What the F-ck assassination When an enemy sees you, you dissapear then reapear in the back of the enemy assassinating him.
A quick assassination would be nice. Just walks up from behind and slits the throat, clean and simple.
Jetpack Assassination- Punches Jetpack to bust it and the player gets shot into the ground by the malfunctioning Jetpack.
Grab their arms and make them hit themselves, meanwhile asking seriously "Why are you hitting yourself?" Push them down a flight of stairs. Drown them in a puddle.
Focus Rifle assassination. Kick the guy in the back, roll him over and discharge the beam into his face. Edit: Show him a picture of Britney Spears.
1. Get behind a guy. 2. Throw your knife high into the air. 3. Turn him around and knee him in the face (which would be pushing his head down while you bring your knee up to his face). 4. Right after this, your other hand is catching the knife in the air and stabbing it into the top of his skull so you knee him in the face and then stab the top of his head. 5. Kick his stomach and let him fall on his back.
spartan vs spartan 1. snags a traffic cone puts (if one is near) it over someone's head and then sticks the knife into the back, then after they respawn for the rest of the game the victim walks around the map with a traffic cone on his head.
Spartan vs either Spartan taps shoulder, victim turns around "Hey Princess" (Very important that he says this) Stabs Face Or for female characters: Spartan taps shoulder, victim turns around Spartan takes off helmet (Very important that she does this) The face is Sarah Jessica Parker and the enemy dies a horrible painful death.
Spartan to Elite- step in front and flip the guy over your shoulder, bend down and punch a hole in his chest, plant a grenade Self saving assassination- if you fall really far and time it perfectly instead of taking fall damage you crush the guy under you
spartan->elite does not count as a used grenade, but jumps on back, sticks a grenade in mouth, kicks off.
Elite to Spartan (only if a wall is really close) Elite grabs spartan from behind turns him around, shoves him against the wall, and chokes him.
Jetpack to Jetpack assassination 1. Knife/punch open the other guy's jetpack. 2. Kick him away from you. 3. Before he falls, you whip out a pistol and shoot his jetpack, causing him to explode.
Spartan to Either With grenade launcher or shotgun 1. Kicks enemy to the ground and steps on back 2. Holds barrel end of shotgun/grenade launcher and swings it like a golf club at enemy head 3. Enemy head gets crushed Got that from GoW 2
Spartan to Spartan. Take off his helmet and then stab a knife into his neck. Spartan to female Spartan. Take of all armour then have sex.