My brother got me started, my wife leaves the room if I talk about it, so I'll talk about ti with you guys, lol. My name on it is Prosper1776, in case anyone else plays. about stimulatin some interestin conversation?
RuneScape is soooooo four years ago. There is absolutely nothing to do as a free member and if I was to go on again, I'd troll the Grand Exchange selling nothing for nothing.
I haven't played Runescape since 7th grade, ever since I understood how the game mechanics worked... which was very repetitive. I watched my brother play a few times, and it does look like it changed a little. I have a few questions: Whats the Grand Exchange? Also, didn't it used to have '1' as the integer for damage and health? It seems like now everything has been multiplied by 10.
i played yesterday after a lot of months of nothing. Theres a new skill! Although its not really a skill, more of just a piggyback off of slayer. dungeoneering. Oh well the game is alright, but i wish i could still drop trade that would have given me a little bit more playtime with it
I played that game like an addict in like 7th grade. I made millions by scamming people and just predicting prices by using objects like stock. That game really got boring to me. I revisited it a few years ago because my Xbox had the RROD and it was a boring summer. They greatly improved the graphics/animation, but the game became too work based. It really isn't fun unless you can invest years into boring work which seemed fun in elementary school, but it lost it's luster by the time that everyone grew up.
Here comes another 9000 replies saying "Haha runescape sucks. But I used to play it religiously when I was younger" oh and Haha runescape sucks. But I used to play it religiously when I was younger. Got to level 98 I think. Started it up 2 years ago just cause my xbox was broke. Made a few million in the bank, then I reinstalled gw and never looked back.
Runescape used to be relatively fun, but then Jagex ****ed it up when they introduced the Grand Exchange, removed the Wilderness, etc.
Runescape sucks. Its a horrible game. Its a waste of time that jagex ruined a long time ago. It now is filled with sucky gameplay and endless amounts of time being wasted skill training. But i started playing it like 3 days ago, i already got muted >.< Fun but a waste. I still love it.
The grand exchange is like a big, universal ebay for every item in runescape, selling player-to-player. They did take away the wild in some worlds, now they have servers though where you can fight/kill anyone anywhere, not just the wild. The working, legitimate economy I find very interesting, and it's depth is respectable, especially since it's written in java. (Java sucks)
The grand exchange im neutral about. It added the wealth transfer limit, so no free stuff to people anymore but it also took out the days of mindlessly trying to sell. Also, is it even possible to do merchanting anymore with anything besides party hats? It seems like that died. Im getting members soon so ill give more feedback on other changed ****.
I got a bit tired of Runescape. I think I was like a level 76 or something, and I'd just gotten my Defense up to 60 last time I'd played.
Runescape is stupid. I hate it so much, I hate the repetitive gaming, the stupid music, the horrible attitude of anyone who has a higher level than you, I hate it. But I still play it with Orange a lot.
This thread gave me the curiosity-based urge to go back online. I found like 4 of my old good friends and got their gamertags. yay.
...Java doesn't suck. For games it may (not all games) but in no way does it suck. And I never liked runescape. I'd personally play WoW, but I don't like that either. I hear it's a lot more fun.
Eh, I have a genetic dislike for Java. and Wow is for people who have the time and $ to a video game, which isn't me. And Loscocco, is that screenshot old? How'd you get it to look the old way?
I agree, but it's fun to play when there is nothing else to do. Are you still up for walking and/or riding bikes two miles to go get membership cards?
Who wants a free lvl 72cb acc with over 1000 skill level? I don't play this game anymore. It's nothing special. Maybe 700k in items. Idk, I might keep it, pm me.
The repetitive gameplay is apparent, but it doesn't really bother me, actually, repetitive gameplay is fun to me, and when you think about it, isn't Halo that also? Matchmaking to go kill people, customs to go kill people (customs/forge provide a little variation) but it's still the same concept.