Won't all the people who've made really good maps in the past have to make a remake in Reach? (I'm not implying they must do so) I mean, there are really good maps out there and there'll probably be desire for new versions of old favorites along side new concepts. What I'm saying by all this, is that it'll be trekkage for those involved.
True dat. But they will probably incorporate one in. I mean, they won't want to alienate the forging community, would they?
No? A new game means new innovation and new gameplay. Redoing all your old classics is a stupid idea and more arrogant than anything else. However, if you can bring something new and fresh to the table with the new game....well, that's the point, isn't it?
The only thing we know about Reach forge so far is that it's "crazy." To me that says we get full mapmaking ability at launch, rather than waiting for a proper canvas.
I don't mean copying a map out figuratively word for word, but remaking it with consideration to Reach's style, which is, wouldn't you say, bringing something new to the table. Although some people would remake their maps out of arrogance and in disregard of whether anyone's opinion of the map or whether anyone wants the map, but if they were not up to scratch, nobody would play them. With a good mapmaker however, he/she could do a remake well. People will want the old game types like tremors, conquest maps etc. which many people enjoyed. In these cases they could be new maps, and modified versions of the game types to better play on Reach. Also, by no means do I intend to suggest that all decent maps should be reproduced, but only a few. tl;dr How is it arrogant if someone brings a good map back, and makes it better in Reach?
I think it would be a great opportunity for some people to make a version two with greater tools to refine their maps and make them better. It could help provide a nice wealth of maps right from the start, rather then waiting for the golden maps after the first few months. Not that I'm saying there wont be fantastic maps within the first few months. Also, I certainly don't agree with Insane saying it's arrogant. I think that's a stupid comment. If someone wants to remake their map so that more people can play it, then good for them.
It's all up to the map designer and their ability to improvise design and know how to adopt to reach's gameplay properly. That's a universal design attribute. Carbon copied maps end up with subpar gameplay results, show lack of thought, effortless creativity toward the game. Insane made a good point about being as innovative as possible. I agree, though core concepts might end up sifting through to spark ideas, that I have no problem with.
Ill probably remake my old co-forge Redeemer if Im give the proper tools. I might also remake some of H3's multiplayer maps that I love... Like The Pit, or Guardian. Other than that, it'll all be original map I'll be making.
What I mean is basically keeping yourself in the past and trying to make all your maps so you can get more downloads for a new game. I have no problem with taking an old idea, rethinking it, and making an adjusted version for Reach. My problem would be with remaking all of whoever's old maps without really thinking about it, which I'm sure is going to happen. It's a new game, which means radically different gameplay, this also isn't the first time a game with a map editor has gone to a new version.... In the case of some maps, most notably minigames, they don't really need much adjusting. Tremors is a simple game, and probably will be just about the same. But it is a different game and new maps so at least a little thought is going to have to go into that. The only exception that I'm all for remaking piece by piece are the great old Bungie maps....those remakes are all about experiencing old designs in a new gameplay, and it's really more nostalgia than anything.
I'm sure we'll see our fair share of remakes. They're a very popular choice for downloads by the average B.netter so it's a good way to get your name out there. I don't think too many veterans will be making remakes, though I might remake lockout again
Back on topic now. If anyone has not noticed, old maps are usually replaced by new ones after a while because playing on the same map gets boring quickly. Why would you bother remaking a map that is now passed over in favor of newer maps. What should be brought into forge for reach is experiences from old maps, thorns and roses that could build an even better map with the capabilities of reach.
Although Im really looking foward to the new features reach has to offer, I do hope that those real classics make an appearance. Such even those unprofessional games, like Ghost Busters, Predator (which no matter what you say, I still love to date), and the grandfather kind, Fat kid. Id also love to see my favorites such as Antalion defense make a remake, but I do want some new fresh great looking forges to appear at the same time.
Something I've heard of as a custom game with some friends but never on line is called the "Monkey." You set it on juggernaut, give him invulnerability or darn close, slowest speed and 0% damage. Then everyone gathers around them and beats them mercilessly until they accidently hit them in the back and become the new "Monkey," now I wonder how jetpacks can be worked into that.....
I'll be doing some "re-imaginations" for sure, pixel-perfect remakes, not so much. I'll definitely be revisiting some of my old ideas that were crippled by Halo 3's forge.