The trailer doesn't really interest me. As nice as it is it just doesn't show enough for me to get excited for it. I'll have to wait for more details before I give a final decision but for now it's a no.
The graphics for it look pretty bad in my opinion, from what little we see. I can't see this one being that great, but whatever. Just wait to see what Respawn Entertainment releases. =]
I love how everyone on youtube is buzzing of this game. Yet this trailer looks to me like a mirror image of the MW2 one, even using the same music. Keep in mind that a lot of these people flame MW2. . . xD Never the less, i can hardly tell if i'll like it or not from the cut-scenes
I mean it's a treyarch game so I don't have a ton of faith, but it does look better than WaW..and I did have a small amount of fun for a short while in WaW. I'll wait to see their MP features. I don't want carbon copy MW2.
Whoa whoa whoa, when did these "good" CoD games happen and how did I miss it ?_? The last I saw was some sorry excuse for a game that got people addicted due to some "prestige" nonsense.
Treyarch is just a bar below a company that no one gives two shits about anyway, aka Infinity Ward. They both suck. They both pop games like Kate pops babies; its too frequent and not enough work is put into them.
CoD1 and Cod2 were awesome. CoD4 had great single player even if the MP wasn't for everyone, it was still a good game. MW2 single player was decent enough..MP is a little much though..
Yay, IW members who had a hand at MW2, another perfect game by them that was totally well received by everyone of it's fans. I'm sure they'll do the same with their titles to come! Trailer looks to red, I didn't know that the sky turns brownish red when nations are at war. This is a returning theme that appeared in WaW campaign, and was probably the only thing adapted into MW2 by IW. Other than that, still no news on Multiplayer, or a **** Zombies-esque mode, so it's all Campaign hype that I don't care for.
The guy that "invented" **** Zombies now works for 343 studios. I don't think anyone there would care to revive that.
I think that would cause all my interest in this game to dissipate. I want a something casual to do while I get frustrated with Multiplayer. Treyarch was pretty good at putting up content for NZ, so I think they are smart enough not to ****ing over fans, so to say. Time will tell.
Here's what he said about his **** Zombies Seems like a secondary idea that turned out to be one of the most popular aspects of the game. Hard to say if anyone else there would be able to fix it.