Then he is all alone in his world. So, my new one. Contrast seems a bit looooooow, so ignore it.
Yeah. Proportions are out of whack, like she has a huge chin and tiny ears, but if everything was in proportion, then it would look pretty awesome.
I laughed when I went back and noticed how tiny the ears were, and the angle of the head is a bit extreme, it seems like a person would start to turn their shoulders at that point. And colors are great.
Frag is awesome even if the world was the way it is now Anyway, I love the dress, and she is very pretty. Good job
Just realized this myself not to long ago. XD The head angle does seems to stress too far from what I see. I can see what you're saying, but I'm not quite there to where I can agree with you. Alright, thanks. Thanks. And since I'm so awesome, you can be partly awesome. Haha, yea. I made the mistake with the outline. Her chin was REALLY pointy before, then I decided to round it off on the inside, then it turned into a pointy goatee.