Don't flame the game until you've played it!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SRC48, May 3, 2010.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    On bungie, there's tons of people posting on how "Reach suxx", "DMR is bad", etc.

    I ask you to read my thread. : Halo Reach Beta Forum : READ THIS BEFORE POSTING
    Sorry, it's long, but it's necessary I think. People expect to hop on a brand new game like it's the good ol' halo 3 they know and love. It's different, like it's supposed to be. Before posting a hate thread I want everyone to at least play 25 games, so they're somewhat accustomed. Right now, people playing 2 or so games are hating on this amazing game. Give it a chance people...
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    It's the forums. What do you expect?
  3. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    The DMR does need a slight damage boost...and the nades are insanely overpowering...says me shad0wviper and chrstphrbrnn who have played like 150 games each...

    So some stuff defiantly needs to change which is why there is a beta..the game is not perfect right now so please don't put your heart on that it is.

    But yeah I agree with the fact about the server crash threads because there is like 500,000 people playing and they got overloaded, Bungie is fixing lol.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I was talking with my friend and he said that the game is definitely more challenging and more along the lines of Shadow Run in terms of skill required for mastery, especially with regards to reticule bloom.

    Bungie said that it takes four shots with the pistol and dmr each, so why exactly does it need a damage boost? (Forgive me, I haven't played yet, but I'm curious to understand your reasoning.)
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Its four shots to pop the shield and one for the headshot.

    Also, I think the DMR is perfectly fine the way it is. It doesnt need to be the battle rifle. A capable user can still make it a worthy tool for any job.
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Yes, the DMR is not supposed to be the all rounder in Halo 3. Bungie wanted every weapon to have a purpose and in halo 3 and maybe 2, the BR filled most roles.
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah i think the dmr is fine. i dont want it to be too powerful.

    but the nades are definitely too powerful. i dont think a single nade should be able to kill you when you have full shields
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Yeah someone told Sage about the nades, so hes gonna nerf it.
  9. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Almost everyone on the MLG forums are crying about the bloom (probably because the keep getting outslayed by people who were level 20s in Halo 3. :p)
  10. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    The bloom is really only annoying on the sniper because it covers like half their body but all the other weapons I don't really have a problem with it.
  11. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I'm see why the grenades can be a problem, but really, if you practice it they aren't too hard to hear coming, then dodge. Maybe a very slight reduction in either damage, or blast radius would be for the better.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    *Hears Grenade*
    *Armour Locks*
    *Laughs Maniacally*
    *Exits Armour Lock*
    *Gets hit by another Grenade*

    To be fair though I'm loving this Beta. It's true it feels so very different to Halo 3 and I think that's putting some people off, but personally I love the changes:

    DMR is not "OMG Just use this weaponz to pwn all!"
    Grenades are...well, freaking balls of explosive death, I mean come on, they're Grenades, not firecrackers!

    My only gripe is that Active Camo and Sprint seem a bit underpowered compared to Jet Pack and Armour Lock. Sprint should, I dunno, make you even faster than it currently does, just a little. Active Camo is silly with the Radar Scrambling part, I say don't have it effect anyone else's radar at all, but have it turn off your radar all together, that way people aren't alerted to your presence (unless you're moving) but you can't camp very easily because you don't know if anyone is nearby.
  13. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I disagree entirely, it's great for powerhouse; you just have to wait in a building in headhunter and wait until you see a dude on your motion senser, then you cloak and watch the only dot that isn't flying around like a madman and when he comes in the door, you assassinate him and laugh manically.
  14. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    I think that there are some complaints of reticule opacity with the human weapons. I've noticed that too, but I'm very happy with what they've given to us in the Beta. I think that most of the weapons can stay the same. Maybe they could change the Plasma Repeater, since I can't use it at all, but that might just be my complete inability with plasma weapons.

    Oh, and I actually find the camo scrambler to be effective. Honestly, every time I see my radar get scrambled, I start panicking and looking around everywhere.
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Reticule bloom is barely noticeable. Really. Just don't spam and you'll be fine. Though, my one reticule-related gripe is with the pistol and how it's quite hard to use when scoped in. However, I think that's fair to balance out its power. I'm only griping because I'm bad with it :p
  16. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Idk im back and forth on the whole scrambler with camo. In Cod that freaking sucked everyone knew when you were close to them, same here you see the scramble and your like well someone is invisible near by. Id rather it have ikd mb a little shorter time but quicker recharge and no scrambler. That way it really is a surprise attack. Or limit the radar jammer to not have a tone of little dots.
  17. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay, here's what I think Bungie should resolve after the beta.

    1: No Active Camo in King of the Hill. Why? Because Reach's camo last longer. You wont be able to find that Ass sitting in a corner getting points.

    2: Sprint with Gravity Hammer is way too F**king powerful. Literally, I've been ass raped 2,000 times with that combo.

    3: Im not gonna complain with the Matchmaking disabled, However the new system doesn't work. I tried playing a game with Teamwork, Fun, Polite and Quite. Instead I found a Match with Pros who literally get pissed at everything. Aren't Polite and Didnt play the Beta Like it was a new experience.

    4: HeadHunter is Rare! I was playing grab bag and I didnt find 1 game vote for Headhunter for any maps. Even though in the Multiplayer Vidoc (Carnival) It showed 2 teams.

    5: Assassinations: Sadly, I've had this problem 12 times. Everytime Im about to Knife a Spartan in the head, a guy just shoots the Assassinated person. Im really pissed at that problem.

    6: The Pistol: Bungie said that the Pistol is a 5 Shot Kill. Sadly that was a lie in Multiplayer. It takes 2 clips to kill one person.

    Besides some of those problems, I love Halo:Reach. I will be playing it until they shut it down.
  18. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    BR Spread sucks. Fix nao.
  19. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    weapons are all perfectly balanced, but i havent seen the pro pipe yet.
  20. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    It's in the slayer pro gametype in arena. At least in powerhouse it is, I'm not sure about swordbase

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