EXPLANATION Spoiler A friend of mine own's a netting company, they do sports netting at batting cages and golf ranges, etc. Anyways about a month ago my brother was working with him down in LA, after they finished a job they went out and wanted to find the Fantasy Factory, after a little while of looking, they actually found it. Now, we've used the netting for some random ****, but a major thing we've done is made a huge net hammock going across two of the oak trees on my property. So, they decided to leave a note on the front gate with a card for the company, the note said some stuff along the lines, "We can build you a HUGE net hammock." So last week, my friend's dad (Owner of the company) was telling my friend, "Oh so a day ago I got a voice mail from some guy named Rob Derek or something like that saying he needed some netting put up and you guys left a note or something?" After he told us we couldn't believe it. So we called them back and the number we had was for Rob's assistant. She let us know she would call us back with the specs in a little bit. This is all on Thursday afternoon. The whole day goes by without he calling, then finally at 11:00pm (We're all at a party) his assistant TEXTS us, not calls us, TEXTS us, "Hey sorry for the late text, there is a fundraiser this saturday and we need the net ASAP sorry for the short notice do you think you guys can make it?" So we tell her yes, of course we want to go to the factory haha. We tell her will bring everything we got and be there by 12:00 Friday morning. Usually it takes a long time of planning though, you need to measure the space, then pre-cut the netting, it's usually NEVER done on the spot. So we all get home about 1, my friend decides to let me go work with him because we only have a day to do what they want. We got there around 10:30 with no sleep and all of us hung over haha. So anyways the netting they wanted was basically to shield off this alley way from tennis balls from the tennis ball gun from going everywhere. Also, we netted guard railing around the zip-line so that kids that were up there for the event wouldn't fall out of the canopy. When we finished around 6pm, and we were the only ones in the building besides all of the guys on the show. We were jumping into the foam pit with this diving board they set up for kids for the fundraiser. I was doing gainers and rob was watching us all cracking up it was a trip. I climbed to the very top of the padding on the wall that was like 25 feet up and just straight up dove head first in. I almost got stuck in there and suffocated ha. TL;DR? Basically we were putting up some safety netting. PICS The Monster cooler's and bars for the event today. The alley we closed off the tennisball gun at the bottom. The zipline, all the railing, and opening is netted off now. Drama's bathroom...possibly the creepiest thing i've ever ****ing seen. The pic was so high quality you can see every hair follicle ew.. AND FINALLY Me playing drums there. See the guy in the black, 3rd window from the right? Yeah. That's Rob Dyrdek believe it or not...apparently he was fist pumping to me drumming lol. I'm not so sure about that, but that's what the guy who was taking the pics for me said haha. All in all it was an awesome experience, we met rob, drama, big cat everyone. They were happy for us coming on short notice so they put our name on the list for the event that was today and gave us a bunch of shirts and hats and ****. We had all the monster we could drink too some of it was kinds iv'e never seen before ha. The event today was a fundraiser for a skatepark that rob is building and also to give underprivileged kids some stuff or something. We went today and it was packed with people, about 700. Travis barker was there too, I met him and was blown away. This was today, at the event.
WOW! That is really cool. I find it funny how she "texted" you instead of calling. hahaha. OH and she's hot. just sayin'.
Dude that is one ****ing awesome experience bro....haha I would of loved to be there. Rob and Big and Rob's Fantasy Fantasy Factory were my favorite shows when they were still on. I loved that **** and loved Rob's personality, that's really ****ing bad ass that you got to meet him.
Yeah I didn't want to bother him with a pic lol but we should have tried for a group photo at least. I got a pic with both his dogs though hah.