Unfinished Map. Need Help with some Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pzycho, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Pzycho

    Pzycho Ancient
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    This is my first attempt at Ghost Merging. It's about 2/3 of the way done, Scenery-wise. If you have any Ideas that might be good, that would be helpful. I'm thinking of a few Arches made of Bridges somewhere, to add some cover.

    If you have any ideas, that would be helpful.

    (Rendered Video Coming Soon)








    Like I said, this is my first Ghost Merge, so it's probably not that good.

    I've already added some more things and gotten rid of the 2 Open Single Boxes along the ledge, for my own reason.

    NOTE: I can ghost merge 3 more Open Single Boxes and that's it.
    #1 Pzycho, Jun 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    If want some inspiration download my map Gyroscope.
    The map looks pretty decent. Try adding some more cover to the ground floor, it looks a bit open. Also possibly add in some larger structures to the central area to block lines of sight.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Looks nice, but the walkways on the door side could just end up as BR ownage for one team. The bottom and the opposite side are a bit too open but I'm sure you will improve that for the final version. Just be sure play flows smoothly between the ground and walkways.
    Hope to see this out soon.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Hahaha NIIIIIIIICE job with that advertising. Im proud of you ;)

    Anyway i agree with what Crypto said, the map needs a large structure (like a base or something) that will add an actual path to the games flow and block some of the massive lines of sight. This map looks like someone took a perfect map and removed the buildings. So maybe try a couple simple bases for starters, and see where that goes? It doesnt really matter but that is the ONLY thing your map is missing. But because of that it seems like its really open and lacking so much more of the important details.
  5. Pzycho

    Pzycho Ancient
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    Well, the main reason I don't know about that is

    A: I've got 1 of each box. Can't ghost merge those anymore. Same with walls.

    B: It's FFA

    C: It's oddball.

    Thanks. I'm hosting a Beta Session with an interesting Beta of the map. If it doesn't work, I'll add some sort of base somewhere.

    I've made a beta if any of you would like to be a tester, just add me as a friend. Taint3d M1nD
    #5 Pzycho, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Umm actually there is a way to ghost merge the last of an object, but im not sure how... gimme a sec and ill have it for you. Also, if its an ffa oddball map i would consider cutting it in half, so that you have more objects to build UP with, and then making it asymmetrical. Take a few glances at guardian too; its the only map that doesnt fail at ffa oddball. This is a difficult thing to do, so ill be impressed if you pull it right.
    Honestly i can see this map, with just a few tweaks, being a great mlg warm-up for me and my buddies. So ffa slayer possibly should be considered as well.

    Ghost Merging the last of any object
    "You know how there is always one pesky item left on your object list after you've ghost merged the rest of them into your map? You could always geomerge it, but that went out of style ages ago! Well Mr. Fancypants, here's a tutorial that will show you how to ghost merge that final object on the list. Here's how it works: First, will need to spawn that final item and dummy it. Next, you will need to dummy a second object of the same type (make sure you set this one to "Never" respawn). Well, you already have a map full of them, so why not use one of those? You should use the Up+A method to dummy here, and we suggest selecting an item that is partially interlocked or suspended in the air. That way, the object will move away from its tear drop on its own. Now that both objects are dummied, carry out the ghost merge process as you usually would. Just grab the item that remains at 30 second respawn, wait till the other one disappears, and then set the run-time minimum to full. Place the object where you'd like it, and then start a new round to set the "Never" item back to its original location. You just ghost merged all the objects on your list!"

    ---Thats from the forging 101 tut page. It feels awkward having to look up a technique i discovered and managed for like two months.... haha i guess i fail---
    #6 Jex Yoyo, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  7. Pzycho

    Pzycho Ancient
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    So, wait, the ghost merged Item will remain in place, right? The one I'd have to dummy that's already in place?
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The teardrop of the dummied objects stay in place until you pick them up, so as long as you remember which object was already merged, you can let that one despawn, ghost merge your final object, and the dummied object (not the last one) will spawn back in place the next round.
  9. Pzycho

    Pzycho Ancient
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    Phew.. I'll probably try that, as long as I don't screw up the dummying T.T
  10. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Make the middle platform one column that goes to the ceiling, so it blocks the line of site when your on the opposite side of the map. Bu maybe leave a little hole in the middle for the sword like in Warlock (I think).
  11. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Before you try it, save your map. Then if you mess up DO NOT save your map and quit the game. You can start the game back up and all will be fine. Don't worry, I know I would screw that up also. :)

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