Does anyone miss the Battle Rifle? I don't. the DMR is more fun to use, its even more fun to be killed by.
the br caused too much frustration in halo 3, when it didnt work how you would expect it too. (I havent actually used the DMR yet as microsoft havnt ****ing sent me through my code they said they were going to send, so i cant judge)
I miss the BR since september 2007 But I don't really like the DMR either, it feels just too slow, I prefer the pistol
Meh. All of the refinements to the weapons in this game make sense and injects more skill and tactics to the gameplay. I miss it, but I don't miss it that much to bring back a weapon that's OP and easy to use.
I feel that the DMR is much much more reliable and accurate, and just feels like a more solid weapon even though it is technically weaker. The BR was just too iffy, even though it played a legitimate semi-power weapon for all ranges, which was the problem with it.
I would like the DMR better if it had a shorter firing cap. But right now I miss the BR. I guess I don't have the same complaints as most of you because I never played seriously, and the BR was never really a problem.
Burst firing weapons are for people who want something to fire at range but are not good enough to hit with a single shot weapon and cannot figure out how to hug corners to play with a close range weapon. The BR basically spread out your chances for hits so an essentially single shot weapon is easier to use. I figure the DMR will probably spawn even more complaints than the BR because single shot weapons are harder to use. I may be biased because I will trade the BR out for a covenant carbine every chance, and I only use the Barrett, M21 EBR, and Desert Eagle in Modern Warfare.
I don't miss the H3 BR very much, but I don't like the DMR too much either. The bloom on the reticule feels too quick for me. Maybe a slightly quicker recovery time on the bloom would be a nice change. I use the Needle Rifle (not positive on the name) anytime I see it. The NR has a more controllable reticule bloom and the extra shots are not difficult to hit. I will admit, when the MLG wannabe's start making XxMLGx5xShotZxX gamertags, I will laugh.
I don't. The BR was far too annoying to be killed by. I can't count the amount of times I wanted to throw my controller against a wall after being 4-shot'd over and over and over. I feel that the DMR, while intended to be a replacement of sorts, actually does what the BR was supposed to do. I like the fact that I actually have to think while using it. Spamming the trigger just gets you nowhere, and you have to pace your shots in order to get good kills. Same with the Magnum. Want kills? Pace yourself, pal. The Needle Rifle is more like the BR, but is less readily available. Still, though, if you want to continue racking up kills, you need to learn to pace your shots.
Not even... the BR just felt like a weapon that's like "Oh four shots okay I'm done." Overpowered much?