Policy of Truth: Debacle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Organite, May 17, 2010.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    The Series: 1.)The Floor | 2.)Relevance | 3.)ABNEGATION | 4.)Debacle | 5.)[thread=100866]Insipid[/thread] | 6.)[thread=103323]Centerpiece[/thread]


    Debacle is a strong mixture of my older forging skills with my newer ones. The majority of this map was done pre-ghost merge days, but a few of the things on this map were later revised using the afore mentioned method. This is by far the most straightforward, linear Policy of Truth map, and it possesses ellements I'm proud of and things I'm not so proud of as well, but were kept for reasons of nostalgia. I know posting this in the midst of the Halo: Reach madness isn't good for publicity (like I care), but I'm about ready to get this show on the road again, so with that said, here is chapter 4 in the Policy of Truth saga...

    click pic for dl link



    --The following statements and claims here recorded have been deemed the rants of an individual found to have sustained severe mental distress during a biological attack from an unknown source. This is to be taken with high skepticism as the statements are more than likely figments of the victim’s paranoia.—

    Day 3, Entry 1:

    I never thought that waking up would be one of the most surprising things to ever happen to me. Nevertheless, I have. I ended up on some sort of aerial barge. It is rather sad that our planet has become so polluted and populated that we must go to others to dump our garbage. I can’t complain though. The people on this barge saved me. That’s what the light was that saved me from the infected.

    I was so scared I was going to become one. I’ve wondered what they feel, what they think, or if they feel and think at all. They seem driven solely on instinct and hell-bent anger. There is no decision to attack. They just attack. They beat you until you can run no more and then they inject you with their venom, and then you become one in their ranks. I know millions have felt that venom course through their veins, but I don’t want to be part of it. I saw what it did to my wife. I saw what it did to my friends. I don’t want to go like that. I don’t want to know I’ll become a bloodthirsty monster after my last breath.

    I wrote day 3 at the top of this entry. I suppose that’s logical even though I’m not entirely sure I’ve only been out since last night. I also considered revising my scribble from the school, but those were my thoughts then, and I find it fitting to keep them there.

    I look below and the cities are falling apart already. It looks as though months of war have ensued in just days. Buildings are starting to crumble, bodies are piling amongst one another, and the sounds of screams can be heard from our altitude. I’d like to think the stench I smell is from the particles left behind in the barge, but the thing is sanitized pretty frequently, and I’ve come to accept that the dead aren’t composting quite as nicely.

    I really can’t tell at this point if the scenario we’ve been placed in is punishment from a higher power, or some curious scientist delved into a genetic spectrum he shouldn’t have breached. I’m inclined to believe the latter of the two, but that’s just me. It’s hard to have faith in any god who would let something like this happen though. The scientist probably got what he deserved and became one of the infected, but a god just sits up there and watches it all happen.

    It’s all depressing to think about. Then again, there isn’t much to celebrate about lately. I suppose the couple bottles of rum me and a couple fellows are sharing at the back of the barge is some sort of celebration. I don’t really ever drink but the fact that my life could end at any given moment doesn’t make me resist much. I’m starting to find solace in the haze of the alcohol and the gentle hum of the thrusters behind us. I wish I had moments like these when life was normal. For now, I’ll settle with this.
    Ah, someone’s coming around the corner. Probably to tell us the government resupply vessel arrived.

    Government Procedure: 3rd Parties

    Hello citizen,
    In these trying times we understand that it often seems tempting to want to place your trust in the hands of strangers and hope that they will guide you to salvation.
    Well we're here to tell you NO.
    Don't do that.
    Trust nobody.
    In your zombie survival carnage you'll come across groups who will promise you safety in exchange for your services towards the group. Sounds a little bit like a gang doesn't it?
    We'll leave you to decide... That's definitely not us breathing over your shoulder...
    So remember, if you're ever cornered by thousands of zombies, but some gang comes along to offer you help, it's probably best you stick with the zombie mob, because face it, you need us, your benevolent government.

    Many of these gangs have resolved to using aerial garbage barges. They don't really vary in architecture much. Should you end up in the clutches of one of these gangs here is a sufficient guide for escape.

    onward, ho. before i slap ya.

    Pictured above is the thruster room. If you are placed here you have a long way to go before you are truly safe. That gap may seem jumpable, but you know you can't jump. So move down and proceed up the ramp to get into the transfer hall. If any of those damn gangsters catch you trying to escape, grab one of many guns and fire away. Treat them like you would a zombie. In fact look at them in the same disgusting light you would a zombie... now exhale slowly... and pull the trigger.
    There you go.

    what could he possibly be running from?

    This is the transfer hallway. There are two and that is definitely not a zombie in one of them. Generally, there is a timed security door on the other side of the hall. Wait until it deactivates and continue into the main compactor.


    taking it out

    This is the main compactor. Just think of all the insanitary **** that's been here.

    Yea, it's scrotum and boogerballs bad.

    The beauty of these areas though is the element of surprise. I mean sure you're probably not trying to surprise a gang member on your escape, but it'd sure be useful for a zombie to surprise you.
    Not that they can get on these ships or anything... ahem, moving on.

    pretty blue light... zap.

    Upon passing another security door you'll end up in the reactor core. The machines will probably block any further progress, but wait around for an opportunity to overload the core and proceed while bringing that bastard ship down at the same time.

    sad face before 2 minutes

    after 2 minutes... wait this seems familiar


    So overload the core (shoot the exposed explosive) then proceed to the landing pad and wait for your ride.
    Oh and after you overload the core, you may not wanna stick around for too long unless you wanna go crashing down into the country of What. And they don't speak English in What either.

    wtf are you staring at?

    At the landing pad you'll have a couple of choices at hand: you can a.) chill at the landing pad with the sweet schwag and wait for a rescue ship with enemies coming from where you came from and falling to your death just behind, or b.) go to the landing pad get the sweet schwag (or weapons if you haven't figured that out yet) and fall back to the reactor core where you'll have better leverage on your enemies. There are risks involved with either choice but that is a decision that a person backed into a corner must make.

    After 3 minutes a rescue vessel will arrive and if you get on you can spend the last minute that ship's in the air blowing the **** out of zombies... I mean gangsters.

    That is about all we have to offer the humans, but should zombies ever get on these pesky ships we have a few words of advice for them too.

    Much like in the previous chapter Abnegation (check it out) the zombies' mobility doesn't operate on teleporters. It runs on what we call the vents. Or Zombie vents. Or even zvents for increased laziness (badass) factor.

    Oh we'll get him alright

    Pictured above is a overview of the majority of the zvent system and as you can see it is very simple. I like to say it's more simple than the web.
    Anyway, zombies will respawn (starting points in the halls) at the beginning of the zvent near the room where the humans start and there are multiple entrances at...
    The Thruster room

    The Halls

    The Main Compactor

    The Reactor Core

    and The Landing Pad

    Take note of the 'misplaced' power orb and sentinel beamer

    Well humans, have a happy fun time getting off that ship. Zombies. Just do your thing. It's all good.
    And for those of you who have no sense of direction here are overview shots of each section of the map:

    So if you can't find your way around a super linear layout such as this then there is no helping you. You may as well attempt Nascar or something involving circles.
    There you have it kids (men, women, undead, etc.), point A to point B. Simple as that. Of course there are things trying to kill you in the midst, but we have confidence in you accomplishing your mission whether it be survival, women, brains, or booze (face it that's all anyone wants).

    Oh and if one thing remains steady through all this...




    Day 3, Entry 2:
    Someone came around the corner alright. It was a [redacted] zombie! It doesn’t make sense. How can they even get up here? We weren’t in the vicinity of any skyscrapers, and I’m pretty sure they can’t operate machinery, so I’m wondering what the [redacted] is going on?
    I and a few of the guys I was sharing a drink with made it out on the rescue ship. Ironic that the drunken ones would survive, well a few of us at least. The drink is wearing off now though. Clarity and rationalization are returning. Unfortunately, along with that came the realization that this ship only has maybe enough fuel to make it to the government outpost near the edge of the city, but definitely not enough to make it out. I guess we’ll have to get help the rest of the way when we get there.
    It was rough trying to get off that barge. The thrusters had a meltdown and we had to overload the reactor core to make it to the landing zone. Naturally, such damage caused the ship to start losing altitude, and we took off just in time to watch the barge crash into the city below.
    It’s night now. I’ll watch the stars and try to think of the things that make me happy. The fire and chaos below isn’t helping that pursuit of happiness though. Hopefully soon I won’t have to think about that and we’ll be safe.

    So this is a little late. I believe I posted on wednesday that this would be out that day, but partying and actually being able to have a life now got in the way of that.
    Sorry FH (not that you care =p)
    Anyway, so here it is. I'm expecting some criticism on some of the forging because of things mentioned in the introduction. No I wont fix them. I debated for hours on fixing them, but I'm battling OLN as it is and the issues are purely aesthetic. And anyone who knows me who matters and isn't a **** knows that I don't believe aesthetics are everything. So I sacrificed look for gameplay in a couple areas. Oh well.
    Anyway, I hope you enjoy. DL links slightly above and at the top of the post, and expect chapter 5, Insipid soon enough.
    #1 Organite, May 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  2. xtitan77

    xtitan77 Forerunner

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    wow, I just went through your map series, and I must say, they are Great ;) keep up the great work
  3. mooman219

    mooman219 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    o_O Can i use you to make a map post for some of my unpublished maps? Oh and something thats related to your map,, it looks smaller compared to the last one you did, and it seems a lot fairer to give people random weapons the a hornet, but hay, i never played it yet :D. that brings up another thing, i would love to play a game or 2 of your maps on halo :D.

    <===== Gammertag listed is the correct one, i'm pretty much always on

    I could try to give some constructive criticism after we play :D.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    You could.
    Just send me pictures and get me on a few games on the maps and I can work out something.
    Bear in mind my posts tend to not be entirely politically correct.

    You'd be right about the size.
    It's the second smallest map (the finale being the smallest) in terms of how long it takes on average to cross the map.
    Also the fact that it is incredibly straightforward leaves little room for directional error.

    The hornet is intended to end the game essentially. Once the survivors get on its basically them escaping to safety and creating a new gametype to accommodate that seemed pointless.

    I'm always open for games when I'm on (key word when). Just toss me a friend request and I'll hit you up.
  5. Itz Grub

    Itz Grub Forerunner

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    I played this once before... but then it did not have a badass story like this one. The amount of detail is awesome, looking down to see the crumbling city, brilliant. I hope Insipid is done just as well. Good Luck
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Yea I recall blowing zombie heads off with you in the reactor core.

    It's changed a little since then though I think.

    I tested Insipid last night too. I think it went fairly well. A few things I need to fix.

    The story is coming along nicely too =)
  7. MW2sucks

    MW2sucks Forerunner

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    Hey I got to play this with you like a long ass time ago. You made it right after the first one. You post all your stuff out of order huh? I always thought it kinda sucked though that there was only one hornet though. If there were more than 3 humans left then they were screwed. Also, whatever happened to that one you showed me on Orbital?

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