Do the different armor pieces do anything?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, May 5, 2010.

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  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    2nd to last question answer. Money. (The more you play, the more money they are making)
    Last question answer. It may unbalance gameplay but that is from user choice, not bungie's game. You don't have to but the helmet which makes you look cool.

    Also, CR will be handed out a lot more in the full game obv, we have like what, 3 playlists in the BETA. As stated before, they are testing bugs, not how much CR you receive, anything can change.

    Ranks/levels are in reach, not skill so therefore by the time you have a certain rank you most likely will have the money, from all the games you have played to reach that rank so you wont have to play 20 games, reach rank 40 and be like wtf, when you have a meagre amount of credits and everyone else has super duper awesome helmet.

    Anyway, I'm done with commenting in this thread. No-one has provided rock solid evidence, so if some-one does I will be happy to come back and say my theory was wrong. Anyway, as I said, I won't be arguing any more, it's only going to get me worked up.
  2. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    nobody needs solid evidence except you.
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah I have seen this before also and didn't even bother bringing it here for the reason you state (It's about the BETA, not final). You make a good point about it would need testing in the BETA but there are some decisions that Bungie can make final, without any interaction from the community. Ideas which will make them money are such decisions which they will not leave to the community.

    I don't care if no-one believes me, I have the right to state my opinion and your post (which I should add needs some spellchecking and improvement in where grammar should be placed) does not affect my opinion. I think halo is a good game, do I need proof. NO :)

    Umm, no, no I don't.
    #23 B3NW, May 6, 2010
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yes of course you can say whatever you want, i never denied that. i said that nobody needs any hard proof to say that you are full of ****. and your statement was not an opinion. of course you need no proof for an opinion. but saying that you think armor will have an effect on gameplay is not an opinion, its a speculation.

    and did you really bring up grammar? i had no grammar errors except capitalization and apostrophes. im typing on an internet forum, not publishing a literary critique. and since you brought up the subject, at least i know what words mean and how to use them. i already stated how you obviously have no idea what an opinion is. another mistake of yours is where you say that i "need improvement in where grammar should be placed." you seem to not know what grammar is. grammar itself cannot be placed in sentence except as a word. commas, apostrophes, periods, and other devices, as well as where they placed make up grammar. but grammar is not a device, it cannot be "placed".
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Making an exception to what I said before.
    I never did say you denied that I couldn't have an opinion, I simply stated that I can have an opinion. Speculation's are opinions shared with others on subjects.

    Highlighted the key parts. You do not need facts to speculate, /end.

    You should read your first post, you used commas in incorrect places and periods in incorrect places. I could go further but you could be dyslexic and I could be told off by the mods for being offensive. It may be an internet forum but some level of grammar is needed to be understood properly.

    Now I'm seriously out this time because you and I are both going OT.

    /I'm out.

    Ohh and so I don't get infracted for being OT I will add the following summary.

    The following is just speculation so does not need proof and until proven wrong can still be possible:

    Bungie have signed with activision, therefore showing their greed. They have already added features to reach which no-one would have expected until it was released by Bungie. The armor descriptions talk about features which would would help armor abilities. The armors unlike halo 3 do not only go into detail on who they were made by, the specifically hint at features which would work well with features that already exist. As for balancing issues, see my previous posts.
    #25 B3NW, May 6, 2010
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Woah there, big leap from signing with Activision to including armour perm specific abilities. First, I think 'greed' is a little righteous, they need a publisher and Activision are a big name, what goes on behind the scenes to do with publishing deals is a world away from the guys designing and balancing this game. This really is getting spurious.

    Also, I fail to see how adding in what you're talking about is in line with 'greed' anyway. If game credits were MS points then maybe, but Bungie gain nothing more monetarily from either including them or not, so I fail to see your point here. Maybe some people would be coaxed in to buying the game through such a promise, but it's pretty small and meaningless overall so I doubt it's gonna win them significant sales or anything (on this note, if it was gaining them money buy being an incentive to buy, they'd have to tell people about it, so in light of this discussion it makes even less sense). I see absolutely no motivation for Bungie to add this in, let alone some secret capitalist agenda of a reason, I honestly fail to see where you're coming from with this point.

    How is including something in the Beta 'leaving it to the community' in any way? This is a test of the game, not something the community has to 'approve' before Bungie can get some go ahead from on high.

    Bungie can make any decision they want final, they didn't have to do a Beta at all. It exists to test the decisions they have made, something they are motivated to do. The entire point is to test balance, yet you're basically saying that they specifically don't want feedback and testing on a new addition that will inevitably impact upon gameplay and balance? Why? They've nothing to gain by adding in any given feature for it's own sake (again, how exactly will this decision make them money?), they gain by making an overall game that is balanced and enjoyable.
  7. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Okay guys basically this guy is a moron. It's as simple as that.
    Armour Abilities have NOTHING to do with Armour Perms [except for being mentioned in some of the descriptions].

    If you are so blind as to keep thinking there is then that's your prerogative. You have already been proven wrong by the beta itself, by Bungie statements and common Halo knowledge.

    Clearly there's nothing to say that would make you think otherwise. You'll just like like an idiot when you find out for yourself.

    You have the right to state your opinion, sure, a ****ing stupid opinion. Your opinion none the less.
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Someone is trollin'.
  9. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Yeah well, stupid comments annoy me >_>
  10. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Okay as I figure it:

    2,3,4,6, a variation of 7 (just an opinion), 8, and a variation of 10 (his opinion is worth more than yours and requires a Bungie employee coming to his house personally to tell him he's wrong, the area in the Armory that says they have no effeect on gameplay doesn't count)
    #30 R Richard P26, May 6, 2010
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  11. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was thinking about that image every time he posted.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    The answer is no, there is no difference, nor will there ever be in Reach.

    I'm locking this so I don't need to bother handing out infractions everywhere....however, STOP TROLLING. It's unfortunate that a real question by Plasma Rifle Elite gets trolled up.

    @B3NW: You seem to have some self-righteous thing about "people proving you wrong". You need to bring a decent point other than "PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!11" and some real reason to think that if you want to have a real discussion. Otherwise you're just being idiotic. Also, stop reporting the same post. We can see it, and if you keep reporting the same post we WILL infract you for harassing us.

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