Reach Remakes

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by noklu, May 11, 2010.

  1. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I want to see some really convincing blood gulch remakes..
  2. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    I think that a remake of Valhalla could work well with reach's mechanics.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    What on earth gives you the idea that Forge in Reach will give you enough objects to recreate Valhalla, or even a map big enough to do so on?
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Okay, I guess we are on the same page here. New innovation=Good.
    And re imaginations are good as well. Just not too many of them.

    Also, reach forge was described as "crazy" so you never know if we can't remake Valhalla or even Blood Gulch.
  5. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    Sorry for being blunt, but what on earth makes you sound so sure of what is impossible?

    I agree, any editor with the capability to recreate an environment like Valhalla would be extensive and ridiculous, but nobody outside of Bungie knows anything about Reach's Forge other than that it's confirmed. The most I'm hoping for is a simple cube based terrain editor on an XYZ scale for geography, maybe with terrain selection and object placement after the fact. I would be just as suprised as you would appear to be if something greater than Farcry's editor to find it's way into Reach.
    Notice how I didn't say that Valhalla shouldn't come with the retail game as a remake not unlike Last Resort.

    Let's not be enemies.
  6. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    Armor abilities in themselves are going to prove hell for forgers to adjust to from H3 to HR...

    For example:
    Sprint: Running jumps, Running Nades, Travel time on map, balancing issues
    Armor Lock: Ability to shut down hallways/ rooms
    Jetpack: Vertical map control/Lift control = Useless (aka: a map like construct would be useless)
    Camo: Shuts down area of map, cluster-bleep- of red dots spamming the map...
    Dodge: Ability to get around a map quicker, Ability to mini super jump, Ability to launch yourself further.

    Edit: Elites are also faster, stronger, and even taller. and there is nothing like making a map where a player has to duck to get through a doorway...
    #26 Col Keller, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  7. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Which means almost nothing, because of the simple fact that you can change all these settings in Forge anyway.

    Now of course if you make a map in Halo 3 it's much more predictable, sure, but it's all modifiable anyway. Now of course that's also dependant on whether the loadouts can be locked to the map you make or just in the gametype you make. Either way, if people want to play your map they will use the gametype as well.

    Even in Halo 3 maps can be broken, simply by not using the gametype supplied with it.

    You change with the times.

    This isn't Halo 3, it's Reach. Don't think about this like a Halo 3.5. New everything.

    Now of course, I'm not arguing the fact that it wont be an issue, but I'm certain it will be fine =]
    EDIT: Also, i'm watching Lost at the moment, so if that post has some irregularities, I'm sorry. xD
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Sprint just gives you a little extra distance, not too much, and anyways it would actually give sprinters a benefit to be able to jump farther.
    Armor lock lasts for an entire seven seconds. So you can shut down a hallway for an entire seven seconds. Not much use.
    Jetpack would actually allow people who do not hold the top of the map to have a chance. Imagine a game of construct without everyone camping the lifts.
    Active Camo only makes you entirely invisible if you are not moving. It just gives people a nice bit of stealth. How would radar jamming shut down an area of a map? Not everyone relies entirely on radar.
    Evade, or what you called dodge, gives you two rolls from max power. No way this would do more than just get you behind a corner to avoid fire.
    Elites are only in Invasion and Covenant slayer. How would this cause a problem when you can just play regular slayer?
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Maps will need to be bigger to account for all of those things. Just hope the new Forge makes that possible.
  10. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    TL;DR people - get out now then...

    You all missed the point of my post. This thread and me are addressing all remakes that will come into reach, not newly designed ideas. The title of the thread is Reach Remakes. And if any forger would want their map to get into any play-list they will have to really modify the existing maps by quite a substantial amount.

    Our traditional forging of maps the style of the maps in halo 3 are going to have to be redone completely.

    First let me start with the fact that there are people making maps in halo 3 that don't even understand the game mechanics enough to prove worthwhile to play on. Secondly that these people that finally understand the halo 3's engine will have to tame and completely relearn for the new beast called Halo Reach.

    I will use the example of someone trying to remake construct. The whole success of construct is the power of veritcallity. The reason that that map is so much fun is because it is a constant battle over the top. If you hold it you can dominate the match. There are a total of 5 ways to get from the bottom of the map to the top. 3 lifts, 2 ramps/ columns that provide a way to get up there.

    Now lets say some jolly forger, decides to make a map in reach and models it perfectly to the way construct looked in Halo 3. (because we all know that kids will do this regardless of what dynamic changes occurred from H3- HR). Lets say that bungie was so surprise by the map that they put it into a play-list without testing (another thing that wouldn't happen but just role with it.) The first thing the masses of players would notice is that it would never play the same again. Your spartan runs slower, strafing is useless, the DMR and M6 pistol rules all over the long sight lines and with its supper accuracy. Then just when a team thinks they have vertical control the other team comes flying up and completely ruin that idea. Both teams are on top of the map without any way to strategically to keep them down. That team can come up to the top from anywhere. Chaos ensues.

    So my main point is that if you are trying to forge a remake or a spiritual successor that dose not bend to the new game mechanics, but rather than how close it is to the original then there is a high chance that you map will not be selected to be in a play-list, and there is an even higher chance that your map will have sporadic game-play and map control issues.

    Even if you set up a custom game-type that tries to mirror the game-play of halo 3 and turn off all of the armor abilities when are you going to get a chance to play it that often. You can put it out there for other people to download and play but the chances are that a person will never remember what game-type goes with what map after a couple hundred downloads. (this problem happens to me all the time)And now that Halo Reach will have thousands of custom content abilities instead of Halo 3's hundred item rule it will only get worse. And honestly I rather play on maps that use a standard game-type rather than a rule changer.
    #30 Col Keller, May 16, 2010
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I believe Bungie stated Halo Reach would have a way to link a gametype to the map, in addition to an entirely new file storing system. I would actually love construct with jetpacks because it would make the game move much faster than everyone getting killed out of the gravlifts. The only maps that might have a problem with the new equipment are those that have walls built in, because jetpacks can jump the walls. Bungie will probably give some new features to help counter this and if they do not, just play classic slayer.

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