Nitro Palace

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by smm2010, May 23, 2010.

  1. smm2010

    smm2010 Forerunner

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    Nitro Palace

    Welcome to Nitro Palace. Prisoners of war that were enslaved by the Forerunners are held here for eternity. Though many prisoners have tried to escape this wretched prison palace, very few have successfully made it out of this place alive. The Forerunners have reinforced their palace prison walls to the point that no prisoner shall ever attempt to escape this prison again. I created this track in dedication to the racing squad that I run, called Nitro. Here are some pics of the track.

    The Start

    First Turn

    U-Turn/Entrance to First Shield-Door Elevator. Goin' up!

    Top of the Palace

    Entrance to Second Shield-Door Elevator. Goin' down!


    Last Turn back to Start

    Smaller prison where the escapees go


    2nd Overview

    Q: What inspired your creation?
    A: I wanted to create a racetrack that would resemble a palace with a prison to go with it, and this turned out pretty nice despite the lack amount of objects.

    Q: How long did it take you to create this track?
    A: About 20 hours within a span of five days.

    Q: What aspect of the track took you the longest to make?
    A: Both shield door elevators. It took me some time to tweak both of them to make them perfect, even though there is a 1% chance of not making it up the first one.

    Download Nitro Palace : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think this track will get a little repetetive as there is no banks. It seems to easy aswell
  3. smm2010

    smm2010 Forerunner

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    I don't understand why you are saying that this track is repetitive because it is not. In case you haven't raced on skytracks on Sandbox, ALL of those are repetitive with multiple banks and they all lack originality. This track, which is a tournament track is not one of those tracks.

    Please; you really need to get your facts straight. I'm getting irritated by these comments of yours.
  4. Triarii

    Triarii Forerunner

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    dude, ur maps are based on the most epic things,first metallica, then villages, then egypt and now a palace, EPIC!!! Okay, so, this map is all around good in my books, 2 elevators, epic scenery, even a story behind it!! Its extremely clean and gave me an erection when i was playing it, and yes you all need to know that LOL. Keep it up!!
  5. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    If you cannot take criticism without getting your panties all hiked up then dont post maps. I have to agree with him, its kinda boring and gameplay is just ok.
  6. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't understand how you can say that maps in the skybox are repetitive and lack originality in relation to a map like the ones you've posted. Banks are much more difficult to forge and create a more natural path and you can make an infinite number of different banks and curves seeing as you can slope them at any angle you wish. So saying that they're repetitive is false. On the other hand (yours, I suppose), 90 degree angle turns and inclines created simply by ramp larges are blocky and hard to navigate and are indeed repetitive because the objects aren't rotated or anything, they're just placed flush with the ground.

    As Roland said, accept criticism and use it to your advantage. Instead of doing that, you immediately refuted what Elliot said and dismissed him. Open yourself up a little.

    I think your maps are okay, for the same reason that you like them which is their little aesthetic touches and that they mix it up from the skybox tracks. Even if yours are simpler and less technically proficient, they can still be some fun.

    Also, if you really are trying to attract attention to your maps, you might want to spread out their releases a little.

    This post is pretty much a response to all the threads you've posted as of late, just so you know.
  7. smm2010

    smm2010 Forerunner

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    I do take constructive criticism, but I'm just tired of the assumption that every track nowadays has to have banked turns. Am I not allowed to be different for once?
  8. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bro, I'm impressed. This is pretty legit looking, I'm downloading this as I type. I like a good challenge while racing and this seems to have brought it. Good work, I'll come back later after I have played it.

    EDIT: Wow, I love this map. Hands down. Keep up the great work.
    Some constructive criticism: On the start, is there any way you could have blocked off the straightaways going back into the course? Apparently, you could create a roadblock there on the corner and slow people down enough to give you an unfair advantage. Other than that, I love this map and once again, keep it up.
    #8 SVD Zero, May 25, 2010
    Last edited: May 25, 2010
  9. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    I love your maps. They are all interesting in their own way. You should try making a street racing map in a miniature city. Like Midnight Club or NFS. Just an idea :)
  10. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    Arn't u... ah Nevermind

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