No fancy schmancy background story here. Heck, there ain't no escape either. No room for error, no time to wash up. This is Bloodbath. Bloodbath is a small, oval-shaped, perfectly symmetrical map that consists of 4 levels. From the bottom floor, ramps hug the wall and spiral upwards. Aesthetically pleasing, yet practical in every sense. And I'd stay off the bottom floor if I were you; the death rate seems to increase the lower you are. Fast, fun, and frenetic, Bloodbath is suitable for 2-6 players. You could even get away with 8 players, but that may be too hardcore for some. Weapons (Respawn Time:Extra Clip): *4x Battle Rifle (90:1) *1x Shotgun (120:1) *2x Brute Shot (60:1) *4x Spiker (45:1) *2x Needler (60:1) Grenades (Respawn Time): *4x Spike Grenade (20) *2x Plasma Grenade (20) *2x Firebomb Grenade (20) Bloodbath supports the following gametypes : -Slayer (both Free For All & Team) -CTF (Multi-flag & 1 Flag) -Assault (Multi-bomb ,1 Bomb, & Neutral Bomb) -Oddball -King Of The Hill In Multi-flag CTF games, both teams start on the 4th level, but the flags spawn on the bottom. It only takes one jump to get to the bottom level to fetch the flag, but it wont be so easy to capture it seeing as how the capture point is back up top where you started. For 1 Flag games, the Defending team starts at the top, and the Attacking team starts at the bottom. The flag also spawns at the bottom, and it is the Attacking team's job to bring it to the capture point above. I suggest either quick flag respawn times, or touch flag return. Similar rules apply to the Assault gametypes. Take the Screenshot Tour! : *Follow me up the "A" ramp to the 2nd level. *Ramp from 2nd level to the 3rd. (Notice the similarity with the first picture? That's because it's symmetrical) *View of the 3rd level. *Ramp from 3rd level to the top. *Top level. This is where you bring the flag/bomb. Now for some action shots! : I hope you've enjoyed this tour of Bloodbath. Please leave your opinions, no matter how harsh.
very cool i was thinking of doing something like this but never got around to it ill dl and leave feed back.
This reminds me of that part of the level from Campaign in Halo 2, 'The Arbiter', where you have to fight your way up and down the shaft against hordes of Heretics and Flood. Neat, I'll check it out.
Ye it does remind me of The arbiter.Nice use of interlocking.Im DL ill get back to u with the details and feedback
Wow. That's actually what I originally named this map haha. Is that a map someone from here made? If so, can I get a link?
Anyone else care to criticize? I really want to hear your guy's feedback on this one as I think I did really good on this one.
This looks more like a slayer map, i think team slayer wouldnt work well becuase you would be seperated from you team, and whatever team controlled the top would most likely dominate, also, do the power weapons spawn at the bottom, i think that would help make it more even.
Actually, TSlayer works pretty good on this map. It may be 4 stories high, but by no means is it hard to come up from the bottom as, well, it's hard for me to find the words to explain this, but I'll try. To get to the top, you'll have to travel counter-clockwise, up a spiraling ramp. Being a "symmetrical" map, your path will eventually cross paths with the other team's spiraling ramp, so a jump here gives you another route to take. And it may seem like open space, but the way the map is built, there is plenty of cover. On top of it being easy to climb, it's also very difficult for the people on top to keep that position because they don't really have that good of a view to the bottom. Other things to keep it more fair: The bottom has 4 spike grenades (they work REALLY well with the map's geometry), 2 plasma grenades, 2 firebomb grenades, the lone shotgun, 2 Brute Shots (again, works well for "the bottom guys"), and 2 BRs on the second level. The guy's on top have 2 BRs, 4 spikers, and 2 needlers. There are no grenades at the top to keep from grenade spamming the bottom. And really, the map isn't all the big (floor-space wise) so there's constant action, but with all the "cover" (more like limited sight distance), it's calm at the same time. Please, I advise you to DL and take a look for yourself. Then, grab a few friends and do a team doubles, maybe a 1 Flag CTF, or just plain TSlayer. You wont be disappointed And if you are, you can just delete it. At least give it a try with some friends.
Anyone else care to download and critique? It really makes me sad that no one ever downloads my maps, or comment on them. I see all these good maps around here and I get intimidated, then I make my own thinking it'll stand up to the "weaker" ones out here and I come to realize that I'll just never be a good forger. I guess this is my last attempt to bump my map. Really, all I want is for people to actually play the map and tell me what I'm doing wrong, because to me I really think in my head that I'm making an awesome map (Of course, there's a little bias). Time to go back to the drawing board
wow this looks very good its all put together very well and the idea is fairly unique, looks like alot of good cover+visual touches nice nice job 5/5 keep up the good forging
this looks really fun for a ctf gametype, maybe one-flag or even neutral assault, but ya, keep up the forging man, don't get down just because people rarely post, i know how it goes, if you feel like you didn't do good enough, that is more the reason to build bigger and better maps
Wow. Thanks guys for the words of encouragement! I wake up today and I notice that I've gotten 100 downloads so far. I like it here, it's a very nice little community. Again, thanks guys!