Say goodbye to taping weapon spawn times on your screen, and hello to Weapon Spawn Alerts. FUNCTIONALITY You could be thinking, 'Why re-invent the wheel? I've already seen a weapon spawn timer before on the internet.' You may have, but the truth is that it's not exactly practical to use, especially during an MLG game. Other spawn counters require that the user clicks a weapon every time he obtains it. This is in no way possible during a competitive game. FEATURES -Updated for MLG Version 8 -Overview of all MLG maps and corresponding power weapons -The Pit Overshield, Rockets, Sniper, and Mauler spawn blocks -Narrows Rockets, Sniper, and Mauler spawn blocks -Guardian Camo, Sniper, and Mauler spawn blocks -Amplified Mauler spawn block -Onslaught Mauler spawn block -Construct Camo, Rockets, and Sniper spawn blocks -Heretic Sword and Carbine spawn blocks -Easy to use interface that prevent user from clicking too many times -Flashing heads up display that clearly notified player of spawning -Color coordinated weapon bars and alerts -Drop Spawn system factored in to timing -Certain items adjusted to Pick-Up Clock -Sexy aesthetics that include icons of all weapons, and custom-made icons for powerups INSTRUCTIONS The program is really easy to use, and entirely self-explanatory. But instructions can't hurt, right? After Alerts loads, you'll be prompted to pick the MLG map on which you are about to play. Simply click on the icon the represents the map, and you'll be taken to a screen specific to the map you selected. When the game begins on your Xbox 360, click BEGIN. The weapon bars will track spawning for you without any additional clicking. Press BACK to return to the map select screen. When a weapon has spawned, a medium-paced flash will be seen over that weapon's bar. Five second later, the flash will slow down, and ten seconds from spawn, the flashing will cease. About 25 seconds before the weapon spawns, you'll see a slow-paced red flashing. The flashing will quicken as the weapon gets even closer to spawning. ISSUES Keep in mind that, because certain items, such as Overshield, Camo, and Maulers, spawn according to when they are picked up, it is impossible to track their spawning perfectly without forcing the user to click when the obtain one of said items. In this way, Weapon Spawn Alerts does the best it can to predict when these items will spawn, based on the flow of typical MLG games. An asterisk next to the weapon's name indicates when these unusual rules apply. So, all in all, while Alerts will keep track of usual power weapons perfectly, powerup times might be seconds off depending on the game, and mental timing is still required. GO USE IT There's no download or purchase necessary at all. Simply head over to Weapon Spawn Alerts and get to work. THANKS Thanks a ton to xi sh0ck ix for his awesome MLG V8 spawn table, and for his assistance with OS spawning on The Pit. Thanks to .ELeKTroNiK. for his help with Invis spawning on Guardian. Also, thanks to my friends that beta-tested this interface, particularly Perille, IntrepidX619, PBNinja64, Janeeey, and UmbrellaBoy. Please leave a comment telling me what you think! Weapon Spawn Alerts
I have the iPhone app, but this is actually a really nice alternative, especially considering my computer screen is right next to my TV, a quick glance will be easy. To be honest, I prefer the approach of the iPhone app which lets you manually reset those awakward items you mention (powerups, Mauler) with a button. True you have to click it, but tbh it's even easier to do so quickly on a computer than picking up my iPhone and pressing a button on that. Idk, the estimate thing is a good attempt but I still feel that it's not nearly as useful as it could be if it were accurate. Also, I notice you've only got 1 version of Construct up there, the TS version with Camo and no OS. Are you planning on putting the KotH version with the 2 minute OS in as well? Still, nicely fluid and visually easy to understand at a glance, which is basically what you want from something like this. Very nicely done, dude.
I agree. If I continue working on this, I'll need to provide a manual mode that allows user input for weapons that run on the Pick-up Clock. Gametypes would follow, etc. But a more comprehensive Pick-up Clock counter is the priority. I'll also eventually move onto making an iPod app, although this is still "subject to Apple's current requirements and approval..." Glad you like it! It's still in its early developmental stage, but I think it works well in casual MLG games already.