Sandbox Pogonotrophy

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, May 25, 2010.

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  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Co-Forged By: Vorpal Saint, Insane54, Devinish, and Bloo Jay.
    Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA, Odd Ball, Team Ball, Crazy King, and Team King.
    Recommended Players: 4-8

    Background Story (special thanks to Black Theorem for this bit, and testing):
    We all know about the Spartan projects of circa 2552, setting the foundation for the best soldiers that humankind has ever put forth into intergalactic battle. But there was another secret that ONI had developed and toiled over for 315 years. It was called the Spratan Project. In essence, ONI scientists had realized that the Spartans, when coming home, needed the best home possible for maximum effectiveness on and off the battlefield. They poured hundreds of billions of dollars into making the first Smart Home and roboservant for a Spartan. The initial prototype showed much promise, with many features that any homeowner would drool over. Expansive rooms, transport lifts, and numerous self defense mechanisms caked the structure of the house. For the christening, the scientists used a holographic projection device, and gave it a medieval castle look. Pogonotrophy, as the prototype was later named was released at the same time the initial Spartan I project was launched. Of course, later installments to the Spratan A huge party was held in celebration for the launch day, and many government officials, CEOs and world leaders attended.

    But then the unbelievable happened.

    One scientist, whom we have never found the identity, added secret features to this prototype, the major one being a time traveling particle accelerator. The accelerator was activated when a Spartan tried the dishwasher at the release party. After a blinding green and blue flash, only the charred area where the house once stood and a mess of bone and blood populated the show floor. Many believe this was the moment that the house was thrust into the sand dunes and catacombs of ancient Egypt, where many a tribal Spartan fight to secure the technologically advanced prize.

    Brief Overview of the map:
    Pogonotrophy, in simple, is an asymmetrical map that has two main bases. One base has mainly routes to it and is kind of more open while the other is a bit more centered around close quarter combat. There is a few points in the map that make valid line of sight blockers and areas to give spunk to the map.

    Map's Weapon Loadout:
    We thought it'd be a good idea to be varied when it came to having guns on this map. We put some maulers, a flamerthrower, rockets, a missle pod, a warthog, mongoose, camo, OS (to make moving around easier), snipers, pistols and plasma pistols. For equipment we have trip mines, regens, power drains, and bubble shields. If you'd like you can start with BR's... though we found them to be a bit much and enjoyed ARs much more. To each their own though. If you feel like BR's suit the map better as a starting weapon, by all means... go for it.

    Ok, now on to the part that matters most. The screenshots. Eye candy, if you will. I'm sure you're all dying to see the map after reading the wall of text above... and this very text here. I must say for some reason a lot of my shots were deleted, so I only managed to get three, but these three do give you a good view of the map. Enjoy.




    So! I hope you like our map and download it to try it out.​

    If you missed the Download Link at the top... here is another one for you:​

    #1 Nobody Worthy, May 25, 2010
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    This map deserves to be featured.
    But seriously, it is real fun to play on.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I tested this a short time ago, and I must say, it's definitely a blast on FFA.
    #3 Black Theorem, May 26, 2010
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I did the weapons, Devinish did the spawns, Vorpal did the design. We make an awesome team and I hope to work on a new project soon! :D
  5. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Don't forget that Bloo Jay did the build!
  6. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    I can honestly say, that after all of the work we put into this thing, and all the time I put into spawns and my NEW elevator for this map, it is probably one of our best creations yet. I saved so many resources by doing the "open" elevator design. It works with the mongoose too! Be sure to save some room on your harddrive for this one.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I don't feel left out anymore :D
  8. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    Maybe it's just me, but the filters in the pictures make it really hard to tell what's going on in the map. Is it possible to put a few up without the filters on or did you do that on purpose?
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I feel like you could have added more gameplay by geomerging. Read this for some more ideas on how to add more gameplay. 2/5 I hope you'll consider maybe a V2!
  10. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    There's definitely some geomerging Ladnil, I saw Bloo do it in the corner of the castle base.

    @ Lucifer: We did it like that because it's softer on the eyes. If we showed you the full picture with all that awesome, people's heads might explode, and we might get sued for gross negligence.
    #10 Devinish, May 26, 2010
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
  11. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I feel like this should being in casual? I feel that if this was posted by a brand-new member to the site he would be told repeatedly to fix many, many things, however, being that this was made by the four of you, I feel that everyone is just going to love this and repeatedly say how amazing it is. That being said, it will probably grace the front pages of Forgehub soon enough in a FHF, to which I will not understand.

    I suppose I'll give it a download and play it with a few friends though. Unless something miraculous happens during my time playing this map, I don't foresee it remaining on my harddrive.

    Sorry, they're opinions.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Technically, there's nothing wrong with the map post. There's no rule against bad maps. And yeah, it will probably win FHF which just demonstrates how unreliable and frankly bad community voting is at picking the maps that are actually the best instead of the most popular.
  13. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I wasn't meaning a new member would be told to fix the post, I'm talking about aspects of the map. (Filters, interlocks, weapons (I don't know the weapon layout yet, just an example, they could be fine for all I know)) The second half of your post i could not agree with more.
    #13 Noxiw, May 26, 2010
    Last edited: May 26, 2010
  14. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Oh I see, got it. I thought you were referring to the dozen or so copy/pasted warnings about proper post format that show up in every incorrectly posted thread. My mistake.
  15. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm sure this map is really good as it is you guys that made it but I don't think these pictures do it justice, it just looks like a teaser
  16. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Youre not the only one.. xp... I cant tell what the hell is going on.. Ill edit my post after download tomorrow.. its like 11 right now.
  17. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Well i cant see anything, but looking at the creators is more than enough for me for a DL.
  18. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    Well put my friend. It's shame i can't download it, having some connection error with my modem :( But it's on que for when we get it fix'd....hope my mom doesn't cry too hard when I esplode. She's emotional like that :)

    haha that made me laugh! Probably because I read it as sarcasm and not as a serious responce. Oh well, it was much enjoyed :)
  19. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    One issue is that I can't really see what the map looks like with the FX on. In fact I can see three turrets all lined up. Is this a joke post like the Three Fried Ants map??
  20. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    The three fried ants map was super serious (and super awesome(like the beta)), i can tell you got your inspiration for this map from three fried ants, in fact, i have to say that i find it rather annoying that you have stolen lonely pallet from that map and placed in inside yours. Good map btw, but the gameplay is just over half of what i expected, i suggest that you have a forge through on 3 fried ants, and take notice of the gameplay wall, it doubles the gameplay. other gameplay objects you could include are: the gameplay killball, the gameplay starting point, the gameplay reciever node, the gameplay territory, and the gameplay sentinel beam.
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