Sandbox Hoverdangle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Debo37, May 31, 2010.

  1. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    My dear friends, I present to you a map that possesses elegance in its simplicity. Hoverdangle is the result of many months' testing and tweaking, and I'm proud to say that its final version is all I hoped it would be.

    But one question remains. Are you ready to get dangled? You'd better be.


    Hoverdangle is an inversely symmetrical Sandbox Crypt map designed for 2-8 players. It supports all default gametypes. Team games are best for this map, but it can support FFA games of 4 people or so. The map is a fully enclosed playspace. As such, it occupies about half of the Crypt's available space. It's completely inescapable, so don't worry about that. This map has been designed with a certain playstyle in mind - close quarters combat. Despite some long sight lines, a fluent wielder of duals should be able to hold their own against an adept BR user. Vertical combat keeps things interesting, and is a core component of this map's gameplay style. Additionally, this map was built around an interesting power weapon whose potential hasn't really been explored fully: the Sentinel Beam. Fear it.


    The map itself is laterally centered along the gold line in the Crypt, but it isn't centered otherwise. This creates an environmental effect that effectively divides the map into quadrants for easy reference - one half of the map is darker in terms of ambient lighting, while the other is well-lit. At opposite sides of the map (against the Crypt walls) are the Red and Blue lights, respectively. Thus, each quadrant of the map is either light and red, dark and red, light and blue, or dark and blue. This allows a player to instantly ascertain their position upon spawning per the lighting of the environment around them. Because of the map's inverse symmetry, "light red" corresponds to "dark blue" in terms of geometry, and vice versa.

    Red Stair

    Blue Stair

    Red Bottom

    Blue Bottom

    Red Courtyard

    Blue Courtyard

    Red Bubble Shield

    Blue Bubble Shield

    Red Top

    Blue Top

    The Roost

    Bottom Mid

    Comparison of the Middles

    Looking from Blue Base's Bottom Floor toward Red Base's Bottom Floor

    Map Layout/Design

    Hoverdangle is inversely symmetrical. It focuses primarily on two vertical layers: the more open ground floor, and the upper catwalks and tunnels. There are six direct access points from the ground to the upper levels, and many more if tactical jumps are considered. Each base has a two block-height staircase at its far back. Starting from this back staircase perspective-wise, the following describes the map's structure. The left stairs go up to each base's small top floor, and the right stairs go down to each base's pillar-filled ground room. The top room of each base has one exit across a precarious bridge to an open Corner Tube, which leads to what's known as "the Roost," the centered, highest elevated portion of the map where the Sentinel Beam spawns. The bottom room of each base has three exits evenly spaced across the entirety of the inside wall. The center door is shielded. Those three exits lead to each base's "courtyard," a long, open area divided from the rest of the map by walls and connected by hallways. The aforementioned bridge overlooks this entire area. From each courtyard, one can head to the left and ascend a staircase directly to "the Roost." Between each base's courtyard (on the ground floor) lies the main central hallway, whose floor is the Crypt's gold stripe. The Rocket Launcher drop-spawns in the center of this area. From here, there are two one-way Teleporters that lead directly to the Roost. However, using them is risky because people can feasibly camp the Receiver nodes. It's advised that players use another route to the Roost, but the Teleporters can certainly save lives in certain situations.

    Now that that attempt at describing the map's layout is out of the way, here are the map's specs:

    2 x Carbine @ 45 second respawn (1 spare clip)
    2 x Battle Rifle @ 30 second respawn (run-time max 8)
    4 x SMG @ 30 second respawn
    4 x Spiker @ 30 second respawn
    2 x Plasma Pistol @ 60 second respawn
    2 x Plasma Rifle @ 30 second respawn
    2 x Assault Rifle @ 30 second respawn (run-time max 8)
    2 x Needler @ 60 second respawn (1 spare clip)
    4 x Spike Grenade @ 45 second respawn

    1 x Rocket Launcher @ 120 second drop-respawn (0 spare clips; run-time max 2)
    1 x Sentinel Beam @ 150 second respawn

    2 x Bubble Shield @ 120 second respawn

    The two power weapons on the map are the Rocket Launcher and *gasp* the Sentinel Beam. The entire map is designed with these weapons in mind, and those of you that don't think a Sentinel Beam fits "power weapon" classification will eat your words the first time you're barbecued by its orange beam of death. The Sentinel Beam has gained the lovely nickname "BBQ Beam" by people that have helped me test this map.

    Enough blabbering. Time for a couple of action pics!


    Get BBQ'd.

    Download Hoverdangle Here!

    Thanks for reading, and enjoy the map!
  2. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    I know this is a bit off topic but how or why did you post it if fileshares arent working??
  3. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Close Quarters Combat? Check.
    Vertical combat? Check.
    Supports dual wielding? Check.
    Doesn't focus on BR's? Check.
    Unique, unexplored power weapon? Check.
    Download? Check.
  4. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Hmm....... looks like a great map. I haven't seen many maps with (a) sentinal beam(s). I'll remember to give it a DL once Bungie fixes the custom content DLing problem :D
  5. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
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    found someone who is a bk? Check.

    your dumb BR is a good weapon and duel wielding really? wow let me guess you like shield doors too hmmm?

    @ Debo37 I like the maps layout but when you incorperate things in the game people dont usually use it makes the game unfamiliar to everyone, ex. shield doors, equipment, etc. it makes people get all pissed when you start shooting someone you have like 3 shots into someone then go behind a shield door and wait for you with a close quartes power map (you feel jipped) or a bubble shield :( but still like I said I like the layout and all together thats just my opinion.
  6. Bobby1985

    Bobby1985 Forerunner

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    oooo senital beam, reminds me of the focus rifle :) looks like a cool map with an interesting layout. A DL from me :)
  7. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    omg omg like omg look at this a new map from that kid from the mountains! well the map looks swell and the layout is very solid, had a great time playing some slayer on it. Very very sexy i must have played 12 games in it and they were all great!!!!!!!! what a swell map! 10/1000000! man this is really a swell map! dl from me! ill dangle all over this map ;]
    #7 Paulie Walnuttz, Jun 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
  8. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    This map is fun as balls. Nothing more needs to be said. Although, it may not incorporate crazy, off the wall aesthetics, it brings some of the best gameplay to the table and I'm proud to say I was a tester for it. A truly amazing piece of work.
  9. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    @ Noirtatsu:

    *I was saying how the BR is overused. Sure, it's a good weapon, but only "pros" use the BR most of the time; they obsess over it. It has it's advantages and disadvantages, but at some point you gotta draw the line. Otherwise, all of Halo 3 would turn into a BR-focused MLG Pro killfest. You gotta the consider more than one type of player. It's nice to see a map that doesn't focus only on that weapon.
    * Dual wielding is a technique that, while it has its disadvantages, can be used quite effectively with the right combination of weapons in the hands of a player who knows how to dual-wield properly. I see it as an underrated technique that certainly has potential, and, once again, it's nice to see a map where dual-wielding is encouraged.
    *Shield doors and equipment add a nice twist to the gameplay. Only "pro"/"MLG" players such as yourself would NEVER consider adding them into a map, because you think it somehow takes away from the game. You may not like it, but it's not all about kills. Part of it is about tactics, a dimension which some of these objects add to the game.

    *If you disagree with me, fine. But there's no need to be **** about it. Please be more considerate when you visit Forgehub, and try to respect both other's style of play and opinions.
  10. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Duel wielding owns a BR at close range. s0 ur a stuped :p

    I love the weapon choice for this map, all of the weapons provide a variety of strategies for players, like camping with PRs or roasting from range with a sentinel beam. I'm a bit confused by the layout, but I'm sure a few custom games will change all of that.

    Just a query, why are there random plasma grenades at the top of the map, down those little tube things? Easter eggs?
  11. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    If anymore flaming ensues I will be giving out infractions.
  12. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
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    Im not being a **** its just tht its a part of the game I MYSELF dont like if you like it fine but dont expect for someone like me who likes mlg settings and gameplay, which is a big portion of people in the halo world, to KEEP the map once i download it, i like the layout but i dont like the kind of gameplay it comes with it and im not going to alter the map its ot mine to just stating how if i made the map how i would make it
    Really? ok i understand tht duel wielding would beat a BR close range but its still my opinion tht it takes more skill and dont get me wrog i dont hate all automatic weapons in fact i have a bit of respect for the AR mainly because ive been playing halo since Halo:CE...well thts about all i can see fit for saying right now :D
  13. Fatgezzer724

    Fatgezzer724 Ancient
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    From the look of this map, it reminds me of cold storage, Mainly with the weapons and teleporters, As with all maps like this its hard to get a idea of what its like from pictures, Maybe remove the roof of the map to give us a arial view of the map. On the whole, Unique and may play well. 7/10

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