If you could play a map made by any combination of forgers, who would they be? MINE: AceOfSpades, Urban Myth, GunnerGrunt, Ell3ment, Cosmic Rick, and I Cottage I. What's yours?
Is this a suck up thread? hmmm there are a lot of good forgers. Not that I would want to FORGE with them, but play maps made by them. 1. Cannot think of his name... Started with like a P or an F maybe.. He forged a long time ago and mostly on foundry and he was accused of modding (which he did) his maps a lot. 2. Gunner. You have relatively flawless object placement and you follow sketches really well. 3.Makisupa. he has/ had some of the most original ideas on sandbox AND makes them look good. 4. Felipe Dos. You have a lot of original ideas and you present them well (8 emerald legs) 5. Chrst. The forging on Conflict maps was fantastic and must have taken a lot of patience. I'm not so sure that these people would get along or anything, but the potential for excellent maps is endless.
well hmm, Moi,titou du 78 thats probably it.because i like being in forges and titou is just epic at it.
I am so sorry but that was a very dumb thing to say! Obviously Hysteria is the better forger ^_^. Um' I think my dream team would be Fritzter, Insane, MetaWaddleDee, Vodka Fountain, GunnerGrunt, Ell3ment, and Noxiw. And like Spawn of saltin said, "I'm not so sure that these people would get along or anything, but the potential for excellent maps is endless."
Yessss.. Thank you so much for remembering his name. I was looking around forever trying to figure out his name. Yeah he was crazy awesome at forging, especially in its earlier years.