Just an interesting question I recently got to thinking about. Earlier, I was wondering how Bungie could possibly keep track of all the maps, screenshots, films, etc. that they put in Bungie Favorites. Do they keep records so they know what not to pick so as to avoid picking the same thing twice (or more times for that matter) without realizing it? I hope this doesn't come off as a pointless topic, but it really makes me wonder...
They don't even pick the favorites, they pick a group from B.net and let them choose. And if two groups like the same file enough to put it on faves, it can happen.
Also, anytime a file is chosen for Bungie Favs, it's given a gold Septagon, so it can't be chosen again, and is copied to the Community Files section over at B.net.
wait how do you know all of this and where do you see the gold "septagon"? --- what groups and how do you get into these groups? also, is it possible to approach the group with your file? for example, i show someone from the group a map or screenshot i made, and see if they want to put in BF?
You get on bungie faves by joining a group on bungie.net(most groups will just accept you and have no requirements), and if that group gets faves, the group leaders will have bungie fav submissions and if you're lucky enough to get picked you'll get on in a couple of months. And by the way Black, files can be on faves twice, its happened a bunch of times. Edit: also some sites like forgehub could get faves, but that rarely happens
i know but im asking where do you see the gold septagon at on bungie.net? and how do you join these groups on bungie.net? --- can u make bungie favorites without joining these groups? and how many groups are there? and what are their names? sorry for the incessant inquiries, just trying to understand =)
Things can be on Bungie Faves more than once. C U l8r's "racetracks" game variant has been on it 5 times and counting.
I beleive so. I do recall a few map variants being accepted twice, along with a couple of screenshots.
Banned for advertising! Yeah, you see the golden septagon near the file's rating. It would appear the same file can indeed appear on Bungie Fav's again, but it's not like you'll get two septagons or anything.
Pssh... Admins on sites such as this get's insta Bungie faves basically. lol... JK Truth be told, all you really have to do is find and join any large group on Bungie.net and hopefully Bungie will choose them to go on Bungie Favorites. So if you want to have a high chance join a few and wait. But you will also look like a real ass if you do something like that.
well i have some pretty cool screenshots and i thought that bungie would've put one or two on favorites by now. but i guess it's not as simple as just sticking it in your fileshare. and i joined the forgehub group on bungie.net, but the only posts made by group members had like 2 views every other, and everyone was bashing the poster's content. so if there's a more in-depth tutorial on how to make bungie favorites, please share.
It really doesn't work like that. Bungie have no control over what goes in (past rules of modded content, budget glitch etc). If you're in a community that gets asked to put up some Bungie Faves, and if the leaders of said group decide to put your file in to their selection, then you'll get in. There's little to nothing you can do, think of it like asking for Feature.
Actually, the community asks Bungie.net for Favorites. As I posted before, this thread explains how Favorites work now.
Ah, true. I'd seen that a while back actually, but totally forgot, good point. However, Bungie still have final rejection on which groups get faves or not, so in terms of one person actively trying to get faved it basically works out the same.