Sandbox Orbituation Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by B3NW, May 15, 2010.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Brought to you by - B3NW & Steve 11thselby

    Thanks for taking interest in our map pack! Everything about this map pack has been thought through carefully, from names to presentation; So you can expect the best type of quality in this thread, TOP QUALITY!
    The name Orbituation is fairly self-explanatory, orbituary is a list of dead people and I'm sure you can guess the rest.

    Now without further ado, the MAPS!

    You may be thinking "huh? I recognise this!". This is most likely due to the fact MLG PALADIN is based of the Bungie made map, Guardian. During the pre-building of this map, I made a thread about the best MLG map "EVARRR!" a few months back where I could collaborate with the FH community and come up with a top notch MLG map. During this time, MLG removed Guardian from the MLG supported maps. Due to this, the idea of recreating guardian for MLG was brought up and worked it's way into my idea bank ;p Paladin was the chosen name because it means 'protector' as does Guardian.

    Description: MLG PALADIN is a symmetrical (rotational) remake of the map Guardian. It takes the best parts of the Guardian map and squeezes them into one awesome MLG map.

    COOL STORY BRO FACT: MLG PALADIN is completely interlocked, the only un-interlocked items are grenades, weapons and the gravity lifts.

    - Screenshots -

    - Supports -
    MLG TS - 4 VS 4
    MLG KOTH - 4 VS 4
    MLG FFA - 4P
    Can also support non MLG versions of the above gametypes.

    - Downloads -

    Secrecy is a crazy scary map by steve 11thselby. Once you MLG players have had a few scrims on Paladin, you will be too cocky to play this map. You will be thinking "Bahh, he's below me" when in fact he's behind you. That is just how complicated the enclosed walkway based map is (That's why steve and I couldn't bring ourselfs to make a simple overview of the map). But don't get me wrong, the map may be extremely confoozling but after a game or two, you will have the layout down in your head and will be owning in no time! :p

    Secrecy: An asymmetric map based in both the crypt and the main tier of Sandbox, connected via teleporters and the actual shaft. The map itself consists of 4 main rooms connected by intertwined tunnels. This map definately makes it hard work to use your motion tracker.

    - Screenshots -

    - Supports -
    (8 player MAX)

    - Downloads -

    Warlord is a very cosy little map. When I first heard steve's description of it, I didn't know what to think. I think what gave the map's go ahead was that it was very varied in height and included vertical gameplay. After testing, tweaking and fixing the map, it has really turned out truely awesome. The gameplay aspects are extremely fun and the visual side of things are aestheticly pleasing! :p

    Warlord: A map loosely based on Halo 2's Warlock. The intial design was to create instant action wherever you are on the map without spawn killing being too easy. The map is very vertically challenging with many ways to reach the top, players will be fighting to control the top from all sides of the map.

    - Screenshots -
    (Not many due to the size of the map)

    - Supports -
    (6 player MAX)

    - Downloads -

    Here is some gameplay footage (Mind the bad sniping and BR'ing modelled by steve)
    PS: This was my first video I've editted well to music :p
    YouTube - Orbituation Map Pack Preview - Halo 3 Forge - DOWNLOAD!

    Please give all the maps a download and a play with your friends, you won't be disappointed!

    Phew, now I can revise for my GCSE's :p Wish me luck!

    Whoops, almost forgot! A huge thank you to all the testers, we would not have been able to do this without you! :)
    #1 B3NW, May 15, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally, I have been waiting for Paladin forever! Im glad its finally released although I didnt know you were making a map pack. I`ll be sure to check all of these maps out.
  3. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I have to say that Secrecy is the jewel in this map pack.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yup :p

    It wasn't created that long ago -.-

    Thanks, looking forward to see how many downloads we get.

    TBH, I agree. I expect to see it in the hidden jewels in weekly update.
  5. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    these maps look amazing! One of the best map packs anybody has made, BUT the pictures you posted didnt make the maps look as great as the really are, i had to watch the video to really appreciate all the obvious time and effort put into these. To end on a good note, *download* *download* *download* all AMAZING!
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Thank you. As I said, everything was thought out. The reason I included little screenshots is because I didn't want people to appreciate the map with screenshots, I wanted them to appreciate it visually and physically, that is the reason I created a video, it is the closest thing to appreciating it visually and physically without actually downloading it if you get me and I kept the video short to entice people to download.

    Thanks for the feedback on the thread as well, I appreciate it :p Most people don't understand the work involved in getting things like this organised and to still look good.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey guys, thanks for the great comments.
    Secrecy i suppose has been knocking around a while.. probably first started forging it around 6 months ago ;)
    I hope you all really enjoy the maps and b3nw has done a great job with the thread too

    On a slightly lesser note... it appears some people are being very jealous of finally seeing this map pack and reporting posts as spam, if they were actually justified i wouldnt mind but it's not very nice having your own posts removed from your own thread >:[
  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Wow nice maps guys I enjoyed playing it with you. I love the Gaurdian inspired map everything is neatly placed to perfection and the centre-point is stylish and great for close range Br. Secrecy was also brilliant fun to test, though I wish I could have played ninjanaut it looks like good fun.

    This inspires me to make my own map pack, but not until after GCSEs (LOL, gotta get my mind off this forge thing)
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah, quite stupid. But theres always a possibility someone didn't report it and the mod just decided they were "spam"

    Yeah, the centre point is probably my favourite part of the map, but aesthetic wise, I just have to love the tops of each bases. I would have had to have some ugly escape defences if I did not come up with that idea, it was so hard to make something that looked good but was basically impossible to escape as well.
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Jesus brother you got some Photoshop winsauce up in herr! Paladin is my fav for now just due to it being in the skybox, but the other maps are definitely awesome to! Nice job and what a release
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Technically I used illustrator but thanks for the post feedback. I'm gonna release the .AI or .PSD files when I'm done with them..
  12. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap guys this looks awesome. I remember playing on Secrecy and I was like "wtf". Now I see what you have done with it and looks incredible.

    Nice video, great for yer map pack. Whats the music?

    p.s: When did you guys make all this? I don't remember either of you ever working on them!
  13. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Itest all those map and its was insane ! Secrecy are amazing but paladin need more cover at each elbow .
  14. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Haven't played Halo since November of '09. So yeah, kinda.
  15. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have been waiting for so long for this! Yess!
  16. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's a song by prodigy thats all i know xD
    We've been working on it for quite some time to be fair. We had Paladin and secrecy pretty much ready for months but i had a dry spell in creating something actually fun to play.

    Ayee i think you were one of the first testers if i remember correctly and we had a game of infection on it.
  17. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Pendulum - The big gundown

    Thanks for the feedback, but in the multiple testing sessions we had, nothing like that was brought up, if you actually play the map then you will realise the spawn system for the map is pretty awesome, you will only spawn there if it's safe to or you are spawn trapped there.
  18. GFORCE137

    GFORCE137 Forerunner

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    Wow. This map pack is outrageous! gameplay looks sweet and the forging is smooth! INSTANT DL
  19. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, well I'm taking the comment "outrageous!" as a complement so yeah, thanks :p
  20. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Secrecy was quite an unusual experience. The beating heart, and adrenaline fueled flames of passion found within it were something completely out of the ordinary, something that I have never felt in a competitive map since Paranoia (Bungie Day 2009). I can say that it was very exciting, especially with that perfect number of five. Too many more, and then that emotion that you have created simply fades away, leaving us with a damned shell housing only chaos and brutality. Otherwise, this map doesn’t support eight players well. When I play competitive maps the thing I most hate is any and all forms of teleporters. They generally cause camping, they don’t look very good, and they have huge negative impacts on flow and feeling, because the sudden change in the view is disconcerting. However I can say that this map successfully implements the teleporter system into the gameplay in a way that does not take away from the splendor of the aesthetic beauty. However they still annoy me. The only real thing that took away from the fun of this unique map was all of the corners, tiny paths, and the fact that it feels like it is only a big tunnel. Secrecy was way too crowded for my taste, but the fact that it is something so rarely enjoyed means it can be compared to a best damn meal you’ve ever tasted; everything is so much better with moderation than when you constantly taste it over and over again. This is a map that I plan to taste again in the future.



    Balance was a bit of an issue with this map, as it usually is with most maps. This is where my peeve about teleporters comes into play, and it comes big time. The problem with teleporters being in competitive maps is camping, something that everyone (who fails) enjoys to do, and something that can quickly cause gameplay to be stale and annoying. The first time we played this map and didn’t understand the layout, it was fun because we were going everywhere trying to figure it out and killing each other in the process. Who wouldn’t like that? But the problem is that the longer we played the more often camping became a problem. Camping with rockets, grenades, a power drain, and a brute shot in the top room. There are only two places that you have to watch to assure that you will live while camping the top, the two teleporters. If one person holds a Rocket Launcher (that conveniently spawns right there…) and stands in either teleporter then they only need to watch the other one. Anybody who goes through the one they are camping gets backsmacked while everyone else explodes, be it Brute Shot or Rockets, or even Grenades. And this wasn’t just a problem in Slayer, when we played Juggernaut it was the same except the person who was there had super high amounts of health, and in Oddball it was standing with the ball on the rim on the inside of the large hole connecting the top to the rest of the map.

    Infection was a whole new monster. Even after playing this several times before I was not prepared for the event that pursued the sexy voice over saying it over the beginning… I was not ready. Let me just say this out there to anybody who hates infection; I do too, with a passion. I was thinking “Damnit steve, why did you have to set this up for infection. Now I have to waste all of this time playing a dumb game I hate so much.” It wasn’t long before I ate those words, and they were oh so delicious. The small, chaotic and confusing, crowded, hall-spawned theme that I figured was just going to take away from the enjoyment actually ended up causing some very interesting gameplay for infection, and I actually enjoyed it. But the problem is, only one of the games you set it up for was fun after I got to know the map layout. The charm this has is in the confusing layout, and removing the confusion simply removes the fun.

    The weapon layout was actually really good, because of the No Spare Clips in the Rocket Launcher, and the Camouflage spawning so slowly. Unfortunately, the mauler raped because of the cramped theme to it, which was annoying but can’t really be helped unless you totally remove it. The actual locations of the two main power weapons (Rockets and Camo) was not very well thought out and almost always ended with one person getting the first four kills with the Camouflage, two using the rocket launcher and two using the energy drain and a conveniently located carbine. I think moving the Camo down will balance this map out a lot more, lessening the effect of both the Camo and the Rockets. Finally, it seems to be that people are waaay overusing equipment. In my mind, moderation is always better and the number of equipment pieces should always be 1 less than the number of power weapons, a theory that only works if you aren’t overdoing the power weapons. Spawns, finally, were great. Except that there was a tendency to spawn at the ledge on the blue side of the Camouflage room, as well as the bottom of the ramp that ledge overlooks. These are just tiny random spawn issues though, and are not worth the time to fix. Since this map is so easy to camp, I think you should have simply removed the top layout and continued building more of it like what you have in the crypt. It could have been spectacular, but instead falls down to an average rating here, caused in no small part by the focus of the map; the top rocket spawn (sorry bro, it doesn’t fit with competitive gameplay at all.)



    This map is completely inescapable, and furthermore there is not one single grenade trap….


    Except for this huge hole! Geez, I don’t know how you could miss it if you tested… I know you have more than enough money and object space to spawn a wedge small or something to cover it up. So, I’m going to attribute it to the same thing I did the grammar mistake in the picture ;) -lolfail-



    Wow, this is simply amazing aesthetically. It is so tiny, yet supports quite a few players very well. And all the while boasting Conquest-like aesthetic themes. If you are foolish enough to say that this map doesn’t have any theme to it, I refute thee. It has the theme of awesomeness, and nowhere within the game to the aesthetics interfere with gameplay and flow, something unheard-of nowadays with people constantly effing over up maps for beauty, the black plague of the current forgers. But quite a bit of them look borrowed from maps, and there isn’t really much to see here that is superbly enjoyable.The 'hole-in-the-floor' created out of nothing but blue columns is something ive seen done before, but its still always pretty cool, and i really like the use of Arches for the red teleporter. Once again, ive seen it done before but the way you did it to create a symmetrical decagon is pretty brilliant, and the use of hidden teleporters around that create the illusion of heat, or depth that isnt really there. While there is nothing unusual, unique, or outstanding about any of that it still looks pretty damn good, and you managed to pull it off better than most. Lastly, i must say im very fond of the Large Columns that you utilized in the Camouflage room, they add something to that area that i think make it memorable. Which is exactly what aesthetics are meant to do.



    To the extent of my humble knowledge, there is no map that successfully flows between two different tiers of Sandbox, let alone does it in a great map. This alone gets some serious points, because of the sheer audacity involved with making such a daunting idea come to pass, and it is reflected in your score. The recent lack of originality is something you have capitalized on largely with Secrecy, and I am very impressed with the success of the idea. High five! o/



    Overall, this map shows a great understanding of all available forging techniques, and I can tell that you know what you are doing. I don’t think that this map could possibly get any better for the chosen design, (except for that single Durability point!) so don’t worry about that Balance score bringing you down, because 90% of fixing that involves removed the middle tier. I think instead you should be proud that you were brought down by an average rating, and brag about that little bit. You said earlier that you wanted to know why people were so impressed with it; everybody I talked to, including myself, says that it’s just so damn original, something that very few maps have nowadays. Something that this map has in loads.

    Enjoyment Rating: 7/10
    Balance Rating: 5/10
    Durability Rating: 9/10
    Aesthetics Rating: 7/10
    Originality Rating: 9/10
    Overall Rating: 37/50

    Map Rating
    #20 Jex Yoyo, Jun 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2010

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