Reach Vehicle Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pyro, May 8, 2010.

  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Halo Reach Vehicle Discussion

    The Vehicles of Halo: Reach​

    The UH-144 is a versatile, transverse-rotor multipurpose utility helicopter. Two Falcons can transport a fully-equipped infantry squad faster than any previous system, and provide overwhelming support fire, in most weather conditions.
    Crew: 1 Pilot, 2 Gunners, (2 Passengers in campaign)
    Armament: 2 door-mounted machine guns, (chin-mounted chaingun in campaign)
    Falcon showing off some manuverability:

    In for some chop:

    Looks powerful:

    The M12 Force Application Vehicle, more widely known as the Warthog, is a highly mobile, all-wheel-drive, all-wheel-steering, ICE-powered vehicle equipped with a manual transmission. The M12 can be configured to become a troop carrier, armament carrier, ambulance, reconnaissance vehicle, or communications vehicle. All M12-based vehicles are designed to travel both on and off-road, in all weather conditions.
    Crew: 1 driver, 1 gunner, 1 passenger
    Armament: M41 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun or Ardent V Missiles or M68 Gauss Cannon or compliment of three soldiers (no gunner)

    Rocket Warthog:

    Rocket Warthog firing:

    Although most useful against large, slow moving targets, the rocket warthog is also effective against infantry and light vehicles.

    Gauss Warthog:

    Rocket Warthog (foreground) and Gauss Warthog (background) on forgeworld:

    Warthogs uncovered on Boneyard:
    YouTube- Halo Reach Mods :: RocketHog, TroopHog, GaussHog, CamoHog & More

    Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Passenger
    Armament: None

    The M808 Main Battle Tank (MBT), more widely known as the Scorpion, is the primary armored fighting vehicle of the UNSC ground forces. The Scorpion is large and heavily armored, but is surprisingly nimble. The four-track design (each track mounted on an independent, computer-controlled suspension system) allows the Scorpion to climb over or maneuver around large debris or other battlefield obstacles.
    Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Secondary Gunner, 4 Passengers (not Spartans or Elites)
    Armament: 90mm High Velocity Cannon, M247T 7.62mm AP-T MMG

    he Type-26 Assault Gun Carriage (T26 AGC), more commonly identified as the Wraith, is the primary armored fighting vehicle used by the Covenant. It is bulbous and thickly armored, but surprisingly maneuverable.
    Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Secondary Gunner
    Armament: Plasma Mortar or 2 tri-barreled fuel rod cannons, Plasma turret

    Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Passenger



    The Type-32 Rapid Attack Vehicle (T32 RAV), more commonly identified as the Ghost, is a one-man gravity-effect vehicle, primarily used in a reconnaissance and close infantry support role. It is essentially a “hover sled”—it hovers low to the ground and moves very quickly. The vehicle is armed with two (2) linked forward-firing plasma cannons.
    Crew: 1 Driver
    Armament: Twin plasma cannons

    The Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft (T26 GSA), more commonly identified as the Banshee, is typically used for reconnaissance, ground support, and ground attack missions. It is lightly armored and, while not particularly vulnerable to small arms, can be brought down by concentrated fire from infantry.
    Crew: 1 Pilot
    Armament: Twin plasma cannons, Fuel rod cannon
    Banshees displaying wing tilt capability:

    -Spirit (not drivable)
    The Type-25 Troop Carrier (or T25 TC) is also known as the Spirit, although it is almost universally identified as troop carrier or dropship. It is capable of carrying up to 30 infantry and 2 vehicles. It is armed with one heavy plasma auto-cannon.
    Crew: 1 Pilot
    Armament: Shade turret
    Compliment: 30 passengers and 2 ghosts or 2 drop pods

    Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Passenger
    Armament: None

    The S-2 Traxus Cargo Transporter commonly called the forklift, is typically used for loading and unloading larger cargo vehicles and transporting cargo. It is unarmored and the driver is extremely vulnerable to small arms fire.
    Crew: 1 Driver
    Armament: None

    The Type-26 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun, known as the Shade, is the Covenant's standard stationary gun turret and anti-infantry weapons platform. The Shade provides heavy support for infantry and protects the gunner.
    Crew: 1 Gunner
    Armament: Twin Plasma Cannons

    -Seraph (campaign only)
    Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot

    -Sabre (campaign only)
    Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Copilot
    Armament: Chainguns, Missile launcher
    Sabre ground launch:

    Vehicle characteristics:
    -Decreased acceleration for the Scorpion, Wraith, and Ghost.
    -Increased acceleration for the Warthog and Mongoose.
    -Increased damage and decreased health for all vehicles.
    -Lower speed requirement for splatters.
    -Higher cruise speed for the Banshee yet lower boost speed.
    -Banshee flies directly where it is pointed; no lift generated by speed.
    -Banshee must switch between plasma cannons and banshee bomb [Y].
    -Warthog chain gun overheats.
    -Increased effect of warthog skidding.
    -Scorpion is a one hit kill against anything.
    -Forced vehicle spawns in custom games.
    -Mongoose has rear view mirrors.
    -Vehicles do not heal, damage is permanent.
    -After sufficient damage vehicles are on a timer to explode

    #1 pyro, May 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  2. cortinator

    cortinator Ancient
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    I like the idea of increasing the speed for the hog. **** was slow for Halo 3. I don't like the idea of decreasing the speed need for a splatter. It was slow enough for Halo 3.
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    It's definately more fun, thats for sure. All vehicles in general have a more edgy feel, doesn't give you that safe feeling like you can rain death upon all until you get splazered. Theres much more to think about while driving, I'm really happy about this.

    The banshee seems slower with faster boost, contrary to what you've posted, and the evade is much more dramatic. The banshee seems more like a hovercraft that a airplane now, and I like it now that i've gotten used to it.

    The wraith and scorpion's recoil feels intense. I didn't notice a decreased acceleration with the scorpion, and it does drive differently backwards and sideways and stuff, I haven't gotten used to that yet. Went on a 12 kill spree in one today :)

    The warthog and ghost acts very similar, warthog turret overheats which is a good thing. I noticed while driving a ghost that it was making a strange hissing noise, then it exploded and i died, so remember to get out of a hissing ghost.

    Overall the new vehicles are seamlessly integrated with gameplay, I would sum them up as being really, really fun. I personally think that vehicles are the funnest dimension in halo, and think that more now then ever. I've had so much fun using vehicles in invasion and am looking forward to trying the mongoose, falcon, and all the rest. Reach kicks ass, good job bungie.
    #3 Seaboro Kibbles, May 8, 2010
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  4. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Well, there's definitely going to be more vehicles in the final version of the game, as you probably know. There is going to be that one civilian truck, but there are also rumors of a Seraph heavy fighter being introduced.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Banshee definitely needs work. Its glitchy and I almost would rather not use it... and its my favorite vehicle.
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The banshee felt unfinished, the camera was wonky for the tricks, and it seemed like they never test drove it to realize that switching weapons was easy to do and unnecessary.
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Since boost does almost nothing, they should just remove it and put banshee bomb on LT.

    All of the controls for the vehicles are strange and unfinished.

    The warthog can take more damage than a tank

    The ghost and warthog turn way too slow.
  8. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    With the banshee I couldn't find out how to do the tricks or how to use BB. It also felt really slow with boost. When I first got in it I thought it was a different vehicle. :(
    I liked the health and damage for vehicles in halo 3 more. (other than new splatters)
    And I agree with Hari. The vehicle controls are really messed up and tank needs more health. I didn't get to drive in a ghost or warthog though and boost just needs more speed.
    #8 Turkey bag56, May 8, 2010
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  9. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love the warthog in Reach and the ghost and wraith are good too. The scorpion's controls are majorly ***** though, the camera has to be facing in the exact same direction as the tank in order to be able to turn, that needs to be fixed. I haven't used it enough yet to notice anything else. The banshee seems mostly good but sometimes it won't do a trick when you tell it to and I'm not sure if I like switching between the main guns and the banshee bomb. Also the scorpion should not be able to one-shot-kill the banshee.
  10. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    for the banshee I can't get used to having to cycle between the bomb and the cannon, also when you're flying the banshee its just friggin ugly now its almost a boxy type ting with wings.
  11. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I'm happy with most of the changes. the boost in the banshee does have a purpose (splats) and though I didn't like switching in between the guns at first, I've gotten used to it.
    The hog is awesome. Love the look, feel, the way it overheats if you fire constantly.

    I also love the GTA feel to the damage. It catches fire and you have a few seconds to bail before death, unlike halo 3 where it would just blow up suddenly (albeit after tons of damage).
    The yells of "abandoned ship" that have resulted are hilarious

    AND I think its a good thing that the splatter speed for the warthog was lowered. so many times in halo 3 you'd feel like you're going all out, hit someone, and it would be like just a graze.
    #11 IH8YourGamerTag, May 13, 2010
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  12. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Ya, I have a not perfect connection so there would be times I would boost the ghost ram someone at full speed and not even fully drain their shields. Now they die :)
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Someones probably already mentioned this but WTF is up with the scorpion when you try to reverse. Its like trying to control a kid with ADHD on speed.
  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    In a recent game of invasion I managed to steal the covenant banshee (I was UNSC) then kill the entire enemy team within feet of the power core destination. Our team managed to protect the power core with aerial support after the momentum from splattering the power core carrier had knocked it into the destination. Overpowered banshee?
    I will try to post the video soon.
    #14 pyro, May 15, 2010
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  15. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I'd just like to say that I love the new Banshee. It flies great and it looks dead sexy.
  16. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Simple Fact:

    New Banshee controls are disastrous.
    Please bring back the Halo: CE controls for the Banshee, they had it right first go. I don't like that it keeps moving forward whether you're touching the controls or not. I would much prefer it just hover on the spot, or at least as close to hovering on the spot as Halo: CE had it.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    it should be noted that where the scorpian spawns on the original invasion gametype, when you thur left, and the legde has a wegde shape to it, you canot drive over the end of it with the scorpion, even though its gets to only about 1-2 inches tall.
  18. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I am not sure what the banshee controls were but the only problem now is having to switch to the banshee bomb. For a noob yes having a banshee hover normally might be good, because then you can just sit up in the air and rain death down. Banshees are fast attack craft. With a good pilot, this does not make a difference.

    I believe the Banshees were the same way in ODST and that got really annoying.

    #18 pyro, May 15, 2010
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  19. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    First of all, that's an opinion, not a fact. Secondly, being able to hover would make the Banshee WAY too overpowered. As it is, I was able to get a Rampage in the Banshee. It's perfect how it is. Much better than Halo 3's.
  20. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Everyone I've talked to while playing Reach has said the controls for the Banshees are horrible.

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