This is like the other thread where you said what you wanted to be added to forge but with custom games! -I want forced vehicles spawns (so you cant get out) -The ability to do a vote (like matchmaking) -Rare loadouts. E.G. It will randomly give 1 person this loadout every (choose time here) -Change ammo for each item. (Infinite for sword, 2 clips for DMR and infinite for jetpack!) I had heaps more but I forgot them :/
Every weapon available for spawn unlike halo 3 where u can't spawn with a sentinal beam or carbine. I agree with the infinite armor abilities. Infinite jetpacks would be fun. I already have an ideal for some VIP games or floating platform maps. And I can't wait for infection
infinite jet pack + swords + on sword base = air dueling also when you do this ihn a normal game you like a flying ninja! and i would like it so if you spawn in a certain base, you have to pick a certain loadout (e.g spawn at bottom with jet pack, at top with sprint ETC) and customisable loadouts (ovb) and a higher chance of spawning with certain weapons (a 40% chance of spawning with a sniper, 20% with beamlaser thingy, 20% with a somthing)
I'd like to see an option where you can customize the weapons for both teams without having to make it Infection
What the fawk? It's a Custom Game.. why would you want someone vetoing the map you want to play? Like that was.. I'm not going to me rude.. just wow. I would like to be able to take the waypoints off of dropped objective pieces. So you have to look for them..
I just wrote about 200 words on why this is good and FH bugged and it didn't send....... The main reasons in short are, -you don't have to use it. -No more XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (they have to pick something!). -When the leader wants to play a map they like but the group doesn't like the one they picked and doesn't know what else they have just tell them to do a vote (they will understand that!). Everyone's happy and you don't have to spend OVER 9000!!!! years looking for a new custom game. -But best of all...... NO MORE FAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!
You must play customs with dueches. Play with your friends, you can use these newfangled things called headsets, so you can talk to them and everyone can figure out what they want to play.
For the one with the vehicles I saw in the mongoose race on powerhouse that they were forced to spawn on the vehicle and if they flipped over and walked around to long they would die and respawn on a vehicle again.
>>Role-revesal on Invasion. I'd love to make objective games where the spartans have to infliltrate a covenant training ground. >>Juggernaut traits to Elites. Turn it into a massive game of fox-hunting. We all ride around on mongeese chasing an orange dinosaur with ridiculous speed. >>Obviously loadout customisation, but also the ability to edit speed & jump height on said loudouts. I'd love to feel like a massive powerhouse with 3x oversheilds & slow speed, but sprint to give you occasional bursts of regular speed.
I want to be able to tweak everything. While this won't happen, I hope we can make invasion esc gametypes.
There was also dogfight found in the code, which would be all air vehicle combat. It would make sense that you spawn already in your banshee and if you get out (if you can) you would die.
So dogfight will be possible. Really the only thing I hoped for in reach custom games is the ability to overhaul the classes and make people spawn in vehicles
If I am forced to spawn in a banshee I also want to be able to get out, jetpack to an enemy and jack them. Maybe make it so people die when they hit the ground
I would be very happy with some way to set player traits with each individual Loadout. I am afraid that this won't be the case, as so far all we've seen in matchmaking are similar player models with different weapons/armor abilities. Not a player that can move faster or do/take more damage based on their Loadout decision for example. Also, an infection game with mixed Loadout models would be fantastic. After a few waves of tiny spartan zombies a gigantic pink sprinting dinosaur barrel rolls into your group's collective face and smashes it with it's space hammer... awesome.
and there goes the realistic discussion... AI are not going to be featured in custom games without some giant leap forward in technology. Even getting them to hunt down an enemy in firefight was a great step forward from enemies that just sit there and wait for you to walk by then shoot at you. Edit: Battlefront did have some decent AI but those required the entire map be almost flat so there was nothing for them to get stuck on, and most followed predetermined paths. If you want AI, go play campaign.