures. Found on your fileshare) 8. How can they be googled if I invented a few of the jumps? As for being simple to find? I have not found tutorials on some of the ghost jumps I would teach. 9. The offers for xbox membership are not supposed to be too good. Im offering what I can promise in return. If it's not good enough for you. Dont respond. I'm not really trying to make a deal, I'm asking if someone can help me and trying to offer something back in return. 10. If you recieved more than 3 free membership accounts like that, your xbox is glitched and you should be very happy. I have tried it and I no longer have the option for a free membership. And last but not least. I find it EXTREAMLY funny that someone feels the need to try to express what other people would consider a rude responce as a coherrent and intelligent answer, when infact, your grammer and sentence structure is incorrect. In the words of a little obnoxious kid. "EPIC FAIL KID!"
I agree, Gr4phix, ur dumb if u think u should respond to somethin like this if your not going to help u should consider either mumbling on to YOURSELF about how much u hate him or just ignore it
lol w.e threads closed, dont respond anymore, point bein people see it as a place to start arguments. Anyway i took the time of looking his acc xnubchubx account up, the reason he thinks people are nerds is because he hasnt gotten past 19 lol. CLOSED WAIT FOR SOME1 TO LOCK
i have one account left with the month free.i may use it for u but id need a better offer.because A i can do all the screenshots u have 2 offer B i can get 2 a 50 in swat if i can be arsed and C jumps and that nope
o cool. well idk what i can offer you, if u have any ideas feel free to message me, i only need it for arround 2 weeks also. umm what do u need? and jumps are a no but for my interest, why dont u like jumps? i love them lol
Oh god... you shouldnt post threads of this kind because its just insta troll. keep it on the down low e.g. in the shoutbox and VMs. honestly, learn play offline. but i guess you kids never had PS1
ps1 is boring now compared to live and i see wat u mean about the troll lol. forget it. and idk wat i can offer 2 besides that stuff. unless u can think of somethn nvm i guess, ty anyway. jumps are usefull tho if u master them. meh i love jumps lol xb ty again.