Lucid dreaming

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, May 28, 2010.

  1. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Last night I had a really intense, realistic lucid dream, and this is the first time in my life I've ever remembered dreaming. It was very vivid, things like flying felt so genuine, and the wind rushing past me was so real. Usually, I don't ever dream, or remember it, the only previous things I hear about me doing in my sleep is occasionally snoring a little, or having a nightmare at three.

    A lucid dream is where you realize that you're in a dream whilst dreaming, and you are able to react to this subconsciously. You basically have total control over what you're doing in this dream, what you see, who you see, what they do etc.

    Anyway, I seemed to wake up shortly after doing this, barely able to breathe. I was staying over my girlfriend's that night, apparently waking her up promptly after I did. Also it was my birthday, I'd just finished most of my exams, I got to see relatives I barely see, and things were slightly out of the ordinary, compared to a normal day. I don't have any mental disorders or physical disabilities (that I'm diagnosed with, at least), so I don't particularly know what could have triggered it. I'm mentally healthy, have no issues or psychological problems or anything of the sort.

    Anyway, I've been fascinated by this, and did a little research on it.
    Apparently, psychologists have heard many reports of this, and it is relatively rare for some to have, and not many people will ever have one. This applies mainly to people who are thought to live 'dull' lives, and not enjoy themselves often. Physicists don't often come across them either, and this is because of things like mental attachments, and stress across life. In reality, you know that it is impossible to use telekinesis, or teleport, so your brain is unable to generate this subconsciously for you in a dream. It is therefore, much harder to get past this if you aren't able to lose these attachments. Artistic and imaginative people come across lucid dreams much more often however, as they are able to accept changes and adapt to this quickly, without dwelling on the reality of the subject. It is also claimed that reading books, playing games, watching films that disprove these mental attachments helps you to do this as well. One other thing holding you back is mentally believing that you cannot dream, or be in any other reality than the one you are comfortable and familiar with. Once you are able to get past this as well, and are able to let yourself go with whatever you can create without thinking, then it is thought possible to have lucid dreams. Things that can influence these dreams are listening to things as you sleep, sleeping in different places, in different positions, and holding things whilst you sleep.

    Anyway, this completely astounded me, has anyone else come across anything similar?
    Please discuss, and help prove I'm not crazy :D
    #1 Camel Carcass, May 28, 2010
    Last edited: May 28, 2010
  2. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    I've wanted one of these, they seem awesome.
    I found this thing [off /b/] on how to do them (not sure if it works). I wanna try this sooner or later though.

    And no, your not crazy, just an EXTREMELLY lucky bastard :p
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Wow, that seems pretty weird, I'll try it and get back to you, although I somewhat ex[ect it was a one time thing.
    Anyway, thanks!
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Read this.
  5. cortinator

    cortinator Ancient
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    Wait, you mean this song


    I've actually uh, Lucid Dreamed(?), a couple of years ago. I dreamed I was fishing on a boat and I was able to react to myself pulling up a Marlin (or some other big fish).
  6. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Lucid Dreaming is awesome.. I had about 2 in my life time..
    But its private though -_-
    But I can tell you that.. everything is realistic.. EVERYTHING
  7. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Someone had sex.
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Interesting read, thanks Bloo Jay.
    I also tried that little guide orange posted, and it sort of worked for me, although it only lasted about ten minutes. It seemed to have more of an effect on me when I woke up, it was like all my muscles were tensed up, particularly between my shoulders, and I was sweating all over. It seemed to be what I can guess, more like turtle's experience, it was mostly sexual, quite different from before. It is really difficult to ignore the impulses, and it really does take about 20-30 minutes to 'hallucinate' properly. The trick is to not try, just create a 'wall' between where you are, and where you really are, lying still, ignoring itches and twitches. Try to not think that you're making it up, let it take you, without thinking too much about it. My body somewhat pulsed a couple of times as well, but this was mostly from my head and neck, it was quite strange. Anyway, it's a very weird experience, the lucid dreaming, it's definitely worth trying, i'll see if this persists.
    And in the meantime, I'll keep gaming. Video Gamers Can Control Dreams, Study Suggests | LiveScience
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Isn't it more likely that you're not actually controlling your dreams, but just dreaming that you are? Problem is, you'd never know if this was the case or not. The subconscious is a tricky *****.
  10. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    My thoughts exactly.
  11. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I think.
  12. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I once had a dream in which I feel asleep and was dreaming. I flicked a light switch in the sub dream and got nothing. Now this made me realize it was a dream causing me to wake up from the subdream. I was annoyed in the regular dream that I couldn't stay in dreams. LOL
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'v started writing down my dreams today merely because i'v been remembering my dreams every night for the past 2-3 weeks. Give it a few weeks time and hopefully i'll have some formulae.
  14. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    I tried that article Orange posted.

    I always become aware of my breathing, and it always keeps my chest from being numb and paralyzed like the rest of my body, I was able to half-dream, and feel as if I was moving my legs and arms even though I wasn't, but still couldn't get into the whole dreaming thing. I was lying still for about an hour, too.

    At first I was frustrated, then I rolled over to see my wife. In reality it's better.
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    My dreams are very real. I actually enjoy them most of the time. If I ever Lucid dreamed though, I think it would be amazing.
  16. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I've heard of some computer freaks saying they've had drop down lists in their dreams.

    I had nothing last night, and I didn't try anything to induce it, so it doesn't look like something I'll be able to do all the time without trying. And I'm shattered tonight, so I'll just collapse soon, but tomorrow night I'll try again, and see if anything happens. And what does happen doesn't compare to reality, but it definitely beats just thinking, pretending or imagination capabilities. It's kind of difficult to explain, but it really is odd, but fantastic. I've also been expecting crazy criticisms, but everyone seems to sound familiar with this, whether they've experienced it or not. It's obviously a under-discussed topic, dreaming, has anyone had any particularly out of the ordinary dreams or nightmares that they're comfortable enough to share?
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Strangely, the past 2-3 weeks i have remembered my dreams every single night. Completely different from the normal 1 every few months i have been accustomed to my entire life. I have taken to writing them down, and for the past few days have had 2-3 different dreams each night. They are definitely becoming more complex and detailed, as i begin to understand their traits more. However, upon reading what i'v written i can find no trends whatsoever. It appears that some are just random recollections of what has happened the day prior, and some have much more depth and meaning.
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    This. Tried it for like 45 minutes, then I my dog scared the hell outta me, and I had to start over, so i just fell asleep.
  19. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Okay, I'm going to thoroughly search for advice on how to do it, because it's really got to me. I'll be sure to tell you tomorrow what's happened.
  20. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    According to a library book, the best time to to it is at a cortisol/melatonin high, at 4-5am, because if you got to bed a similar time each night, it's the legitimate worst time to do it, ever.

    Also, something about imagining a feeling sensation you feel very often, like a pen in your hand.

    According Dr. Stephen Lebarge, one must go to sleep, wake up for an hour, then go back to sleep, and that you need one hour of 100% darkness prior to going to sleep.


    1. Wake up at 3am
    2. Stay up until 4 without turning on any lights, practically just sit there
    3. perform sleep paralysis
    4. Go lucid

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