Forge Tools

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Aralit, May 16, 2010.

  1. Aralit

    Aralit Forerunner

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    This may cause some disagreement but i wanted to see if anyone agreed
    Copied from the Bungie Fourms topic
    Wall of Text incoming

    I loved forge in H3 and i thought of new things every night to make and i looked at other peoples creations in wonder as im sure most people did when they went to forgehub.
    BUT I think we need more tools.
    I played Garrys mod a lot and i thought "Why not have a weld tool in reach wouldn't be hard
    I mean look at how simple it is in garrys mod
    point at thing point at other thing and BAM locked together!
    Scorpion base
    Weld the base around scorpion into structure and hop in scorpion and have a moving base!
    Zombies with buttons would be so much fun and there already is a channel system with teleporters.
    Think if it took the guy who made the chess gamemode half a week.
    Then take an already done fourmula and upgrade it to skies!
    You could put banshee/Falcon down and build on top of that and make a flying fortress!
    Game would be so much different
    Two ships on either side of boneyard
    Remember Halo CE Truth and reconcilliation?
    The grav lift at the end?
    If i could set how high that grav lift would send me i could make that grav lift into another ship!
    Now think of that in 2 side generator defense
    A generator to each ship
    When generator is destryed turn welding of ship off and it falls from the sky with a explosion!
    Of course it would mostly be controlled with buttons on channels for lack of numpad
    Making Racetracks would be so much easier and some cool lift ramps could be made
    Im not saying we need a major engine rechange but some advanced tools would'nt take much time would it
    I mean you guys have so much new tech you could probably built something altogether different to forge!
    A physics field would be cool
    or in laymans term a zero gee field for objects where they could not be moved forming a huge superstructure
    Imagine actually making the armored warthog work
    Weld 2 Barricades to the warthog and Bingo a working armored warhog
    New vehicles and stuff would be made everyday and Halo Reach would live on for much longer that Halo 3 and thats still going strong after 3 years
    Game life expectancy would rocket to like 8 years!

    Post your ideas here i will continue to update as i go along.

    Poster Idea's
    Snap to (obivous)
    Winch Could make doors and all sorts of mechanism Like MECHS
    Automatic turrets
    Wheel/motor Tool
    Physic on/off Field to make objects float could place one around structure and hold entire thing up rather then make each individual object float
    #1 Aralit, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    The engine of Halo Reach doesn't support the same tools Garry's Mod does. Besides, the tools that Halo Reach requires are much different than the set of tools you will get from any other game. I agree it would be cool though, just not feasible at this point.
  3. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This. :p

  4. Aralit

    Aralit Forerunner

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    I suppose but there engine is still hot from the forge and malleable it could be bent to include welding at least as a more consistant form of interlocking
    Hmmm so theorum is here too
    Bungie has mentioned that is a sandbox game and is meant to be played the way you want to play
    Forge is really an extension to that and is a major part of MP
    and you cant say that you dont want them cause they would make Halo Forge an even awesomer experience then it already is
    #4 Aralit, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  5. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, it was weird rereading what you wrote on, to say the least.

    I believe they did not mean "sandbox" as in Gary's mod, but more like GTA IV's storyline. The plot is still there, it's just the player(s, if Co-op) can choose which part to do/ how to do a section/decide when to stop a mission/etc. Doing things you've suggested require ridiculous resources of the conventional disc, so to my knowledge it doesn't seem likely that any extreme updates to Forge will be made. Just minor ones, like buttons, trigger switches, and X/Y/Z axis snap. Small stuff like that.

    Besides, Bungie knows that players can make wonderful maps, some better than they can make. Giving us just enough tools to do so is better that wasting those resources on the disc for memory/maps/campaign length/etc.
    Oh, and welcome to Forgehub! :)
    #5 Black Theorem, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  6. Aralit

    Aralit Forerunner

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    Pretty much what i was trying to say
    I believe that the campagin will be awesome but the longlivety of the game is based on emergent gameplay and fun multiplayer
    New additions to forge will make the game last longer than even Halo 3 will even with its crazed MLG players
    Thanks for welcome i've been here many times but never registered
    #6 Aralit, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  7. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think Bungie's putting longevity on the backburner for Reach. Based on a recent weekly update, I remember urk interviewing an employee about what's next after Reach. I remember the guy saying something to the effect of "We have already started planning out the universe after we have finished Halo. It's gonna be a much more expansive world." With Activision being a partner, Bungie's going to want to make a game for it soon to keep their relevancy in the news. Wait too long, and the lowered hype might not sell as many copies. Remember, Bungie is a business. Of course Reach will be a new experience for all Halo fans new and old, but Bungie has been making Halo games for 10 years, and it's obvious that they want to move on from it. They're likely to quickly put out a new game in maybe 2-2.5 years after Reach.

    And customs is what makes Halo 3 last, not MLG.
  8. Aralit

    Aralit Forerunner

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    Yeah Emergent Gameplay is almost synonomyus with custom games
    I think they're downplaying reach so that whatever next game is will be bought more
    But lets hope not i want to see some awesome new forge stuff along with CG options
    Make all the nay sayers come crawling back
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Go into forge with eight people over xbox live, build a perpetual explosion of fusion coils then have people drop objects on top of this. You will experience something called LAG which is caused by too many objects moving simultaneously. All the stuff you suggested in the original post would in no way be possible.
    #9 pyro, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  10. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    I think Bungie may want Reach to last as long as possible, that way they could spend years making their new game and keep up all the hype. Though I'm kind of unsure about Activision, they are the publishers of Modern Warfare right? I am unsure because I heard a statement (or rumor, someone confirm yes or no for me) that their CEO or another high ranking boss said their goal was to make games they could pump out every year and make sales for maximum profit, while not working too hard on a game. If thats true they may want Reach to die quickly so people will buy the next Bungie game (though again they may want to increase it so people have something than the next Microsoft owned Halo game to screw them out of sales) So I just don't know much at teh moment.
  11. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    These two go hand in hand. It wouldn't be easy to add advanced tools.

    And plus most of the stuff you suggested is absurd anyway. As much as I would like it, it's not going to happen. People do this before every game series' next release, overestimation.
    #11 Mongoose, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  12. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I lol'd at this. Quite true though, all though you can recreate lag easier by merging a double block into Longshore and then picking that object up.
  13. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Indeed. People would create these epic lag piss-me-off machines. Much like in Gmod since you mentioned it.

    Ever march to the tune of 20,000 doors opening at the same time or 72,348 turrets going off at the touch of a button?
    No. No you haven't. **** stops.
  14. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    This probably won't happen. Rumor has it on that Halo Reach's Forge will be like Far Cry 2.
  15. gskellig

    gskellig Ancient
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    I only want two things that would make forge a hell of a lot more fun.

    1. A better system for getting the same result as interlocking. Map makers are perfectionists and it's basically impossible to get two objects to line up *perfectly*
    How about a snap to grid system? 90 and 45 degrees to the grid? Easy to turn on and off.

    2. Switches/buttons. Press a button, **** happens. EASY.

    Both of these would be very simple to implement into forge.

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