Whats up Everyone, this is my first map for forge hub i hope to bring you guys a bunch more very soon. The Video is pretty self explanitory so check it out and let me know what ya think. YouTube - Halo 3 forged map - ( Call to Arms )
The video is super laggy.. You should post pics.. some people perfer it. The map looks pretty good, its just that I dont think its fair to have a sniper directly at the bases and looking across to the sword. You should spread the weapons out onto the cat walk thing.
to be honest this is one of my more "thrown together" maps. i didnt spend to much time thinking about the wepon placemnt and stuff but i apreciate the constructive criticism. When i finish my "Pride and joy" i will post it with a lot of pictures and a video of some game play, this was more of a practice thread
I actually like what you tried to do with this map, with multiple pathways, and things like the very top of the map not having a power weapons suggests that you did at least think about your weapon placement, which I don't see as often as I used to here on Forgehub, however; I'd suggest you add some LOS blockers, being able to see alot of the enemy base from one position isn't necessarily a good thing.
Despite problems with aesthetics, the shape of the map looks quite nice. Using gloomy might be a problem though because on a normal slayer map it can really mess people up.