The Bungie Stadium is a Map that I decided to make after watching Halo Music Videos. I begin pondering the idea of an actual Concert Stage along with Stands and decided to role with it. In short, here is my take on the concept. GREAT FOR MOSH PIT An Eagle's view of the stage. WITH WORKING FIREWORKS The Basic Audience Stands The Back ally behind the stage. Where The band hangs out. As she does her little turn on the Catwalk Leap onto the stage like a true rockstar Complete with a Drum set! Rock out!!! DOWNLOAD
No offense, but possibly the most pointless-looking map I've ever seen. One of, not the most pointless.
This is an Aesthetic map, Mr. Competitive. I don't believe there is a point. Just for video making. [edit] Also! Welcome to Forge Hub, A10M1C!!!one!!! Enjoy Forge Hub's access to hundreds of maps and Happy Forging! [edit]
The Casual is only because I wanted people to get some sort of gameplay options. In the most part it was made for Aesthetic. Sorry if it sucks I guess, I am a Machinima Director, not a hardcore forger haha. ADDED THE DOWNLOAD LINK
Trust me, as a Director I have to deal with a lot of peoples complaints and ignorancy so he isn't a problem. Anyways, please download and review.
It's pretty nice. Better than even Emo's Concert, nice job. Could you get a better overlook though? Of the audience stand, mostly.
Probably one I saw under Competitive. It was basically an arena enclosed in a double box. Room for maybe 2 people. No point at all.
It really could be truly neatened up. Make sure that next time you post a map, it must be neat. No sloppiness or I dont give it a hug.
cool D: i think my concert stage is still the best after all the other ones have come out but still cool