Halo: Reach Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Vincent Torre, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    You know what's stupid? Forcing the people who bought ODST to wait, when most people wouldn't have bought it if it hadn't been announced it had the beta access included in it.
  2. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Forcing the people with ODST to wait?
    Uhhh, the wait is for the actual date.

    The Pre-Beta is for "Friends and Family" of Bungie. So that means the affiliates etc. have the ability to play a couple days early. Seems fine to me.

    Why not? It's not like we're waiting for something we've paid for.

    You know what's stupid? Comments like the one you made.
  3. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Seriously guys, you've only got to wait half a day or so and then you've got at least 2-3 weeks to play as much as you want. Have a little patience and quit whining.
  4. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    the main reason would be a server melt down, everyone downloading it at the same time, its predicted about 2 hours for DL when released, if it was every hour time zone or every 2 hours, if they did that the time would be cut down, alot

    and im shure they would if it didnt cause too much trouble for them
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Bungie were always gonna give out some codes, they love viral hype. FaF is a somewhat misleading title I agree, it's more of an advanced release, though FaF was probably applied more as an industry term than something to read in to.

    I'll admit, playing the beta as a way to plug ODST was a little cheeky. But in the great scheme of things, there have been what, 1000-1500 codes given out aside from logical reasons (actual friends and family, press etc.)? Compared to how many people bought ODST, it's not as significant as some people are making out, and whilst it still seems a bit like moving the goalposts, the viral approach was only to be expected. Though I'll admit that's probably easier for me to say as someone who did get it early.
  6. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    I thought that the 2000 codes given out was to negigate the effects of the ExpertZone
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Heavy emphasis on these.
  8. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I personally think 3 days is a lot of time, I'm going spend every waking hour of the 17 days on Reach.

    I ONLY bought ODST for the beta. Now I have to wait and hear about everyone having 3 days of "super fun time". Not to mention that given the head start, there will be people beating me solely because they got more practise time.

    Senior Member

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    That's dumb.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    YOU bought Odst for the beta. That doesnt mean every other person who bought it for the same reason. You didnt have to buy it, you chose to, so quit bitching about it.

    You also chose to get on a fan site and read about the "super fun time" as well. Its three days. You wont even give a **** once you get on and start playing. You'll just be excited you're finally playing. Its the day of the beta, just get over it.
  11. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    No offense or anything but that's just sad...
    Okay maybe there is some offense there.
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Look, every single person in this thread needs to just chill.....

    Guys complaining: You're only going to have to wait about an hour or two max, so really, it's not that big a deal. You need to calm your nerves and chill, it's probably nothing awe-inspiring, it's just a beta.

    Guys yelling at complainers: Good job presenting the idea that they need to chill, but if they're going to complain, and obviously aren't going to stop, then just let them complain. If it bothers you just say "eh", skip it, and it's gun b k.

    In short, can't we all just get along?

    YouTube - Cute Animals, "Why Can't We Be Friends"
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    They can complain all they want... but seriously? Its ****ing pathetic how whiny some of these kids are.

    Your life isnt going to end because you got to join the party with the REST OF THE WORLD. Some people got special treatment by way of contest, which anyone couldve won, or by cheating, by which anyone couldve done. You're such a dedicated and loyal fan though? So are millions of other people. Do you think you matter that much to Bungie? Do they know your name? Do they call you after you get home from school? Does Luke text you in the morning to wish you a good day? Does Urk call you at night and tell you he loves you before bed? Seriously, get over yourselves.

    If this is the hardest thing you've had to endure so far, I pity you when you make it to the real world.
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Well, Urk calls him mom at night, I just happen to answer.

  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    If I really am one of those 'whiny kids', I might have to kill myself.

    I still feel as though they should have limited it to just Friends, Family and Affiliates though. That's what, a few thousand? Not 20,000+.

  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Juding by thr amount of people that are claiming their parents affect their decisions i'd say this is probably thr hardest thing they've had to endure.

    Seriosuly guys it is fun and all but you won't be playing for "every waking hour". It gets hella ****in boring with two maps. Sure invasion will liven it up but even still. Y'all just need to relax, it will download as fast as it downloads. There is no point in shoulda coulda wouldas. Plus there is likely to be a few 100k people playing..you won't get owned constantly by those who got it 3 days early.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It's not even the full game. I don't understand. Ah well only a couple more hours for most of ya'll. I'm waiting till saturday to play. I'm willing to bet I could stomp most of ya'll in here when I get on. Now we all have something to look forward too.
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Okay, so I posted this over at GoO for the curious minds, and figured Id post it here as well. Here are my thoughts on things. Bear in mind a lot of this is just opinion.

    Swordbase: Awesome! BUT also very confusing at first. It's still a bit confusing to be honest, and I've had a damn good number of games on it. This is my fav map so far. Plays pretty well with all gametypes. In one flag, the 2 lifts are blocked off, but the man cannon in the center atrium is still active. Its definitely the quickest route to score the flag (you can do it in less than 20 seconds I bet), but its not always easy. If done right, you can land on the path and just walk it home, but if you think youll fall short, throw the flag up there, or on the level below. See HERE for Dev and I coordinating a nice cap. If you don't use the man cannon, the route is fairly long. It winds from side to side, across the atrium a couple times on bridges, and you can get cut off by jetpackers pretty easily. The flag always has a waypoint on it as well (even if you are carrying it), so be wary. I tend to use either Jetpack or Sprint on Attack and either Armor Lock or Camo on Defense.

    When playing Stockpile on Swordbase, I usually go to Sprint or Jetpack, depending on which flag I plan on attacking. Jetpack can get you to a flag up high really quickly, but there's probably someone else thinking the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled. Sabotage can be pretty big on this map+gametype combo. You can thwart enemy scores frequently if you play smart. Which means if you get 2 or more flags in your score zone, you should wait and protect them until they score, and get a teammate to help you. Last night, my team went up 9-0 in the first 4 minutes, but the game ended up lasting the full 12 minutes cause they were consistently finding ways to sabotage our flags.

    Powerhouse is interesting, to say the least. Its not AS strong as Swordbase is, but it still plays some gametypes really well. One Flag is pretty fun, and the armor abilities really open up strategies a lot more than on Swordbase. You can find good reason to use any of them on both Attack and Defense, really. I tend to go with Armor Lock or Camo on D when the flag is at home. But if its outside the base or they have it, I tend to go with Sprint. On attack, it really just depends on how the opposing team is playing. If you're on D, you MUST grab the Rocket Launcher immediately. If you don't, game over. Luckily for you, they are pretty close to the D base. But they will be coming for them, so either send two people after them, or be prepared to use them immediately.

    Stockpile can be fun, but it has some drawbacks. Primarily, the red team has a pretty big advantage due to their elevation and defendable score point. Its hard to sabotage the red team (its all uphill and has a couple rough choke points), and pretty easy to sabotage blue team... which means that more often than not, red wins. You really have to play well together as a team in order to win as blue team. It can be done, but youd rather be red team.

    Team slayer isn't as good as I thought it'd be. In fact, its my least favorite map+gametype combo yet. There are no DMR loadouts, and even though there's 5 on the map + 2 Needle Rifles (learn their locations fast), it'd play MUCH better with a DMR loadout. Keep dibs on the Rockets and Pro Pipe (it spawns in the shower, in the Office building). Needler pwns bigtime on this map, btw. Use it. Live it. Love it.

    Stockpile: I've gone over this one pretty thoroughly so far. Sprint will be your best friend on Powerhouse, Sprint/Jetpack on Swordbase. Sabotage on Swordbase and protect your own flags. Pray for red team on Powerhouse.

    One Flag: Flag always has a waypoint on it, even if you're carrying it. If the opponent has it in their hands, Sprint on Powerhouse, Jetpack on Swordbase. To return the flag, you have to literally be right on top of the flag (not beside it, right on it) for a decent amount of time. If you happen to have armor lock, sit on the flag til you start to take damage, then armor lock. Manual flag returning is pretty hard. If you don't have AL, then get away from the flag and play it MLG style. Just slay them before they touch it.

    Swat: This is a TON of fun. Its a lot better than in the previous games, IMO. Its DMRs+Sprint, no radar. Fast paced, and best on Swordbase. One of my faves. You can exchange kills with an enemy pretty easily, which is odd, but whatevs

    Headhunter: AWESOME!!! I've only played it twice cause its not in Grab Bag (team headhunter isnt in the beta) and I haven't spent much time in FFA, but the times Ive played it are a blast. Note: Don't just assume youve nabbed their skulls once youve killed them. They bloom out a good bit, and you have to look around and run to them the grab them. the announcer will let you know when youve picked one up. You can use AA's while carrying skulls. Sprint is great for headhunter, but if you're on Swordbase, Jetpack may be necessary to get to some score points quickly. Both up and down (tap before you land so you don't take damage). It's almost a sport gametype. Lots of fun.

    Crazy King: Fun gametype, but the hill moves every 30 seconds, which is frustrating. You have one shot at it, and if you die, you might as well get in a position where you can attack the next one (where you think it will go). Armor Lock in a hill is nice, but if you don't use sprint or jetpack, you might not be able to get there quick enough for it to even matter. Hill movement needs to slow down.

    3 Plots: I've only played it once, but it was a lot of fun. Its basically Flag Rally, or a non-linear Conquest, where you can recapture territories. But they work like hills, so you gain a point/second for each territory your team controls. So a good team can run up the score pretty quickly. I only played on Swordbase, and dominated pretty easily.

    Covie Slayer: AMAZING!!! My fave gametype, and even better when combined with Swordbase. Actually has a Needle Rifle loadout thats paired with plasma pistol. Don't sleep on the PP as a regular old gun. Its been buffed up, and I have a couple kills with it already. Use it to finish players off after you've used a clip of your NR. Noob combo is effective too, but it can be evaded. EVADE! Its the best. Really, its dope. Lots of fun, and super strategic. I can really see MLG being pretty fond of it, and perhaps even utilizing it. Elites are faster, jump higher, and their health actually recharges. Combine that with Evade, and its a ton of fun to play as one. Go for the Needle Rifle loadout (i forget the name of it), and try and swap out your PP for a Repeater, cause it pwns pretty hard.

    Team Slayer: Needs Rifle loadouts.

    Sprint will be your best friend. Its the default loadout, and its always handy. Really speeds up the pace of the game, and Spartans can feel sluggish without it. I tend to use Sprint to get out of trouble and keep my deaths down. I use it more to leave a fight than to enter one.

    Armor Lock: Useful when you roll with a teammate. Engage in a battle, draw enemy fire, then lock and let your teammate finish them off.

    DMR: Get your rhythm down. Don't just spam bullets. Once your blooming pretty good, its pretty much a given that your bullets are going to the outer edges of the bloom, AKA you are missing shots. Especially if their shields have been popped, let the bloom come all the way down before you go for the finisher to the head. Good rhythm is something like 1..2..3..4.....5

    Magnum: The reticule is really hard to see in certain scenarios. Its faded and desaturated, and it blends well. It can be wildly inaccurate if you aren't toning your rate of fire down. But it is a pretty handy gun to have in your back pocket. I do find myself swapping it out for other weapons though like a Needler, or a Rifle while still keeping my AR.

    AR: Its not so much that its more powerful now, but more that the other weapons have been toned down some more. So, comparatively, it's fairly strong. Feather the trigger, cause the bloom can still work against ya.

    Repeater: Great weapon to pick up. Itd probably stronger then the AR, but I haven't tested it. Remember to vent it.. but its not the end of the world if you don't. It wont fire as fast, but itll be deadly accurate. It tears through shields.

    Plasma Pistol: stronger, can be used as a regular old gun. Noob combo is still very handy.

    Plasma Launcher: It has a learning curve, but it can be super deadly. Works best when an opponent is running at you or away from you. It tracks, but not too much, so if they are moving perpendicularly to you, you may miss. Remember that you don't have to fire 4 shots, and you typically don't need to. I like to fire 2 at a time. VERY valuable in One Flag on Swordbase. But it gets overlooked a lot. So you should always be thinking about checking for it if you can. Center bridge in the Atrium. In Covie Slayer, it replaces the Rocket Launcher near the D base.

    Focus Rifle: Awesome weapon. BTW, its real name is the Face Melter. It's definitely not easy to use, but pair it with Sprint and you can do a lot of damage. If you get in danger, book it outta there and regroup elsewhere so you can melt more faces. Remember that you don't have to kill them with it. Hold it on them for a second, then Rifle them if you can. Itll save the ammo and might be a bit quicker too. Spawns between the dormitory and Powerhouse Level 1, beneath the Ridge.

    Sword/Shotgun: Very deadly when paired with Sprint/Evade. Remember that melees can cancel each other, and for some reason, a standard melee CAN cancel a sword melee right now, so you still have a shot against it.

    Frags/Grenades: A bit overpowered. The radius has been increased a bit, and they do some serious damage. As you can see here, its my overall tool of destruction, and Im +51 with it.

    If you have any questions, ask away!
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    A fairly large chunk of those are people who cheated a system generator that was shut down shortly after. Those codes were for Gamestop employees and such. Yeah, they shouldnt have gotten the codes, but you couldve just as easily have gotten one as any of them did.

    Also, the press and reporters got codes too... If you really consider how many different game sites and magazines and other places are covering this, do you REALLY find it that hard to believe that many people are in the pre-beta?

    Get a job as a bungie employee! Itll solve all your life's woes!
  20. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I'd be willing to bet at least 10 days game time though.

    Earnest suggestion, or patronising insult?

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