I stumbled across this as I started playing with url names http://www.bungie.net/images/reachstats/maps/pgcr_bg/boneyard.jpg Is this the first ever image of this map or not? Just wondering.
Huh? Are you asking if this is the first image of a map which has had lots of screenshots floating around for at least 2 weeks and is currently being played in the Beta?
It's not currently played in the beta, maybe monday tho. And it seems to be a heavily edited pic of Boneyard.
I'm glad your playing boneyard in the BETA because I haven't seen it in the 60+ games I've played. I was asking a simple question, I googled "halo reach boneyard" and nothing came up for it so obv there can't be many circling around.
@b3nw there ar eplenty of videos on bungie of it in addition to screenshots...boneyard is only playable with the invasion gametype and wont be available at the start of the beta
A lot about Boneyard was revealed a couple of weeks ago, with whole video's about it. There hasn't beeen many screenshots, but we've seen a lot of gameplay on it.
Kk, I don't understand why people are posting with a hint of flaming because I did ask a question straight up in the title. Ahh okay, this is just the image of the map that is used in the stats for a game on bungie.net
As it sounds like you haven't actually seen anything on Boneyard, I found a link to one of the video's. Bungie.net : You Will Never Be THIS Good at Reach : 4/26/2010 9:42 AM PDT Its Invasion Slayer on Boneyard (It's different to normal Invasion, because you win from kills. Capturing territories gets you weapon/vehicle drops). Unfortunately you don't actually see much of the map because in this video he just sticks to one area.