I just wanted to see what people noticed that could give us great opportunities for amazing customs. just a few here... keep in mind this is all speculation. Turning off the lift in Sword Base for one flag starting with plasma 'nades starting with single 'nades maps changing weapons for Covie slayer and Regular slayer instant Jug transition (I think) Jug invincible for a while in his life span Nipple Plateau Callouts Enabling Armor Abilities with objective items Armor Ability duration. Customizable Loadouts. Jetball I'll try to keep a running list for all of the new info posted...
Enabling Armor Abilities with objective items Armor Ability duration. Customizable Loadouts. Is there a one-sided version of Stockpile?
If Bungie allows to have our own call out points on our Forged maps, that will definitely improve the game play a lot when it comes to playing custom games. No more needing to teach someone the call out points.
Head Pile (Headhunter + Stockpile) Every headshot drops a skull, take it to your base and hold to score! Lock-n-Block King of the Hill with Armor Lock and Plasma Launcher Loadout Marathon Man Vip Race with Sprint and Hammer Loadout
if you can set up the invasion gametype how you want, its gonna be sexy. just think, capture 25 skulls, then race to the top of the map to grab a flag (or energy core) then run somewhere with that, etc. you could set up a wicked sweet mini-campaign.
Jetball would be awesome, but what happens while waiting for the jet pack to recharge. If the recharge time on equipment can be changed for custom games that would be epic.
I had a good idea for a minigame. Dibs on it. If stockpile has a FFA mode then I want to make a map where the hill is in the centre under a grate like structure and the grate is unbreakable for spartans and elites but flags can be thrown down, you can think of the rest
From the game Condemned 2: Bloodshot - Crime Scene – another gametype putting the SCU agents against the Influenced. The Influenced must hide two cases of evidence, while the SCU agents must use their equipment to find and scan the evidence before time runs out. Converted to Halo: Reach - Crime Scene [One Sided Stockpile] - Spartans against Elites if possible. The Elites hide the two flags, while the Spartans search around and find them before the time runs out. Filters will be made to darken the map. Plasma Pistols will be used as flash lights.
agreed. if it you can't make it infinite, it would still be a good variant played on a regular box grifball map. if you CAN make it infinite, I'd like to play it with two platforms for the score/spawn areas, one small one for the ball in the middle, and the rest open air. Instead of watching just forward back left right, you'd have to watch below and above you. Of course, only IF there is a skybox type area to forge in
This is actually a good idea that could produce interesting results if you can do this. Also, I have thought of an idea for a gametype inspired by a medal I won on SWAT. Headcase- [Headhunter] - This would be SWAT with a twist. You would get skulls for headshoting a person. I would also make it so it's headshot only. Once you get the skulls you would deposit them in headhunter fashion. I would probably add one sniper rifle in the middle for people to fight over. If I can I will also make a team varient of this.
I expect grifball will have a nice new court (the chess video) and the jetpack has a moderate recharge time so it could work for a map with a floor. I cannot wait to start making new custom games with the class system.
I'd wonder how some sort of Sprinting game would work. It would be more like track, maybe the players would have to pass through territories to get points. If they allow that, I call dibs.
There was a Racing gametype in the most recent ViDoc. It looked like you had to get to all the waypoints before crossing the finish line and completing a lap. There was a speedometer though, so it might be primarily mongeese... wait, could that mean forced vehicles as a Loadout spawn?