I really don't know why, but for some reason, I really hate Stockpile. Does anyone else feel the same way, and why?
I think you're going a bit far with 'hate', but I definitely don't like it as much I thought I would. Regardless, it has it's moments. I see no reason for it to be kicked.
Stockpile is a game that must be played with players of the same skill range, or at least ones that focus on the task at hand. I've had many a game already where players just simply weren't attacking the flags, and instead were going for kills. Thats when I hate the game. However, there are times when I get a good team, and with teamwork, we can usually pull it out rather easily. So no, I don't really hate stockpile, although it can get a bit tiresome with terrible teamates, as almost any gametype can.
I actually really like Stockpile. You need to be playing as a team, there's not many people who do that unfortunately.
Unlike others I love Stockpile on Swordbase, yet I can't stand playing it on Powerhouse, I simply don't know why. As Youtuber and Insane have said though, it truly is a hell of a lot better with working and cooperating teammates.
Red team on Powerhouse spawns right next to Rockets and more flags than Blue in Stockpile. The map itself is brutally flawed, not the gametype. Stockpile is heavily team based. In order to actually enjoy it, you have to be in a party full of players that are willing play the objective and know what they're doing. The way the gametype works, it seems as if you have to play on maps specifically designed with Stockpile in mind (which I plan on making in the Retail version of the game.)
I love Stockpile because there's plenty of tactics and roles you can play in it, it gets really fun when your team has mics. They should deffinitely keep it.
I think if you drop it in your base it should count when the flags get collected, even if someone takes it out.
"Once the flag's dropped in, no one on your team can pick it up unless it's been taken out of the territory by an enemy player." What do you think?
I think that would be a way better idea. I was being amazing on Stockpile early today and my flags weren't registering. I stay back and watch a partner quickly pick up and drop each flag so he could get the points. :/
I completely disagree actually, I enjoy it a lot. As others have said, there are so many different tactics to the game. the last minute plays that are possible can be incredible, like when you take the enemy base and move all 3 of their flags out of the hill 3 seconds before the collect timer runs out.
YES! I saw this thread and was going to complain about this. So many times i've been the only one on the team working for flags, only for the flags to be collected and I still have 0 points. Its just not right :/ this has made me wonder about a tug of war version, hear me out: Spoiler map symmetrical (hopefully there will be a sandbox-type map), flag spawns in the middle, and a score area covers each half (maybe a small strip of neutral ground) After a minute, whoever has moved the flag into their side (even if its minutely) you score, flag reset. I think that could be good... you'd want to drive it back to your side as much as possible, and i see it being a Conquest type thing. Thoughts? also, saw it here first ;D claimed bishes But I enjoy Stockpile regardless of map if the players dont "cheat". But thats like all games really, maybe you need to get a game going with a full team? i'd be willing for it... That may cause you to enjoy it more
yes, that could work unrelated topic, i think the skulls in headhunter need to be heavier and made to fall straight down no matter what
IH8Y0URG4M3RT4G... He means your TEAMMATES can't move the flags once they're in your pile. They just take your points with little to no work, there's nothing benificial of having your own team be able to grab the flag you planted.
This. The new conquest. It should be so that your scoring area is where the enemy spawns, so you have to drive towards them with the flag and they can push back. If it was possible to make it so you scored different amounts of points for different areas, the enemy's spawn would score the most points and the middle areas would score the least.
OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU we are colabing on this one. You get no choice. We has claims. Thats genius, both versions would be great me thinks, with loadouts you could make sprint the only option, and spray and pray weaps wherever. I think we have something here...
Talking about teammates, I can't stand it when morons remove our own flags from our own base. Or when your teammate brings the flag to the other team. Seriously...