Well, I got on yesterday, waited the hour it took to dl the beta, played it last night and now my cable that brings the video and audio (AV Cable I believe its called) is shot to hell. At least I think thats the problem. I got off work today and came home to play and all I get on the tv is the sound, no visuals. Now I am about to go buy a new cable, unless someone knows what might have happened. My questions are as follows: -Has this happened to anyone else? -Do you know if Reach is HD only and that may be the reason it messed up the cable? -Was there a setting for Reach to be in HD or standard and I didnt see it? You see, I am broke due to my House, car, insurance, gas and electric bills plus a baby and wife... therefore I cannot own an HD tv at the moment. Any help would be much appreciated.
I play Reach fine without an HDTV or changing any settings... Must be something wrong with your cable.
The cable probably has a HDTV and TV switch somewhere on it. If that gets flipped the cable stops working.
No it was set on TV, it probably is just the cable. It just seems so convenient to happen now. Last night while I was playing, the colors kept fading and looking wierd every once in a while. I am gonna go get a new one in a minute, thanks guys.
I hear Korea will pay a lot for a baby, now-a-days. What's the poundage, I should be able to get you a rough estimate. If it's healthy you shouldn't have to worry about buying an A/V cable.
Make sure everything is plugged in and if it is it's either your TV or AV Cable. I haven't had any problems but my friend's HDMI cable doesn't work in his TV. Try pressing the menu button on your remote and peek around the settings.
dead serious when i say smack your TV until the picture comes back. I had this happen to me and all i had to do was whack my TV a few times and the picture would return. This same problem has happened to me on a number of TV's where the video connection ports on the back of the TV became loose or w/e inside the TV and tacking my anger out on the TV always made it do what i want(and no i did not do this before it got this way).
can you play other games, or is it just the Beta thats causing this? It does sound like you may be getting close to a red ringer edit: have you tried deleting the Beta and re-downloading it?
No, I cant see anything but my regular TV screen. It just says 'AUX' in the top corner as if the XBOX isnt even on. When I turn it on, I can hear the Dashboard just fine, but cant see it, just that same aux screen. I friggin cut the cover off the cable to see if the yellow one was split or melted and it wasnt so I went and bought a new one for nothing it didnt help at all. I tried on a different tv also so I called XBOX and whaddayano, suprise suprise, I have to send it in FOR THE FORTH TIME!!!!! So ya, you guys have fun with the beta, I will be sitting here after I played like 7 games last night and thats all. I swear, XBOXs are so terrible sometimes. They were even gonna charge me 119 bucks until I told them its the 4th time and then they started kissing my butt and they are fixing it for free. The wierd part is, everytime my XBOX has failed me, it was right after I downloaded something new, or bought a new game, and they were all Halo related. Seems fishy, but maybe just a coincidence. But I am too angry to continue typing, so I am gonna take a break now.
My old xbox did this, despite me buying a new cable, and changing around TVs. If you've tried everything on xbox.com, send it off. I just bought a new one, I still have that half-broken xbox here. Maybe you could play reach professionally without seeing anyone :L --- I'm also on my fourth xbox.
I have had my xbox for a year and a bit, no problems so far. My TV is not HD nor is the cable and I have reach and it works fine. Thanks, Lord Castellan Creed,
Is this a smart aleck remark? or are you just being thankful? I guarantee you will be having a problem one day. Almost everyone I know has had a problem at sometime. I am thinking about just buying a new one without out the harddrive and accesories, but it would just breakdown later. I found smoke coming out of the back of the console too but I already called last night so they will have the shipping box here in a couple days. So you guys have fun with your Beta games and having a blast testing everything out, every time I start thinking about it I wanna throw the XBOX at a brick wall, I mean Cmon, 2 and a half years and I have had to get it repaired 4 times and its always after I dl something cool. Its truly ridiculous.