Last one of 3... As with Atomic and Chemicals, this is another Chem project... heres a couple variants... suggestions for improvement are not just wanted but necessary...
#2 NUKE EMBLEM! DDD I dont know why Im in this section... Im not a Graphics person.. and I have no suggestions xp .. but to me, the first is fine.
Look, I didn't really want to post but I mean if you actually want an honest opinion, here's mine. They are ugly. I just don't see what the point of them is either. The Nuke emblem seems completely out of place with the rest of the image/s. Everything about them looks overdone and seemingly random without anything to bring it together. Honestly, I just don't get it.
I'm glad you posted, I wish more people were brutally honest, thats true CnC... Its supposed to be basically a radiation symbol, which was given by the stock, and I tried to center the emblem on the point where the three loops met at that bright spot... What do you suggest I do?
The "nuke emblem" does make sense. It is a radio active emblem with an atom. You know? Like nuclear power/weapons? But i have to agree, i dont like them. What type of science class is it? Chem? If so maybe you could try something with a cartoony crazy scientist as the render?
I would go a bit easier on the green lines. They seem a bit too much. The bright yellow lines look too much like a childs finger painting. They need to be a little less random in my opinion. I think they idea is great, but the current execution isn't that great. I think you need to take a fresh look at it, not try and fix this. Work off the same idea, but start again.
-First one is best. -I don't get the middle bit (yellow+red thingy) -I would love to look at this while stoned.
Stouf, what program is this made in? The first one is the best imo because it's more crisp and it seems like the saturation is to high one 2 and 3. I would suggest a different color palette though, that green and yellow don't seem to go to well together. Changed my mind.'ve never been stoned. Edit: First is Glowing lines filter, second is graphic pen or chalk something, 3rd I'm not sure. Try to avoid obvious use of filters. Can we see the original?
'Shooper Elements 8. I was kinda goin for the whole radiation for the green and obviously the symbol was the source of the yellow.