Sandbox Containment and Outbreak

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by LeGiTxMaLeMaNx, May 8, 2010.

  1. LeGiTxMaLeMaNx

    LeGiTxMaLeMaNx Forerunner

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    GFORCE137 and chris222413 created this map. im just postin it for them

    Map: Containment
    Gametype: Outbreak
    Recommended player: 4-16

    **This map and game are fun for all and can be played easily. You will have to defend the building from all zombies.**
    **The zombies must attack the surviving men to win the game.**

    Entire front view

    Entire back view

    Close up in the front

    Close up in the back with Zombie spawn

    2 Zombies' spawns

    Floor 1

    Floor 2


    Jesus Cross

    Download map: Download Containment
    Download game: Download Outbreak
    #1 LeGiTxMaLeMaNx, May 8, 2010
    Last edited: May 22, 2010
  2. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    WHY do people always put weapons chaches? They just ruin the game. I dont think those little shacks outside are a good idea. The humans could just raid the zombie spawn, forcing the zombies to attack from the one entrance.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think they are great, movement and wepon placement ruins maps way more, think about it, you will have to use the left side of your controller instead of holding your cup of tea or something ...

    Also, why is there a cross? Is this supposed to be a church?

    Edit: Also, nice first post, it's good to see there are new pleople out there who know how to post maps right =)
    #3 LD, May 8, 2010
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  4. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    Yeah even though that Tyrtlebeech has probably posted on every thread he''s seen since he joined I do think that caches are what make infection fun. Think about it, if they ruined the game then you might as well play on a slayer map for the weapon placements.
  5. xzBLUE HAZEzx

    xzBLUE HAZEzx Forerunner

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    I personally like the weapon caches, only if they're risky to be at and tough to get to. It gives the humans a reason to move if they're out of ammo.
  6. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you make caches right, the might work out, but the problem is, most humans tend to camp there the whole game, which isn't fun for the zombies at all. A weapon chache must have more ways to get there then humans to watch them and this is very hard to do in a map, because 10 ways (ex) leading to one area is expensive.
    When weapons are placed all over the map, Humans are forced to leave the saver areas, in order to have enough ammo and stronger weapons. For example a powerweapon like a shotgun should be placed somewhere, where the zombies have more advantages than the humans, when placed like this, humans have to work together to get to the powerweapons.
    But thats very hard to make, in my opinion, making a great Infection Map and Gametype is as hard as making a good MLG Map.

    Maybe this will clear things up and helps you
    #6 LD, May 9, 2010
    Last edited: May 9, 2010
  7. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    2're being sarcastic, I presume?

    Weapon caches cause INSANE camping (unless their done just right, which they aren't in this map). They allow humans to stay in a single area indefinitely, usually just guarding one or two different entrances. This causes gameplay to be very boring for the zombies. It also allows one human to be able to take out an entire swarm of zombies, which ruins the very idea of teamwork.
    #7 Hogframe, May 9, 2010
    Last edited: May 9, 2010
  8. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    The only time I made a weapons cache in an infection map, it was very small and impossible to defend. the only way to get to it was to travel through potentially zombie infested territory and across another path with zero visibility for defending yourself. The defensible location was at the beginning of this journey but it contained absolutely no weapons, forcing players to risk their lives for a resupply.

    It was a pretty fun game mechanic when people knew about it. zombies plans usually involved making the humans waste their ammo and lying in wait for a poor soul to attain a chance of survival.

    That's how I'd do caches.
  9. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well said, good sir.

    Weapon caches aren't all that bad by themselves, but people always seem to put them in the most easily defensible location on the map. I mean, really, putting a crapload of weapons (or, god forbid, power weapons) in one spot is bad enough, but making it so zombies all have to travel through a single entrance causes horrible gameplay.
  10. GFORCE137

    GFORCE137 Forerunner

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    haha, WOW, THIS MAP IS AMAZING! Definite DL! 10/10
  11. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map and all is ok, but there's one thing that needs to be fixed. on the first picture the top part of the cross is disappeared, and when you look on the 5th picture the top part of the cross appears. but other than that looks alright, good job!! :)
  12. LeGiTxMaLeMaNx

    LeGiTxMaLeMaNx Forerunner

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    it sure is.

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