My Custom Made Reach Stats!!!!! I was messing around on and decided to make some kind of stats. so i made this It has my emblem in the top left,my mosted used weapon at the right,a perfection medal at the bottom(to show im awsome)and the main thing is my spartan armour for reach. I might be making more for clan members but that is it.
@foyoman thanks didnt realise i put that @red army i got bored so i decided 2 make some random stat like thing
Just so you know, that armour is a placeholder, it's not your ingame armour (unless you wear default). The emblem background needs cutting out, you could do with getting the smaller version of the commendation medals and putting that at the bottom instead. Otherwise it's place fairly well.
i wear that armour so yea i do wear default i like the difference betwee the emblem background and the black because it shows my in game colour. and i was going to put like a medal chest at bottom with killing sprees overkills ect but it didnt look as good so i used the large perfection(also it fits the size with the shotgun and the armour so i kept it.