Specifically aimed at Transactionzero but also includes others. I am trying to contact this admin. However there is one problem, he does not allow people to send him PM's. I figured, fine, no PM's, I'll just send you a message to your page... No luck, he also has that disabled. How the hell am I suppose to contact him without the whole public knowing what I want to say to him. He's an Admin, he should not under any circumstance have these things disabled. Maybe the public messages but certainly not the private messages. How is this allowed? He's supposed to be contactable, but he's disallowing this...
Eh, I can see the potential for problems if every moderator opened up their pages.. look at Sarge. But yeah, at least private messages, It'd be really helpful if we could send em to the important people. huh.
They're relying on you reporting the threads. They don't seem to check often though, as I can sometimes report a thread and it will be open for hours, maybe even never get locked.
This is about replying and talking to them. Not so much reporting. If I need to talk to them, what am I supposed to do?
[This is from my perspective, and seeing as how I'm not a member, I have no idea what the situation is like for you] I clicked on Transactionzero's page, and yes, he does not allow any PM's. However, I did click on all of the Admins and other Moderators and they have the option to PM them. In the event that you have a personal gripe against that moderator, your best bet would be to relay it to another moderator imo.
Agreed. If reported posts was checked more often this would be fixed. But we need to personally alert them instead. They really should have them allowed for everyone, especially when sometimes they're the only [sub](sober)[/sub] mod online. --- Also, this should be moved to CS, no problem though; ill just Message Transactionzero to move it, oh wait...
We check reported posts ridiculously often. Just because we don't necessarily do whatever actions you think is appropriate doesn't mean we don't see them. In fact, I think most reported posts have at least 1 view on them within 1-2 minutes. TZ will be talked to, though, moderators need to be able to be PMd/VMd. On another note, this only relates to one moderator, and could have just been private messaged to myself or another Admin. :lock: