Avelanche or Foundry?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Smoke1Drank9, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. Smoke1Drank9

    Smoke1Drank9 Ancient

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    Which do you think is better for forging cause many are saying that Avelanche is becomeing the new foundery. The top forging spot in this map is in the big dark room because you can fall to your death, the objects are much smother and nicer, and if you wanted to you could even disable the man cannons. I believe avalanche has many more possibilities than foundery not only because of the graphic enhanzers to make the place look darker or whatever but also because there are alot more new items that you can make some really unique things out of. So yeh i was thinking it would be pritty sick to remake 1v1 maps like skyward, the sewers or any other maps in here.:D:D:surprise::D:D
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It's spelt Avalanche. And like I said, Foundry will still be used more then any other DLC map for Forging.
  3. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    wow you can't read
    and ALL of your posts are SPAM
    #3 tallon, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I don't think anything can replace foundry unless they make a completely blank map that you can place anything on and have an unlimited budget and can place unlimited objects and you can modify the map layout etc... I would drool over this, like everyone else.
  5. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    He can't read? Nah, I'm pretty sure he can. And seeing how you only have one post, I'm going to assume your new to the community and probably havn't even see Nemi post before in which case you have no right to call him a spammer.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You're right! I am a spammer. I should leave these boards forever. Never mind the amount of time I take just to decipher and understand every post here. Never mind the amount of time of thinking and meaningfulness I put in each of my posts. Never mind the amount of spam I encounter and report because I want this to be a great community.

    Clearly, I'm a shitty member, and you can take my place. Go on, show me your contributions to these forums.

    *XKCD reference*<--- Klink258
  7. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    You know what they say when you assume.

    Why contribute there's hundreds of boards like this.

    And I just thought the person that made this thread put too much thought into his post for you to comment like you did that's all.
    #7 tallon, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  8. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    that has a lot to do with this thread. THAT is just as bad as spamming, it's off topic and going at another member. Nemihara also happens to be a huge part of the forge hub foundation and he's great to have around. this isn't a forum for arguments.

    On the right note, Foundry will always be the ideal level for forging although i do like the open space of Avalanche, it's nice to breath when playing on a map.
  9. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    I'm aware of that.
  10. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Trust me, I've made myself an ass enough times to be immune.

    Nemi posted his opinion that Foundry will still be used more, how is that at all bad?
  11. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Alright, you go to some other forge dedicated forums, one better than Forge Hub. Oh wait.... there isn't one! That is why people contribute.

    On topic: Although I think Avalanche will be used alot, still not to the extent of Foundry. You just can't beat a big flat surface like that. (Well you can, if you make that surface bigger with no roofs or walls, but thats beside the point.) I think both that area on Avalanche and the big area outside of Blackout will be used for some pretty amazing maps though.
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Assume what? Tell me, friend, where did I assume anything, let alone spam?

    Why contribute here? Because this is the first forum I've ever really felt welcome in ever since I left my last one.

    And that person that made this thread asked whether or not I thought Avalanche or Foundry would be used more. I simply corrected his spelling and stated my opinion.

    At no point did I ever flame this member. At no point did I ever flame any member. At no point did I spam in these boards.
    When I was deciding to sign up here back in December, I thought, 'Why am I signing up here?" I'm not a good Forger. I don't like all the maps here. What's going to keep me from leaving immediately?

    Then it clicked. Because I like helping. Because I like contributing. And ever since then, I've been keeping that goal.

    You signed up today, April 26th, and immediately you came to this particular topic and decided to flame me. I did nothing wrong to you, nor any other member here.


    Are you JJBRICH? He left on bad terms with me and Titmar. Titmar was easy to justify. That's Titmar. Me? He accused me of picking on him and mercilessly flamed me without consideration.

    Oh whoops. What am I saying? I only spam.
  13. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    :mad:You have 3 posts here, what do you know?! all of his stuff isnt spam, you could call any post "spam"

    but about the topic: I dont think you can disable the mancannons...well, Ive had the maps and I didnt know about this! but I could see why that room would be forged in the most. I dunno which one is better...I'm real tired of foundry to tell the truth.
  14. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    this deserves a lol, NICE! (sorry that everybody's arguing in your thread, I don't see alot of this.)

    EDIT:corduroyCHUCK and everyone else, I sorry, your right, the double post DOES look pretty ugly.
    #14 Mista Skittles, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  15. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    alright i could swear i just saw that post from soccerholic... we can stop putting tallon in his place now, i think he gets it. this thread is getting lost in another issue and almost needs a lock.

    edit: mista skittles, dont double post either.
  16. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    Not to interupt tallons pain or anything but i think avalanche could pull it off if it werent for the fact that it isnt flat. If you think about it, it's somewhat a remake of foundry. Two bases in a U shaper area with awesoem forging stuff. But everyone loves foundry even though the generic sucks.
  17. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Ive got n board of foundry so avelanche is better
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    i'll tell ya one things for sure is Avalanche has a higher item maximum than Foundry does. It really just depends on the type of map you are planning to build. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. I for one have a killer Av map on the way, which i hope will open more eyes to Av's possibilities.

    Senior Member

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    And do not forget unlimited money and items in forge it would make endless possibilities. (if only):squirrel_sad:
  20. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Let the big boys deal with the 'thinking'

    But it's foundry. It's basically a big square that allows you to place level objects in comparison to Avalanche. Sure the whole 'fall to your death' gimmick is cool and all, but its not going to beat a big canvas.

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